Suffragette Hen Pecked Husband Suffers. Poor Hen-Pecked husband cleans out the fire while wife tells him what to do. Caption reads, My Wifes joined the suffrage movement
All dressed up - an the button would go! A little girl suffers a wardrobe malfunction before having to make the choice between her two suitors...! Date: 1954
Accident- Snow from RoofA REGULAR DAMPER - AND NO MISTAKE Having left an exhibition on Swiss avalanches a tatty man suffers a similar fate courtesy of a roof clearer !
NEBUCHADNEZZAR MADKing of Babylon, late in life he suffers a mysterious illness which requires him to adopt a vegetarian diet, and his behaviour becomes animal like for a while Date: 604 - 562 BC
Bonzo Suffers From Overwork by George StuddyBonzo Suffers From Overwork. He is fast asleep after a rummage through his mistresss sewing basket. Date: 1923
Girl looks longingly at her unobtainable hearts desireA girl looks longingly and very sadly at her unobtainable hearts desire, sadly buried in a prickly thistle. Date: 1906
Epileptic AttackAn epileptic suffers an attack in the street
Nebuchadnezzar MadNebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, late in life suffers a mysterious illness which requires him to adopt a vegetarian diet, and his behaviour becomes animal like
Boer War; StormbergBATTLE OF STORMBERG Gatacre, misled by guides, runs into trouble when he attacks the Boer position and suffers heavy losses
Mussorgsky / Boris / Liebig6Act Four : Boris suffers another fit and, sensing his end is nigh, calls for his son and declares him his legitimate successor
Mona Lisa NightmareM. Homelle, director of Frances Musees Nationaux, suffers nightmares when the Mona Lisa is stolen from the Louvre !
Mesmers PatientMesmers reputation suffers when mlle Paradis, a blind patient he failed to cure, turns up at the French court playing clavecin at Marie Ant- oinettes spiritual concert