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Statuettes Collection

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Paris, France - Champs-Elysees, The Paiva Mansion

Paris, France - Champs-Elysees, The Paiva Mansion. Date: 1902

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Examples of art on the RMS Queen Mary

Examples of art on the RMS Queen Mary. At the top left are four statuettes carved from limewood blocks by Norman J Forrest, representing The Four Seasons, for the main tourist class staircase

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Late Neolithic Statuettes from Hacilar in north-western Anatolia

Late Neolithic Statuettes from Hacilar in north-western Anatolia, excavated during the 1960 season by James Mellaart, Assistant Director, The British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara. Date: 1961

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Aztec Statuettes - Idols - In the National Museum of Mexico

Aztec Statuettes - Idols - In the National Museum of Mexico, Mexico City. Date: 1910s

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Wooden statuettes depicting Gods Ptah, Osiris and Seker bird

Wooden statuettes depicting Gods Ptah, Osiris and Seker bird. Archaeological Museum. Istanbul. Turkey

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Electric Light Fixtures catalogue, Statuettes

Electric Light Fixtures catalogue, Statuettes, including Harvesting, Mercury and Secession. Date: 1922

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Khajuraho Temples, India

Khajuraho Temples, India
The Khajuraho Temples, Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh Province, India. Photograph by Ralph Ponsonby Watts

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Temptation by Berthold Genzmer

Temptation by Berthold Genzmer - a young lad with a basket full of porcelain ornaments is tempted to pilfer a slice of sweet pie/cake from his Bakers apprentice friend (balanced carefully on his head)

Background imageStatuettes Collection: South China - Stall on the Praya

South China - Stall on the Praya - Stall with figurines and statuettes. Part of Box 24 Boswell Collection Southern China and Its people. Date: circa 1900

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Sumerian Fashions and Coiffure 500 Years Ago: Khafaje

Sumerian Fashions and Coiffure 500 Years Ago: Khafaje
A page from The Illustrated London News, 9 June 1934. Statuettes and figures found during excavations at Khafaje (Khafajah) Date: 9 June 1934

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Two Austrian infantrymen, WW1

Two Austrian infantrymen, WW1
Statuettes of Austrian infantrymen. Date: circa 1914

Background imageStatuettes Collection: 1930s Making Plaster Figurine

1930s Making Plaster Figurine
Production of plaster cast figurines of boy and German Shepherd Dog in workshop Date: 1930s

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Alexandras Bookcase

Alexandras Bookcase
A lovely corner bookcase which belonged to Queen Alexandra (1844 - 1925) of England, richly decorated with bronze statuettes. Date: early 1900s

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Statuettes from Tanagra depicting Greek comic actors

Statuettes from Tanagra depicting Greek comic actors. Sculpture on rock. Proc: GREECE. Tanagra

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Aphrodite Statuettes

Aphrodite Statuettes
Statuettes of Venus Anadyomene, found at Carnac, Bretagne

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Humourous postcard - Foreign Tourists

Humourous postcard - Foreign Tourists
A funny cartoon, lampooning tourists to Egypt as Pigeons plucked by Egyptian Vultures

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Automobilia Ephemera Collection

Automobilia Ephemera Collection
A splendid collection of Automobilia Ephemera, including goggles, a rigid ash tray, a map and a long curved car horn!

Background imageStatuettes Collection: Carvings on the Khajuraho Temples, India

Carvings on the Khajuraho Temples, India
The ornate carvings on the walls of the Khajuraho Temples, Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh Province, India. Photograph by Ralph Ponsonby Watts

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