Rude GargoyleGargoyle on a medieval seminary (now a girls school) at Tours, France : masons often amused themselves by cutting such subjects on respectable buildings
Virgils Tomb (1785). Wright, Joseph of Derby 1734-1797. Wright travelled in Italy from 1774-76 and produced many fine drawings of classical subjects and geological curiosities
Tatler front cover: Duchess of York and Princess ElizabethThe Tatler front cover featuring a photograph of the Duchess of York (later Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother) with Princess Elizabeth of York (later Queen Elizabeth II) taken in July 1927
George V and Mary, Coronation Durbar, Delhi, IndiaKing George V and Queen Mary sitting on their imperial thrones on the day following the Coronation Durbar ceremony in Delhi, India
Bear WaiterLord Suffield, having shot this bear in Russia, subjects it to the further indignity of being stuffed by Mr Ward and made to serve as a dumb waiter
Indoor filmingTelevising a Spanish scene at the Crystal Palace, filmed on cine-film at the studios of the Baird Television Company. On the 2nd February 1935 the Baird system transmitted indoor
Puysegurs Magnetic ElmPUYSEGUR His magnetic elm at Buzancy, which he magnetised, and which magnetised his subjects in their turn
Edward Vii / As King 1903An allegory of Empire : Edward VII stands surrounded by his loyal and devoted imperial subjects Date: 1902
Alexander TvardovskyALEXANDER TVARDOVSKY Russian poet, whose subjects were peasant life, collective farms, and the spiritual growth of the soldier during the Great Patriotic War
Coralline species, Corallina auriculariaeformis. (Cactus coralline, Halimedia opuntia?) Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new
Chrichton Studios AdvertisementAn advertisement page for the Chrichton Studios Ltd, London based commercial art company, comprising of 30 artists. Images include subjects of men's fashion, travel and still life
Vergil's First Eclogue WoodcutsA series of three woodcut prints (first state) depicting scenes of nature under light and dark skies. These subjects were used from Ambrose Phillips imitation of Vergil's First Eclogue (1821)
Still Life PaintingStill life oil painting, subjects include drink bottles, butter, sweets, fruit, cutlery, and a bowl of eggs. Date: circa 1930
THE CZAR SEEKS RECRUITSCzar Nicholas II pleads for willing recruits...he has, after all, always treated his subjects so well... Date: 1914
ERNEST RENAN (1823 - 1892), French philosopher who specialised in religious subjects, photographed just after the publication of his Vie de Jesus (1863)
King George V (1865-1936) - Coronation Souvenir postcard - June 22, 1911 (the King ascended to the throne on May 6, 1910). Date: 1911
Recruiting posterFollow the Drum by the well-known painter of military subjects, Frank Dadd (1851-1929), was reproduced as a poster and issued by the late Mr JC Eno of Enos Fruit Salt fame in the early days of
Cartoon, Natural Allies (Irish Republic and Abyssinia)Cartoon, Natural Allies -- a satirical comment on two of Britains enemies, Abyssinia and the Irish Republic, being natural allies to each other
Sea unicorn or narwhal, Monodon monoceros. Rare specimen with double tusks. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Bootlace worm, Lineus longissimus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804
Leech, Hirudo circulans. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804
Candystick tellina shell, Tellina similis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London
Slender grasshopper, Tetrix subulata (Awl-shaped acrydium, Acrydium subulatum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Green grasshopper, Omocestus viridulus (Gryllus viridulus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Ctenicera cuprea beetle (Elater chalybeus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London
Bugulina avicularia (Flustra avicularis). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London
Arran brown, Erebia ligea (Papilio ligea). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London
Sand worm with crimson feelers, Amphitrite rosea. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects
Field cricket, Gryllus campestris (Acheta campestris). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Sea star or starfish, Hippasteria phrygiana (Asterias equestris?). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Harlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus (Anas histrionica). Male and female. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Ground beetle, Drypta dentata (Golden-mouthed carabus, Carabus chrysostomos). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Sarosesthes fulminans beetle (Cerambyx fulminans). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects
Minotaur beetle, Typhaeus typhoeus (Scarabaeus pumilus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Marbled coronet moth, Hadena confusa (Phalaena x-scriptum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Rove beetle, Velleius dilatatus (Serrated-horned staphylinus, Staphylinus concolor). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Sea slug or sea hare, Aplysia punctata (Aplysia hybrida). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Ichneumon fly, Rhyssa persuasoria (Ichneumon persuasorius). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Sand tube-building annelid fanworm, Pectinaria belgica (Nereis pectinata). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Brill or kite fish, Scophthalmus rhombus (Pleuronectes rhombus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Western barbastelle bat, Barbastella barbastellus barbastellus (Vespertilio barbastellus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new
Eurasian water shrew, Neomys fodiens (Sorex ciliatus, fringe-tailed water shrew-mouse). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new
Sand bee parasite, Stylops melittae. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804
Sponge, Spongionella pulchella (Spongia pulchella). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects
Breadcrumb sponge, Halichondria panicea (Compact tubular sponge; Spongia compacta). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Porella compressa (Millepora compressa). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London
Sea fan, Gorgonia species (Slender gorgonia, Gorgonia viminalis?). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Beadlet anemone, Actinia equina. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804
Norway king crab or northern stone crab, Lithodes maja. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Mining bee, Andrena nigroaenea (Melitta nigro-aenea). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Green-brindled dot moth, Valeria oleagina (Phalaena Bombyx oleagina). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Carabus rotundicollis beetle. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804
Dor beetle or earth-boring dung beetle, Geotrupes puncticollis (Scarabaeus spiniger). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new
Aphodius arenarius beetle (Scarabaeus ovalis). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects
Hairy sandwasp, Podalonia hirsuta (Ammophila hirsuta). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Spiny cockle, Acanthocardia aculeata (Cardium spinosum). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Tube-building annelid fanworm, Spirobranchus triqueter. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Polychaete worm, Phyllodoce lamelligera (Nereis lamelligera). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Young smooth snake, Coronella austriaca (Dumfriesshire snake, Coluber dumfrisiensis). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new
Carabus nitens beetle. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804
Click beetle, Selatosomus aeneus (Elater cyaneus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects
Parrot shrimp, Spirontocaris spinus (Spine backed shrimp; Cancer spinus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Opah, Lampris guttatus (Zeus opah). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804
Ferruginous pochard, Aythya nyroca (Anas nyroca, olive-tufted duck). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Harvestman spider, Megabunus diadema. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804
Scotch Argus butterfly, Erebia aethiops (Papilio blandina). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Red-tailed bumblebee, Bombus lapidarius (Apis flavicollis) on a thistle. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Northern dune tiger beetle, Cicindela hybrida. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects
Glossy ibis, Plegadis falcinellus (Bay ibis, Tantalus falcinellus). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Swan mussel, Anodonta stagnalis (Mytilus stagnalis). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Long-horn isopod, Astacilla longicornis (Oniscus longicornis). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Brixton Beauty, Acontia nitidula (Phalaena catena). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects
Purple-edged copper butterfly, Lycaena hippothoe. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects
Sea worm, Amphitrite ventilabrum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, London, 1804
Dark green fritillary, Argynnis aglaia (Charlotte butterfly, Papilio charlotta). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Sowerbys beaked whale, Mesoplodon bidens (Physeter bidens, two-toothed cachalot). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Sowerby from The British Miscellany, or Coloured figures of new, rare
Christmas card, Present TimeChristmas card by Robert Dudley, Present Time (Father Christmas, Old Father Time and children with presents and a tree). (5 of 5) Date: circa 1890s
Christmas card, Playing TimeChristmas card by Robert Dudley, Playing Time (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter playing with a blindfolded Old Father Time). (4 of 5) Date: circa 1890s
Christmas card, Greeting TimeChristmas card by Robert Dudley, Greeting Time (Father Christmas shaking hands with Old Father Time). (3 of 5) Date: circa 1890s
Christmas card, Coming TimeChristmas card by Robert Dudley, Coming Time (the New Year replacing the Old Year). (2 of 5) Date: circa 1890s
Cover design, Christmas cards, Whirligig of TimeCover design by Robert Dudley, Christmas cards, The Whirligig of Time. (1 of 5) Date: circa 1890s
Comic Christmas card, scene from The TempestComic Christmas card designed by Robert Dudley -- a scene from The Tempest, with Ferdinand lured by Ariel played by a turkey (holding a pudding), and Prospero supervising in the background
Cover design, Christmas cards with Shakespeare subjectsCover design by Robert Dudley, Christmas cards with Shakespeare subjects. (1 of 5) Date: circa 1890s
Representative races of His Majestys Indian EmpireOur Hundred Million Dusky Fellow-Subjects : Representative Races of His Majestys Indian Empire. Photograph diagram representing the different regions