Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, Lord ProtectorPortrait of Oliver Cromwell, 1599-1658, parliamentary leader in the English Civil War, Lord Protector. In suit of plate armour. Copperplate stipple engraving by G
A distant view of Edinburgh, 1804A distant view of Edinburgh and the castle, 1804. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by William Holl from Dr
View of Cambridge University, 1799View of King's College Chapel, the Public Library and Senate House at Cambridge University, 1799. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving by Giovanni Vendramini from Dr
Portrait of Daniel Rutherford, botanistDaniel Rutherford, MD, FLS, physician and botanist, Professor of Botany at the University of Edinburgh, 1749-1819
Thomas Martyn, Professor of Botany, Cambridge UniversityReverend Thomas Martyn, BD FRS, botanist, Regius Professor of Botany at the University of Cambridge, 1735-1825
A view of the Palais-Royal, Paris, 1800A view of the Palais-Royal, Paris, with colonnades and shopping arcades, 1800. Handcoloured engraving by John Roffe after an illustration by Surant from Dr
William Withering at Caldas da Rainha, 1794William Withering analysing the mineral content of the medicinal spa at Queen's Bath or Caldas da Rainha in Portugal, 1794. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Dr
Portrait of William Withering, physician and botanist, 1741-1799William Withering, MD, FRS, physician, geologist, chemist and botanist, Fellow of the Linnaean Society, 1741-1799
Portrait of Sebastian Vaillant, French botanist, 1669-1722Oval portrait of Sebastian Vaillant, French botanist, author of Botanicum Parisiense, 1669-1722. Engraving by James Hopwood after a portrait by Aubriet
Portrait of Sebastian Vaillant, French botanist, 1669-1722Oval portrait of Sebastian Vaillant, French botanist, author of Botanicum Parisiense, 1669-1722. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Hopwood after a portrait by Aubriet
Scientific inventions of Stephen Hales in a gardenGarden landscape with inventions of Stephen Hales using a bell jar and pneumatic trough for scientific experiments on plant physiology and transpiration in plants
The Pantheon, Paris, mausoleum for French citizens and heroesThe Pantheon at Paris, mausoleum for French citizens and heroes. Engraving by William Hopwood after Jacques Louis David. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Dr
Portrait of Stephen Hales, chemist and inventorOval portrait of Reverend Dr. Stephen Hales, FRS, natural philosopher, botanist, chemist and inventor, author of Vegetable Staticks, 1677-1761
Oval portrait of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, French naturalistOval portrait of Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Le Chevalier de Lamarck, French soldier, naturalist and academic, professor of botany of the National Institute, 1744-1829
William Curtis collecting plant specimens, 18th centuryWilliam Curtis and other gentlemen botanists collecting plant specimens in a rural landscape, England, 18th century. Frontispiece to Flora Londinensis
Oval portrait of William Curtis, botanist and publisherOval portrait of William Curtis, FLS, apothecary, botanist and publisher, author of the Flora Londinensis and The Botanical Magazine, 1746-1799
Oval portrait of William Woodville, physician and botanistView of William Woodville's inoculating hospital at Pancras, London, engraving by Thomas Woolnoth after an illustration by George Shepherd. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Dr
Oval portrait of William Curtis, botanist and publisherOval portrait of William Curtis, FLS, botanist and publisher, author of the Flora Londinensis and The Botanical Magazine. 1746-1799
Jasmine, Jasminum officinale. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving by Wetton after a botanical illustration by Peter Henderson from Dr
Portrait of Charles Bonnet, Genevan naturalistCharles Bonnet, FRS, Genevan naturalist and author of Contemplation of Names, 1720-1793. Surrounded by the Chain of Nature with figures of orders of zoology, botany and mineralogy
Oval portrait of William Woodville, physician and botanistOval portrait of William Woodville, MD, FRS, physician and botanist, promoter of vaccination, author of Medical Botany, 1752-1805. Engraving by William Bond after a portrait by Lemuel Francis Abbott
Portrait of Joseph Pitton de Tournefort, French botanistJoseph Pitton de Tournefort, French botanist and author of the Institutes of Botany, Institutiones Rei Herbariae, 1656-1708. A Zephyr disclosing to an astonished world, the System of Tournefort
Portrait of Colin Milne, botanistThe Reverend Dr. Colin Milne, FRS, Scottish priest, divine and botanist, author of the Botanical Dictionary, 1743-1815
Portrait of Aylmer Bourke Lambert, botanistAylmer Bourke Lambert, FRS, botanist and vice-president of the Linnean Society, 1761-1842. Landscape scene ornamented by Ramsay Richard Reinagle, engraved by John George Landseer
Portrait of Colin Milne, botanistPortrait of the Reverend Dr. Colin Milne, FRS, Scottish priest, divine and botanist, author of the Botanical Dictionary, 1743-1815. A View of Greenwich Hospital
Greenwich Hospital, 1804A View of Greenwich Hospital, London, 1800. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving by James Newton from Dr
Gresham College, Holborn, London, where the Meetings of the Royal Society were held from 1660 to 1710. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Newton from Dr
Portrait of Nehemiah Grew, physician and botanistNehemiah Grew, MD, physician and botanist, secretary to the Royal Society, 1641-1712. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Newton after a portrait by Robert White from Dr
Portrait of Nehemiah Grew, physician and botanistNehemiah Grew, MD, physician and botanist, secretary to the Royal Society, 1641-1712. Gresham College, Holborn, London, where the Meetings of the Royal Society were held from 1660 to 1710
Antoine Lavoisier, French chemist, economist and nobleman, 1743-1794. Chemical Philosophers of the Present Day
Dr Joseph Priestley, theologian and scientist, 1733-1804. Within an oval held by an eagle. Chemical Philosophers of the Present Day
Reverend John Ray, naturalist and botanistReverend John Ray, AM, FRS, naturalist, author of Historia Plantarum, 1627-1705. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by William Holl after a portrait by Mrs. Mary Beale from Dr
Britannia crowning John Ray as the Prince of English Botanists. Reverend John Ray, AM, FRS, naturalist, author of Historia Plantarum, 1627-1705
Reverend John Ray, naturalist and botanistReverend John Ray, AM, FRS, naturalist, author of Historia Plantarum, 1627-1705. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by William Holl after a portrait by Mrs. Mary Beale
Portrait of Sir John Hill, naturalist and botanistSir John Hill, MD, writer, botanist and naturalist, Knight of the Polar Star, First Superintendant of the Royal Gardens at Kew, 1714-1775
The White House in the Royal Palace in Kew Gardens, 1799A view of the White House in the Royal Palace in Kew Gardens. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Giovanni Vendramini from Dr
Tomb of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French writer. Designed by Hubert Robert on the Isle of Poplars, Ile des Peupliers, Ermenonville, France. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by James Caldwell from Dr
Oval portrait of William Woodville, physician and botanist, promoter of vaccination, author of Medical Botany, 1752-1805. Engraving by William Bond after a portrait by Lemuel Francis Abbott
Portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French writer, botanist, author of Letters on Botany, 1712-1778
Portrait of Daniel Rutherford, botanistDaniel Rutherford, MD, FLS, physician and botanist, Professor of Botany at the University of Edinburgh, 1749-1819. A distant view of Edinburgh
Portrait of an unknown man, court of King Henry VIII, c. 1532. Possibly Sir Ralph Sadler, 1507-1587, English statesman, who served as Privy Councillor, Secretary of State and ambassador to Scotland
Self-portrait of the artist Hans Holbein at Kensington Palace
Sir Thomas Wyatt, English ambassador and poet (1503-1542). Tho. Wiatt Knight
Charles Wingfield of Kimbolton Castle (1513-1540). Son of Sir Richard Wingfield, courtier and diplomat. Charles Winhfield Knight. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving by H
Thomas, 1st Baron WentworthThomas Wentworth, 1st Baron Wentworth, 6th Baron le Despencer (1501-1551), English peer and courtier, Lord Chamberlain under King Edward VI. Ld Wentworth
William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1450-1532. Waramus, Arch Bp. Cant
Anne Cresacre, aged 15, ward of Sir Thomas More, later wife of his son John More
Elizabeth Cheney, Lady VauxElizabeth Cheney, 1509-1556, Lady Vaux, wife to Thomas, 2nd Baron Vaux of Harrowden, daughter of Sir Thomas Cheney. The Lady Vaux. In gable hood headdress
Thomas Vaux, English poet and noblemanThomas Vaux, 2nd Baron Vaux of Harrowden (1509-1556), English poet and nobleman. The Lord Vaux
Frances Howard, Countess of Surrey (c.1516-1577), wife of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, and daughter of John de Vere, 15th Earl of Oxford. In gable hood headdress. The Lady Surry
Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, 2nd Duke of Norfolk (1443-1524). Thomas Earl of Surry
Charles Brandon, 3rd Duke of Suffolk, 1537-1551. Died in the sweating sickness epidemic. English nobleman, the son of Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, by his fourth wife, Catherine Willoughby
Catherine Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk, 12th Baroness Willoughby de Eresby (1519-1580). In gable hood headdress. The Dutchess of Suffolk
Portrait of an unknown man, court of King Henry VIII, c. 1532
Sir Richard Southwell, English Privy CouncillorSir Richard Southwell, aged 33, English Privy Councillor, c. 1502- 1564. [Ri]ch Southwell Knight. Anno Ettatis Su 33
Mary Zouch, lady in waiting to Jane Seymour. Or Joan Zouch, wife of Richard Zouch, sister of Sir Edward Rogers, Comptroller of the Household to Queen Elizabeth I
William FitzWilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton, courtier to Henry VIII, later Ambassador to France, c.1490-1542. Fitz Williams Earl of Southampton
Portrait of Hans Holbein's wife Elsbeth at Kensington Palace
Sir William Sharington, English courtier to King Henry VIII, master and embezzler of the Bristol Mint. c. 1495-1553. William Sharinton. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving by S
Sir Thomas le Strange of Hunstanton, High Sheriff of Norfolk, 1494-1545. Tho: Strange Knight
Jane Seymour, Queen of England, third wife of King Henry VIIIJane Seymour, Queen of England, wife of King Henry VIII, daughter of Sir John Seymour, mother of King Edward VI. In gable hood headdress. Jane Seymour, Queen
Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of BedfordFrancis Russell as a young boy, later 2nd Earl of Bedford (1528-1585), politician and nobleman. Francis Russell, E: of Bedford some time after
Mary FitzRoy, Duchess of Richmond and SomersetMary Howard, daughter of Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk. Later Mary FitzRoy, Duchess of Richmond and Somerset, wife of Henry VIII's illegitimate son Henry Fitzroy. The Lady of Richmond
Elizabeth Jenkes, Lady Rich, wife to Sir Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich (1496-1567), Lord Chancellor during the reign of King Edward VI. In gable hood headdress
Portrait of unknown woman from the court of King Henry VIIIPortrait of unknown woman, court of King Henry VIII, c. 1532
William Reskimer, courtier to King Henry VIIIWilliam Reskimer, a Cornish gentleman and courtier to King Henry VIII. (Mislabeled as his brother John Reskemeer.) Reskemeer a Cornish Gent
Sir Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich, Lord ChancellorSir Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich (1496-1567), Lord Chancellor during the reign of King Edward VI. Rich Ld. Chancelor
Mary Radcliffe, wife of Robert, 1st Earl of Sussex. Probably the erudite Mary Arundell (d.1557), only child of Sir John Arundell of Cornwall. Or Isabel or Elizabeth, wife of Sir Humphrey Radcliffe
John Poyntz, English courtier and politicianJohn Poyntz (ca. 1485 - 1544). English courtier and politician, Member of Parliament for Devizes. Iohn Poines
Sir Nicholas Poyntz (c.1528-1556), English courtierSir Nicholas Poyntz (1510-1556), English courtier during King Henry VIII's reign. He was the eldest son of Sir Anthony Poyntz and his first wife Elizabeth Huddefield. N. Poines Knight
Sir Nicholas Poyntz (1510-1556), English courtier during King Henry VIII's reign. He was the eldest son of Sir Anthony Poyntz and his first wife Elizabeth Huddefield. N. Poines Knight
Sir Thomas Parry, Comptroller of the Household to Elizabeth ISir Thomas Parry (1515-1560), Comptroller of the Household to Queen Elizabeth I of England. Thomas Parrie
Lady Parker, wife of Sir Henry Parker. First wife Grace Newport, or second wife Elizabeth Calthrope. Also identified as Jane Boleyn (nee Parker), sister-in-law to Anne Boleyn
William Parr, 1st Marquess of Northampton, 1st Earl of Essex and 1st Baron Parr (1513-1571), English courtier. Brother of Catherine Parr, 6th wife of Henry VIII. William P, Marquis Notham:ton
Thomas Boleyn or James Butler, Earl of OrmondThomas Boleyn, father of Anne Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, 1st Earl of Ormond, 1st Viscount Rochford (c.1477-1539), English diplomat and politician
John More, aged 19, son of Sir Thomas MoreJohn More, aged 19, reading a book, circa 1526. Son of Sir Thomas More and his first wife Jane Colt. Iohn More, Sr Thomas More's son