Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, as design motif in wallpaper, borders and fabrics
Lilac botanical study.. Lithograph with pochoir (stencil) handcoloring from Eugene Grassets Plants and their Application to Ornament, Paris, 1897
Nasturtium botanical study.. Lithograph with pochoir (stencil) handcoloring from Eugene Grassets Plants and their Application to Ornament, Paris, 1897
Botanical illustration of the jonquil, Narcissus jonquilla, showing parts of flower
Thistle botanical study.. Lithograph with pochoir (stencil) handcoloring from Eugene Grassets Plants and their Application to Ornament, Paris, 1897
Cyclamen persicum plant as motif in designs for tapestry, fabric and wallpaper
Woman in white wool dress with pink trim losing her hatWoman in white wool dress with pink trim, belt of crocheted roses, losing her hat in the wind. Robe de drap blanc borde d un ourlet couleur de rose, ceinture des roses en crochet
Woman in ball gown of coral taffeta with silk ruffles. Robe de bal en taffetas corail a volants de gaze de soie. Handcoloured pochoir (stencil) etching after an illustration by H
Fashionable couples dancing energetically at a ball, 1914Fashionable couples dancing energetically at a ball, observed by an older woman with lorgnette. La Folie du Jour. Handcoloured pochoir (stencil) etching by H
Woman in fancy dress costume as rooster, le coq.. Lithograph with pochoir stencil handcolouring from Our Fancy Dress Costumes, Paris, 1928
Women in evening gown and coat by the couture designer Worth, 19Women in short bob haircuts in evening gown and coat by the couture designer Worth, offering a rose to a statue of Eros. Robe et manteau du soir par Worth from La Gazette du Bon Ton, 1924
Woman in an asymmetrical evening gown holding a mirror. 1924Woman with bob haircut in an asymmetrical evening gown holding a mirror. 1924. Robe du Soir, after a sketch by the designer Worth. 1924
Wedding dress designed by Jeanne Lanvin, 1924Wedding dress by Jeanne Lanvin, 1924. Bride in white gown and turban decorated with pearls, long gauze veil. Hymenee, Jeanne Lanvin. From La Gazette du Bon Ton, 1924
Embroidered coat after a sketch by the designer Sonia Delauney, 1925. Manteau brode
Embroidered gold lame design with roses and foliage by BianchiniEmbroidered gold lame design with roses and foliage, from the fabric maker Bianchini, Lyon and Paris, 1924. Broche lame d'or Bianchini, 1924
Kasha wool design by the French knitwear house Rodier, 1924. The pattern motif of animals and foliage from Rajouri, India. Tissu Rodier, 1924. Le motif kasha de Radjaori
Fashionable woman in front of a waiting room in a train station, 1924. She wears a long coat dress and carries a leather bag and wool scarf
Fashionable dance party in Paul Poiret's garden, l'Oasis, Paris, 1919. After the end of WWI, the themed Friday night gala or Jardin de Danse were the toast of Paris
Madame Pierat in a dress by Redfern in Les Marionettes, 1911Madame Pierat in an asymmetrical dress by couture brand Redfern in Pierre Wolff's Les Marionettes, performed at the Comedie-Francaise, 1911. Les Modes
Men's fashions during the French Revolutionary era, Paris, 1799Men's fashion during the French Revolutionary era, Paris, 1799. He wears a large green double-breasted riding coat, trousers tied under the knee, cravat, pointed boots with large cuffs
Fashionable women in short capes and full skirts, Paris, 1895Fashionable women window-shopping in short capes and full skirts, Paris, 1895. After a painting by Felix Vallotton
Fashionable woman in a lavish gown with huge bustle and train, 1885. La Mode Artistique, 1885
Second balloon ascent of Dr. Andre-Jacques Garnerin with Citizen Henri at the Parc Monceau, Paris, 8 July 1798
Fashionable women looking out from a balcony in Paris, 1853. One wears a lace cap, short velvet jacket and voluminous skirt. La Toilette de Paris, 1853
Women's formal fashions, First Empire era, Paris, 1805. She wears a headdress of flowers, low-cut gown with embroidered decoration. Costume pare
Women's fashions and hats, French Directoire era, Paris, 1801. She wears a velvet cap, low-cut dress, and embroidered cashmere shawl. Chapeau de Velours. Schall de casimir brode
Women's fashions, French Directoire era, Paris, 1801. She wears a straw hat made of esparto grass and a long embroidered cashmere shawl. Chapeau de Sparterie-paille. Schall de Cachemire
Women's fashions, French Revolutionary era, Paris, 1800. Woman in a low-cut dress making a lace veil into a headdress, seated in front of a mirror at a dressing table
Colored stucco from Pompeii in the Museum of Naples. Stuc colorie, Musee de Naples
Household lararium in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii. Serpent under two household gods Lars either side of a guardian Genius loci. Fourth Pompeian Style
Lararium niche painting dedicated to Hercules, PompeiiLararium niche painting dedicated to Hercules in an annex (Casa del Cenacolo, V.2.h) to the.House of the Silver Wedding, Region V.2.i. Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Decorative railing (below)
Decorative candlelabrae and column of enamel mosaic, PompeiiDecorative candlelabrae in the Fourth Pompeian Style (1, 3) and column of enamel mosaic (2), Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples
Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, PompeiiEnamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, Casa degli Scienziati, Pompeii. Fontaine de mosaique d'email du Vico dei Scienzati, Region VI.14.43
Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, PompeiiEnamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, or Casa dell Orso Ferito, Pompeii. Fontaine de mosaique d'email de la maison de l'Ours, Region IV.2.45
Vaulted parlour in a house on the road to Stabiae, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Oecus voute d'une maison de la rue de Stabies. Quatrieme style
Exedra in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Casa dei Vettii or Casa del Domus Vettiorum. Exedra de la maison de Vettii, Region VI.15.1. Quatrieme style
Exedra in the House of the Centenary, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Casa del Centenario, Exedra de la maison du Centenaire, Region III.7.6. Quatrieme style
Frieze in a room in the Fourth Pompeian Style, Pompeii. Wall panel below after Francois Mazois. Frise d'une chambre du quatrieme style, Region I.2.25
House of Tullius Faustus (left) and Popidius Priscus (right), PoHouse of Tullius Faustus on the Strada della Fortuna (left), and house of Popidius Priscus (right), Pompeii, Chambre d'une maison situee rue de la Fortune, Region IV.4.62
Exedra in the atrium, House of Siricus, PompeiiExedra in the atrium in the House of Siricus, Pompeii. With paintings of Erato and other muses. Fourth Pompeian Style. Maison de Siricus, Region IV.I.47. Quatrieme style
Panel with unique dark blue from Pompeii, early Fourth Pompeian Style. From a specimen in French architect's Francois Mazois Les Ruines de Pompei. Debut du quatrieme style
Panel from a house in Region III, Pompeii. Variant of the Third Pompeian Style. Panneau provenant d'une maison situee dans la region III, ilot 7. Variete du troisieme style
Oecus or parlour in the House of M. Spurius Mesor. Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples. Oecus de la maison de Spurius Mesor, Region VII.3.29. Au musee de Naples
Panels in the House of M. Epidi Sabini, Pompeii. Variant of the Third Pompeian Style. Panneaux d'une salle de la maison d'Epidius Sabinus, Region IX.1.22. Variete du troisieme style
Panel the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Details de l'un des panneaux de la maison de Jucundus. Troisieme style
Decorative motifs on wall paintings in Herculaneum, Third Pompeian Style. Destroyed at the same time as Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples
Panel in a room of the Casa di Laocoonte or House of Laocoon, Pompeii, Third Pompeian Style. Panneau d'une salle de la maison de Laocoon, Region VI.14.30. Troisieme style
Tablinum in the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Tablinum de la maison de Jucundus. Troisieme style. Region V.1.26
Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Casa di Marco Lucrezio Frontone. Tablinum de la maison de Fronto, Region V.4. Troisieme style
Dining room in the Casa di Orfeo or House of Orpheus, Pompeii. Egyptian style. Triclinium de la maison de l'Orphee ou de Vesonius Primus, Region VI.14.20. Style egyptisant
Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii. Egyptian style. Panneaux de l'edifice d'Eumachie. Style egyptisant
Tablinum of the House of the Small Fountain, Casa della Fontana Piccola, Pompeii. End of the Third Pompeian Style. Tablinum de la maison de la Petite Fontaine, Region VI.8.23. Fin du troisieme style
Deocrative panel from Pompeii, conserved at the Museum of Naples. Second Pompeian Style. Panneau decoratif, conserve au musee de Naples. Deuxieme style
Oecus or parlour in the House of the Labyrinth. Casa del Labirinto, Pompeii. Second Pompeian Style. Oecus, a murs creux, ayant probablement servi de salle chaude
Rhodian peristyle of the House of the Silver Wedding, Casa delle Nozze d'Argento, Pompeii. Peristylium rhodien de la maison dite des Noces d'argent Region V.2
Peristyle colonnade of the House of Sallust, Casa di Sallustio, Pompeii. With wall painting of Diana and Actaeon at right. First Pompeian Style. Peristylium de la maison de Salluste. Premier style
Women in sports and afternoon suits by Lucile, 1931Woman in sport outfit in green-and-white diagonal skirt, plain green wool jacket with grey fox collar. Afternoon suit in green and black velvet, black fox collar. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in evening dresses designed by Luceber, 1931Woman in Always Young evening dress in black crepe de chine, with draped scarf held on the shoulder by a rhinestone buckle. Woman in Divine Mistress evening dress in green Roman crepe
Women in dress and coat ensemble by Philippe & Gaston, 1931Woman in black wool coat with astrakhan collar, Gringoire. Woman in lace and crepe de chine dress, Mon Desir. Marcel wave bob hairstyles. Fashions by Philippe & Gaston
Evening and dinner dresses by Martial et Armand and Lucile ParayMitchette evening dress in black wool by Martial et Armand. Dinner dress in black lace and muslin by Lucile Paray, fashion and costume designer. Marcel wave bob hairstyle
Women in coats and dresses by Martial et Armand, 1931Woman in brown wool coat with Karakul wool collar, Tambour. Woman in green geo with tiny pleats, Claironnette. Fashions by Paris fashion brand Martial et Armand. Marcel wave bob hairstyle
Evening dress in white Romaine crepe by Maggy Rouff, 1931Evening dress in white Romaine crepe, tied with scarf at the back, Ambassadeurs. Marcel wave bob hairstyle. Fashion designs by Maggy Rouff. Belgian-born fashion and costume designer
Women in evening dresses by Henri Paris, 1931Woman in Si Belle evening dress in blue romain crepe. Woman in Vierge Folle evening dress in yellow crepe georgette decorated with spangles. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in chic suits and coats by Bernard, 1931Woman in coat of chestnut wool with lambswool collar. Woman in suit of China blue and brown wool, with Astrakhan collar. Both in berets and Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in luxury dinner dresses by Luceber, 1931Woman in Troublante dinner dress in black Moroccan crepe with fur stole. Woman in Frivolite dinner dress in navy blue crepe georgette. Marcel wave bob hairstyles and cloche hats
Woman in evening gown of black satin by Henriette Jeantou, 1931Woman in Goddess evening gown of black satin with gathers by Henriette Jeantou. Marcel wave bob hairstyle. Fashion designs by Henriette Jeantou. Deesse: Robe du soir en satin noir garnie fronces
Women in coat and dress by Monari, 1931Woman in Pensez-y velvet corduroy coat trimmed with otter. fur Woman in tunic of grey crepe de Chine trimmed with orange. Marcel wave bob hairstyles and cloche hats. Fashion designs by Monari
Women in matching dress and coat by Yteb, 1931Women in matching black satin crepe dress with egg-yellow facing and ratine wool coat by designer Yteb, Elizabeth Hoyningen-Huene. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Elegant evening dress in Nile green silk muslin, 1931Evening dress in Nile green silk muslin designed by Maison Premet, fashion brand led by Madeleine Premet. Both with Marcel wave bobs. Naiade: Robe en mousseline de soie vert Nil
Wool coats by Martial et Armand and Philippe et Gaston, 1931Woman in En Faveur coat in green wool with Karakul wool trim by Martial et Armand. Woman in Modeste coat in blue wool with coypu fur collar by Philippe et Gaston
Women in matching coat and dress by Philippe & Gaston, 1931Woman in Espoir coat in green wool with otter collar. Woman in Souris dress in green crepe de Chine to match the coat. Marcel wave bob hairstyles. Fashion designs by Philippe & Gaston
Women in fashionable dresses by Francis, 1931Woman in Gamine dress in burgundy Moroccan wool, necklace and belt in red and black beads. Woman in Mon Caprice dress in black crepe de Chine, ruffled sleeves and skirt. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in fashionable dresses by Henri Paris, 1931Woman in dress in black Moroccan wool, trimmed with small pleats. Woman in afternoon dress in navy blue, white bib embroidered with navy and white beads. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Matching wool dress and coat by fashion designer Yteb, 1931Women in matching wool dress and coat by fashion designer Yteb, Elizabeth Hoyningen-Huene. Marcel wave bob hairstyles. Epatante: robe tres pratique en lainage dessine allant avec le manteau Epatant
Women in black and white dress and coat by Dupouy-Magnin, 1931Coat in black velvet trimmed with ermine, Paris. Afternoon dress in black crepe satin trimmed with white crepe satin, Prognostic. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in dress and coat of red wool by Zimmermann, 1931Woman in dress in red Moroccan wool with black patent buttons and belt. Woman in calf-length coat in red Moroccan wool, trimmed with silver fox. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in afternoon dress and jacket by Luceber, 1931Woman in Pourquoi afternoon dress in blue velvet and ochre crepe de Chine, and matching jacket. Woman in Madrilene afternoon dress in black Moroccan wool. Marcel wave bob hairstyle
Woman in suit and coat of brown wool by Blanche Lebouvier, 1931Woman in brown wool coat with beaver collar, orange silk blouse, brown velvet waistcoat inlaid into brown wool skirt. Marcel wave bob hairstyle. Fashion designs by Blanche Lebouvier
Women in black suit and grey evening dress by Champcommunal, 193Woman in black velvet suit with silver fox collar. Woman in evening dress in grey georgette. Scarf, ruffles and skirt hem finished in an antique style. Marcel wave bob hairstyles
Women in chic coat and dress by Jenny, 1931Woman in black velvet coat with ermine collar, Coutulot. Woman in black and white crepe satin dress, Flossie. Fashion designs by Jenny, French fashion designer Jenny Sacerdote
Ceramic wall tiles decorated with tulips, flowers and foliage maPanel of ceramic wall tiles decorated with tulips, flowers and foliage in the Mosque of Rustem Pacha Hirvati, Ottoman statesman and grand vizier, Istanbul, made in Iznik, Turkey, circa 1560
Ceramic wall tiles decorated with lattice of flowers and foliagePanel of ceramic wall tiles decorated with lattice of flowers and foliage in the Mosque of Rustem Pacha Hirvati, Ottoman statesman and grand vizier, in Istanbul, made in Iznik, Turkey, circa 1560
Ceramic wall tiles with decorative lattice of flowers and foliagPanel of ceramic wall tiles with decorative lattice of flowers and foliage in the Mosque of Rustem Pacha Hirvati, Ottoman statesman and grand vizier, Istanbul, made in Iznik, Turkey, circa 1560
Panel of ceramic wall tiles depicting a garden with flowersPanel of ceramic wall tiles depicting a garden with tulips, trees, flowers and foliage in the Old Seraglio of Istanbul, made in Iznik, Turkey, circa 1460. Vieux serail de Stamboul