The Ghost Story by Alfred BestallA family sit in the dark by a blazing fire, rigid with fear while listening to a ghost story told by an aged relative
Storytelling to children on the beach during the summerChildren sitting on the beach listening to stories
A Terribold Tale by George RansteadAn old man sits in a chair telling a tall tale to his terrified friend. Drawing on a postcard by George Ranstead, an amateur artist of the Great War who served in the Army Pay Corps
Minstrels sing stories of heroesMinstrels sang of the famous deeds of heroes. A medieval minstrel with a celtic harp sings stories to a rapt audience of men, women and children
A Mother reads a story to her children. Delightful watercolour sketch by Raymond Sheppard
Myth / Arabian NightsScheherazade, Dinarzade and the Sultan
Grandmother StorytellingOld woman telling stories to her many grandchildren