Startling Stories Scifi Magazine Cover with Science IslandSCIENCE ISLAND (Eando Binder)A cold-blooded Scientific Napoleon with the Brain of a Genius and a Body of Metal threatens to Dominate Mankind Date: 1939
Startling Stories scifi magazine cover - Green-headed AliensTHE THREE PLANETEERS, by Edmond Hamilton. Two green-headed aliens, fly a spacecraft whilst under fire from groups of humans with ray-guns Date: 1940
Cover design, Startling Stories, science fiction pulp magazine, September 1947 Date: 1947
Startling Stories - The Gods Hate Kansas by Joseph J. Millard. A tentacled alien grips a man and woman in its clutches. The man tries to defeat the monster by attacking it with a taser
A human peacock in his prideMr Cleveland Bronner, the American dancer and ballet master, appearing in a startling and beautiful Peacock Dance, and the Winter Garden and Century Roof, New York. Date: 1921
Pretty young woman in Harem PantsA tall glamorous lady draws approval (and less favourable opinion!) with her choice of new style Harem Pants. Date: 1911
Startling Stories - Tarnished Utopia by Malcolm Jameson. A man in a space suit and a woman are attacked by possessed trees
Startling Stories - When New York Vanished by Henry Kuttner. A large robotic alien insect is imprisoned under a glass dome and is being experimented on by two male scientists
The Impossible World, Startling Stories Scifi Magazine CoverTHE IMPOSSIBLE WORLD - Invading intelligences from another world subjugate and condition Earthfolk with sophisticated devices Date: 1939
Startling Stories - The Giant Atom by Malcolm Jameson. A man holds a woman protectively as they both look fearfully out of a spaceship window, the view ahead shows the sun orbiting planet earth
Startling Stories - Strangers on the Heights by Manly Wade Wellman. A man holds a ray gun to the head of a scared skeletal being
Startling Stories - The Day of the Cloud by Ross Rocklynne. Two air crafts attack and puncture the moon causing it to release gases which drift towards the earth. Date: 1942
Startling Stories - The Bottom of the World by John C. Burroughs and Hulbert Burroughs. Three reptile-like aliens surrender to two space explorers each wielding a gun
Startling Stories - Twice in Time by Stanley G. Weinbaum. A crowd of important figures (including Mona Lisa) stand admiring two giant men
Startling Stories - Blood on the Sun by Hal K. Wells. Two women and three men flee fearfully from a satanic figure surrounded by fire. Date: 1942
Startling Stories - Speak of the Devil by Norman A. Daniels. A figure of Satan looms over a man and a woman
Startling Stories - Gateway to Paradise by Jack Williamson. Two men (one wielding an axe), a woman and an old man in a small rowing boat are attacked by a fearsome sea serpent monster. Date: 1941
Startling Stories - Sci Fi Mag - Five Steps to tomorrowThe front cover of Startling Stories magazine. The lead story is entitled: " Five Steps to tomorrow" by Eando Binder
Startling Stories - Sci Fi Mag - A Yank At ValhallaThe front cover of Startling Stories magazine, showing an American spaceman emerging from a spaceship while under attack from three Viking warriors. They attack him with bows, arrows and swords
Startling Stories - Sci Fi Mag - Shadow Over MarsThe front cover of Startling Stories magazine, showing a man and a woman (in skimpy gold costume) being attacked by three red ape-like monsters with fearsome teeth
The Dirt-Track Rider who appeared in Rotten Row. A motorcyclist causing noisy havoc amonst the genteel riders on Rotten Row in Hyde Park, London. 1929
The Barnum & Bailey greatest show on earth, the worlds grandest, largest, best, amusement institution. The Flying Dillons in a series of most marvelous mid-air feats and startling performances
The Federal Theatre Div. of WPA. presents Ten minute alibi by Anthony Armstrong A startling mystery in 3 acts
Kellars startling wonder. Date c1894
Kar-mi performing the most startling mystery of all India. Date c1914
A startling melodrama, A ragged hero by Maurice J. Fielding. Date c1906
Beautiful woman surrounded by rosesGlamorous young lady with red lipstick, red nails and startling green eyes, surrounded by a beautiful array of pink roses. 1937
Harem trousers replace the hobble skirtFrom fetters to freedom: the hygienic harem replaces the horrible hobble skirt. Four radical designs from New York and Paris
ZeppelingitisA gentleman is shocked and alarmed at the sight of a large roll or ream of paper being delivered to the offices of The Graphic and The Bystander during WWI