Isis with Cows HeadIsis, depicted with a cows head, suckles her son Horus - one of the many ways in which she is show, this emphasises her role as Mother Goddess
Cow Goddess Hathor nursing Pharaoh HoremhebFragment of a granite statue depicting cow goddess Hathor nursing Pharaoh Horemheb. Reign of Horemheb. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1319-1292 BC. Date: 13th century BC
Wet nurse feeds baby using a goatA Cuban wet nurse feeds a baby in her care using the milk from a goat, who is actively participating in the exchange! 1907
Baby feeding directly from a goatAn Indian Baby feeds directly from a goat in possibly the most bizarre and unsettling postcard ever produced.... Date: circa 1920s
She-wolf suckles the boys Romulus and RemusItaly, Tuscany, Siena: A she-wolf suckles the boys Romulus and Remus - the founders of Rome. Date: 2010
Spouting Whale-FishA spouting WHALE-FISH suckles its young, while a SEA-PIG watches with interest
Isis Suckles HorusISIS she suckles Horus in the papyrus swamps