Hexagram of SolomonHEXAGRAM OF SOLOMON a powerful occult sign which incorporates the TAU, a talisman of great strength
Good Luck TalismanA Chinese talisman featuring the immortal Liu-Hai, used in families for protection and good luck : includes the ying and yang and the eight trigrams
Hei-Tiki TalismanHEI-TIKI TALISMAN jade charm worn by Maoris to bring them good luck
Abracadabra TalismanABRACADABRA TALISMAN This word was supposed by the Gnostics to have magical properties, and it was widely adopted as a charm
Menat TalismanMENAT TALISMAN Incorporating the emblem of Hathor, the goddess of motherhood, this talisman protected ancient Egyptian women
Crescent and HandCRESCENT AND HAND TALISMAN an emblem of hospitality
NAIL TALISMANGNOSTIC NAIL TALISMAN 2nd century Gnostics wore these inscribed nails to protect them against lemures - spirits of the unhappy dead Date: 1923
Miss Adela Maddison, composer of new operaPage from The Sketch featuring a portrait of Adela Maddison, Irish composer of a new opera, The Talisman, which was performed at Leipzig on 19 November 1910. Date: 1910
Roman BullaROMAN BULLA TALISMAN featuring a Gorgons Head, guaranteed to ward off a magical attack
Gnostic TalismanGNOSTIC TALISMAN which provided protection against evil, both physical and moral
J. C. Vickery advertisement with Fums Up lucky mascot, WW1Advertisement for J C. Vickery, Their Majesties Jeweller, featuring an active service watch with luminous hands and figures and FUMSUP" for luck, a popular lucky charm or talisman for soldiers
Lucky WWI bulldog mascot designed by John HassallA luck-bringer for soldiers at the front designed by the famous poster artist, John Hassall, and showing a British bulldog overturning the German eagle
Advert for J. C Vickery lucky jewellery 1916J.C Vickery jewellers advertising two lucky jewellery items for soldiers to wear: lucky white heather for parting souvenirs 15ct gold & whole pearl pendent and glod chain or brooch
Chinese Luck TalismanCHINA Good luck talisman representing the immortal Liu-Hai
Utchet TalismanUTCHAT TALISMAN worn by the Ancient Egyptians, this incorporated the powerful Eye of Horus
Buddhist TalismanBUDDHIST DORJE TALISMAN protecting the wearer against magic and other evils
Representation of a cat, s. XVI. Bring clothing newborn and talisman against evil spirits. Japanese art. Sculpture. ITALY. VENETO. Venice. Museum of Oriental Art
Sicilian amber carvingAn ancient artifact of Sicilian amber, a crudely carved talisman. Image from Amber the Natural Time Capsule Fig.24
2 Adventurers & TalismanTHE TWO ADVENTURERS AND THE TALISMAN: one knight takes up the profferred task of fording the river, lifting a stone elephant and carrying it to the mountain top
Fecundity TalismanA Chinese talisman which ensures fecundity - count them, five bouncing boys ! You should be so lucky !
Against DemonsA Chinese talisman against demons
Eye-Agate TalismanEYE-AGATE TALISMAN Some agates, when cut, resemble an eye - so they are worn as a protection against the Evil Eye
FISH CHARMFISH TALISMAN Because the Greek word for fish, ICHTHYS, is a monogram for Jesus, early Christians perceived the fish as a magical sign
Cross TalismanCROSS TALISMAN For Christians, this symbol, representing the cross on which Jesus was crucified, offers powerful protection against his foe, the Devil
Serpent TalismanSERPENT TALISMAN The serpent is emblematic of wisdom and eternity, and the talisman which incorporates it should bestow the first and promise the second
Caduceus TalismanCADUCEUS TALISMAN symbolising wisdom and health, it was adopted by the medical profession who possess the first and bestow the second
Hand TalismanHAND TALISMAN incorporating other signs and symbols, this is a very powerful protective emblem
Greek Vowel TalismanGREEK VOWEL TALISMAN the seven Greek vowels were thought by some to have a special power, and were inscribed on talismans
Scarab TalismanSCARAB TALISMAN To the ancient Egyptians the scarab was the emblem of re- creation, making this carved stone talisman a favourable symbol
Tau TalismanTAU TALISMAN The letter T in ancient Greek, Hebrew and Semitic alphabets was sacred, and was adopted by the Christians as Saint Antonys Cross
Tibetan Food StampTIBETAN FOOD STAMP This talisman was pressed onto soft foodstuffs, creating an image which protected the lamas from evil spirits
Egyptian Ankh TalismanEGYPTIAN ANKH TALISMAN (also known as the crux ansata ) - the ancient Egyptian emblem of life
New Guinea TalismanNEW GUINEA TALISMAN grotesquely carved wooden figure, intended to frighten away evil spirits by being even more hideous than them
Conch Shell TalismanCONCH SHELL TALISMAN favoured by Buddhists who believe it confers many benefits on the wearer
Tusk TalismanTUSK TALISMAN carved in basalt, worn by the Etruscans in honour of Isis, hoping for her protection
Tortoise TalismanTORTOISE TALISMAN valued in the Far East as a protection against hostile magic
Egyptian Heart TalismanHEART TALISMAN worn by ancient Egyptians to frustrate sorcerers who might try to steal their souls