George Stephensons Rocket - the pre-1923 replica. George Stephensons Rocket Locomotive was built in 1829. Built for the Rainhill Trials held by the Liverpool & Manchester Railway
Bridges on the TyneThe handsome bridges connecting Gateshead and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The Great Tyne Bridge arches over Stephensons High Level Bridge, a double-decker built in 1846
Safety Lamps / 1826Diagrams showing the workings of Stephensons Lamp (1 - 4), and Davys Lamp (5, on the right)
Stephensons RocketGeorge Stephensons locomotive The Rocket
First Railway 1825A man on horseback bearing a Union Jack flag heads the very first railway journey in England aboard George Stephensons " Locomotion"
Stephensons RocketThe Rocket as it took part in the Liverpool & Manchester Railway competition (which it won)
George Stephenson?s letters
George Stephensons Centenary napkin. Presented to IMechE members by Andrew Reid to commerorate George Stephensons Centenary on 9 Jun 1881
George Stephenson's Locomotion, Victorian period
Frank Whittle with IMechE President, David Penny in front of George Stephenson's portrait. Date: 1981
London & North Western, Wrexham Mold & Connors Quay, Mersey Tunnel, Taff Vale, Rhymney and Festiniog Railways locomotives, 1859-1885. Each illustrated with key details/measurements for the engines
Centenary Pageant - Stockton and Darlington RailwayCentenary of British Rail Transportation Pageant - Stockton and Darlington Railway - visit by the Duke and Duchess of York - July, 1925. Date: 1925
George Stephensons Rocket 1815George Stephensons Rocket, coming first in Rainhill Trials, 1829. Date: 1815
Stephensons No. 2 Killingworth LocomotiveOne of George Stephensons early locomotives made at Killingworth Colliery, near Newcastle upon Tyne. This locomotive was named Blcher after the Prussian General Gebhard Leberecht von Blcher
George Stephenson?s bone letter opener
Stephenson?s safety lamp
Stephensons Monument, Newcastle upon Tyne, County Durham, England. Date: 1908
George Stephenson?s measuring rule
Stephenson?s self-acting railway break
Holy Trinity Church, Chesterfield, bell tower (G Stephensons tomb)
George Stephensons cottage at Killingworth, near Newcastle. eng
Stephensons Killingworth locomotive, c.1830 Date: circa 1830
Stephensons Rocket
Stephensons 2-2-2 Patentee class locomotiveSilver plaque, Robert Stephensons 2-2-2 Patentee class locomotive, 1838 Date: 1838
Stephensons Railway bridge across the Conway RiverThe construction of Robert Stephensons tubular railway bridge across the Conway River, North Wales. Preparations for raising the second tube. Coloured lithograph by G Hawkins
Young Emigrants singing Grace on their ship, 1884Engraving showing emigrant boys from Dr. Stephensons Home singing Grace before a meal on board an Atlantic steamship, 1884
Killingworth EngineGeorge Stephensons locomotive designed to carry coal at Killingworth Colliery, near Newcastle-on-Tyne. It was the precursor of the Rocket and other engines
Stephensons locomotionGeorge Stephensons Locomotion, at Darlington
Liverpool Manchestr RailTHE LIVERPOOL - MANCHESTER RAILWAY : the departure of the worlds first passenger train, drawn by Stephensons Rocket and with rolling stock resembling road carriages
William HuskissonWILLIAM HUSKISSON English Politician. Britains first Railway fatality when he crossed in front of Stephensons Rocket
Stephenson Long BoilerStephensons long-boiler locomotive
Menai Tubular BridgeConstruction of the main tube on the staging of Stephensons Britannia tubular bridge across the Menai Strait
The Rocket 1830George Stephensons " Rocket" being admired by the majority of onlookers, with the exception of the staff of the " Coach and Horses"