Mushrooms Larousse 1913A large number of mushroom varieties, with helpful information on which ones are edible, poisonous, or suspect
Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale (1864 - 1892) - elder son of Edward VII, died of pneumonia aged 28. Date: circa 1890
Dutch Witch Trial C17Trying a suspect for witchcraft in Holland : she is being weighed on a balance, but what that is supposed to prove I can t tell you
DUKE OF CLARENCE 1892ALBERT VICTOR, DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE (1864 - 1892), Elder son of Edward VII; with his fiancee Mary of Teck (later married to George V) before his death aged 28
Duke of ClarenceALBERT VICTOR, DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE (1864 - 1892), Elder son of Edward VII, died of pneumonia aged 28; drawn at Sandringham 24 hours after his premature death
Man shows identity papers to gendarmes, September 1939Man suspected of being a foreigner presents his papers of identity to two paramilitary police officers for inspection in Paris, shortly after the outbreak of war. Date: 1939
Gooseberry russula, Russula queletii, and winecork brittlegill, Russula adusta. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A
Milkcap mushroom, Lactarius controversus, and woolly milkcap, Lactarius torminosus. Chromolithograph by Lassus after an illustration by A
DUKE OF CLARENCEALBERT VICTOR, DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE (1864 - 1892), Elder son of Edward VII, died of pneumonia aged 28. Date: 1888
POINTING FINGERS 1933Villagers suspect a girl of sin : Cast off by the husband she loved, Margaret stumbled past the prying eyes of the neighbours : they, too, believed the wicked lies Date: 1933
French police interrogating a suspectInterrogating a suspect, Paris Date: 1890
The wheelbarrow remote control detonation devicePhotograph showing the wheelbarrow remote control detonation device in the bucket of a JCB being used to deal with a suspect device on the top deck of a double decker bus, Omagh district, 1975
Edible mushroom, Russula virescens, and suspect green Russula furcata and brown Russula nigricans.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)
Austrian troops with suspect peasant, Galicia, WW1Austro-Hungarian troops in Galicia on the eastern front during the First World War, taking a suspect peasant to their Commander. Date: 1914
Iraq / Al AmarahThough clearly identified as being in Abyssinia by the printmaker, we suspect this is the town in Iraq, formerly known as Amara. The costumes are more arabic than african
Bashful model and six policemenThe Bashful Model. It takes six policemen to restrain a suspect long enough for him to be photographed
Vehicle dealing with suspect car, Templemore Avenue, East BePhotograph of the vehicle dealing with a suspect car in Templemore Avenue, East Belfast, 1977. From a group of four photographs of the remotely-controlled ?Wheelbarrow
Madeline DidionMADELINE DIDION - French lady of whom we know nothing, tho we suspect she was given to Good Works. Its a nice engraving, though - her lace collar beautifully rendered. Date: 1798 - ?
Anthropometric MeasureAn anthropometric measurement is taken of a male suspect. Date: 1892
Russia / 1918 / TribunalBolsheviks take a suspect to a Revolutionary Tribunal. Date: 1918
French police searching a suspectSearching a suspect at a prefeture Date: 1869
Edible bolete or porcino nero, Boletus aereus, and suspect lurid bolete, Boletus luridus.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)
Poisonous rust-orange color Russula rubra and suspect brown Russula foetens mushrooms.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)
Suspect mushroom, Tricholoma rutilans and poisonous sulphur tricholoma, T. sulfureum.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)
Edible mushrooms: Hygrophorus eburneus, H niveusEdible mushrooms: Hygrophorus eburneus, H. niveus and H. pratensis. and suspect H. coccineus.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)
William Edward NorrisWILLIAM EDWARD NORRIS Prolific British novelist whose titles - such as Harry and Ursula - have not been read by me nor, I suspect, by you. Date: 1847 - 1925
Ww Gull / Van Fair / 1875WILLIAM WITHEY GULL Medical Date: 1816 - 1890
Brotherley SurveillanceAfter the Paris Commune, the Lodge of Perfect Equality set traps for individuals suspected of insurrection under the pretext of initiations
Weighing a Dutch WitchA witchcraft trial in Holland - the unfortunate suspect is weighed in a balance, though what that proves isn t clear... What is a witch supposed to weigh ? Date: 17th century
Possible Bomb ThreatPolice officer on Westminster Bridge by Big Ben on the walkie talkie radio checking out a suspect package in a briefcase - suspect bag Metropolitan Police, London
Suspect PeasantThough serfdom is abolished, many peasants seek further reforms : police visit the home of a suspected dissident who cringes before them
Hunting NihilistsHunting for terrorists : a suspect is brought into a police office at St Petersburg on suspicion of terrorism - members of the public are asked to identify him
Racial / Japan 1875Progress of civilisation in Japan is the caption for this illustration, but we suspect the writer is being ironic
Road Block / Germany / 1921During political unrest suspect cars are stopped on country roads
Singer Foldaway ModelThis Singer model can be folded away so that your visitors will never suspect you make your own clothes (except by looking at the clothes)
Ww Gull / Colour LithWILLIAM WITHEY GULL Medical Date: 1816 - 1890
Duke of Clarence / DowneyALBERT VICTOR, DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE Elder son of Edward VII, died of pneumonia aged 28
Duke of Clarence / Iln 85ALBERT VICTOR, DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE Elder son of Edward VII, died of pneumonia aged 28
Duke of Clarence / SepiaALBERT VICTOR, DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE Elder son of Edward VII, photographed in Scottish dress with his brother George (later George V)
Duke of Clarence / BeaglesALBERT VICTOR, DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE Elder son of Edward VII, died of pneumonia at the age of 28
Ordeal by DuckingORDEAL BY DUCKING The suspect is bound and thrown into a river; if he drowns he is innocent, if he floats he is guilty
Ordeal by Cold WaterORDEAL BY COLD WATER TUB The suspect is bound tightly and immersed in a tub of cold water; if he drowns he is innocent, if not, not
Ordeal by Boiling WaterORDEAL BY BOILING WATER The suspect is required to plunge his hand into boiling water - if he can bear it, he is innocent, if not, not
Ordeal by Redhot MetalORDEAL BY RED-HOT METAL The suspect is required to grasp a bar of heated metal - if he can hold it, he is innocent, if not, not
Zealous Policeman / C1830A zealous policeman physically apprehends a suspect right outside the police station
FUNGHI / CORDIER 32 1876Cantharellus Cibarius (Edible) Cantharellus Aurantiacus (Suspect)
Crime / Maybrick / 1889The coroners inquest at the Maybrick. Mrs Florence Maybrick is eventually found guilty of poisoning her husband, James Maybrick and imprisoned
Fremont Exploration 1John Fremont, in the course of his exploration of the Oregon Trail, encounters native Americans who for some reason suspect his motives
Law / Police / FranceTaking the measurements of a suspect, using the Bertillon system