Salmo stomachicus, or Gillaroo, also known as Gizzard Trout, a variety of trout inhabiting Lough Melvin, Ireland. Date: 1879
Rickmansworth / Herts / 50SA sylvan glimpse in one of Rickmansworths pretty lanes, one of the beauty spots of Hertfordshire
Jockey / Johnny Dines 20CJohnny Dines, jockey, in the colours of Mr Adam Boazman
Paris Cabarets, Ciel and Enfer (Heaven and Hell)The cabarets of Heaven and Hell (Le Ciel et LEnfer) in the Boulevard de Clichy, Montmartre, Paris. Date: circa 1905
(The Morning After of a Faun) Le Lendemain d un Faune (or, What an Afternoon ) - The Great success of the new ballet L Apres-Midi d un Faune in which the faun, failing to abduct the nymph herself
WW2 Poster -- ENSA Entertainments, Swing VoguePhotolithograph poster inscribed NaFI presents ENSA Entertainments for HM Forces. Its modern, its new, its bright, its Swing Vogue
Salmo fario, or Common TroutSalmo fario (Salmo trutta morpha fario), or Common Trout, also known as Brown Trout. Date: 1879
Salmo ferox, or Ferox Trout, also known as Lake Trout, or Great Lake Trout. Date: 1879
Gaidropsarus vulgaris, or Three-Bearded Rockling, also known as Whistler and Whistle-Fish. Date: 1864
RAF Lancasters over Berlin; Second World War, 1943Illustration showing Royal Air Force Lancaster heavy bombers heading towards their target of Berlin, during the Autumn of 1943
Textile Collage 1928A collage of various women and textiles : checks, spots, stripes &c
Funghi / Cordier 2 1876AGARICUS MUSCARIUS (poisonous)
Comic postcard, Plump holidaymakers in the sea Date: 20th century
Africa - Two CheetahsAfrica - A pair of Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), a large cat and the fastest land animal. Date: circa 1970s
Africa - Leopard (Panthera pardus), one of the five extant species in the genus Panthera. Date: circa 1970s
Africa - Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), a large cat and the fastest land animal. Date: circa 1970s
Comic postcard, Little girl with infectious disease Date: early 20th century
WW2 - There's A Hun Plane!A short story illustration which shows a military man sitting with a girl, he spots an enemy plane in the sky and prepares to get down! Date: circa 1940
King Charles I taking the Speaker's Chair in a failed attempt to arrest five MPs for treason Date: 1642
Some ideas and instructions for home knitting projects - a twin set, and woollen stockings. Date: 1943
Designs for women's summer dresses. The patterns were available to order for home dressmakers. Date: 1932
Butterflies and Moths, Plate 3, Papiliones, Nymphalidae. Date: 1896
Original Artwork - A little spotty pig from Noahs Ark - Christmas design. Date: circa 1937
Original Artwork - Budget for Lewiss Summer SaleOriginal Artwork - Design for a Lewiss Summer Sale promotional item or advertisement - Woman in a wide-brimmed spotty hat checking the money in her purse. Date: circa 1937
Place marker - Jack HornerPlace marker - Heres __________s Corner! cries Jack Horner. Date: circa 1937
Original Artwork - little patched-up blue fabric dog, holding a yellow flower. Date: circa 1937
Original Artwork - Noahs Lion with black spotsOriginal Artwork - The Lion in Noahs Ark with black spots - Christmas design. Date: circa 1937
Original Artwork - Noahs Elephant with red spotsOriginal Artwork - The Elephant in Noahs Ark with red spots - Christmas design. Date: circa 1937
Postcard design - A Colds a horrid thing to get. Little girl blowing her nose with a handkerchief. Date: circa 1937
First leopard cubs born in England, 1934First leopard cubs born in England, Chessington Zoo, 1934
Four Cloche Hats. 1 - Striped crochet cloche in red, white and blue by Jane Gozzet at Spice No.1 accompanied by patriotic bead and pearl earrings from Harrods
The Bayswater ConduitFrom 1439 until 1812 the Bayswater Conduit carried water from Baynards Watering to supply the City of London and the area around was one of Londons beauty spots. Date: 1875
Anne-Louise-Benedicte de Bourbon, Duchess of Maine, 1676-1753
Red Grouse in flight. Date: 1957
Diamond Finch. Date: 1933
Australian Crimson Finch. Date: 1933
Zebra Finch. Date: 1933
Lizard Canary. Date: 1933
Girl in a frilly pink dress on a cutout birthday card. circa early 20th century
Paper Doll in a spotted dress, holding a bow and arrow
Woman wearing teagown 1905Woman wearing a long teagown in pale pink crepe-de-chine, almost transparent silky quality and a new soft spotted lace with little lattice work motifs sleeves, available at Marshall & Snelgrove s
Womens blouses 1905Two models wearing charming blouses, available from Peter Robinson store
Womens clothing 1929Loose weaves a feature of new woollen. Early spring womens frocks made from trelya wool. 1929
Prionailurus bengalensis, Leopard catWatercolour from John Reeves Collection; c.1820s Date: 1820
Broad-Finned, Tail-Spotted, and One-Spotted GobyBroad-Finned Goby (Gobius biocellatus), Tail-Spotted Goby (Gobius attenuatus), and One-Spotted Goby (Gobius unipunctatus). Date: 1863
WW2 birthday card, dog and two catsWW2 pop-up birthday card (inside), a spotted dog and two black cats with binoculars as fire watchers and aircraft spotters, All Good Wishes and the Best of Luck! Date: circa 1942
Baby Scouts -- out at seaBaby Scouts -- And when he gets a little tired of that, he cruises round the ocean in his hat. Date: 1900
2 DALMATIANS / 1965CHAMPION BERRICOT BUCCANEER and COLONSAY SEA CORAL These two dogs stand and gaze thoughtfully into the distance. Owner: Kaufmann. Date: 1965
STRIPED & SPOTTED C. 1911 STRIPED & SPOTTED C. 1911A high waisted narrow line dress in spots & stripes with a hobble skirt with a box pleated hem to aid mobility, a wrap over corsage, sash & long sleeves with ruffled cuffs Date: circa 1911
MALE TYPE / BEAU NASH 1700Richard Beau Nash: the famous dandy at the dressing table, applying beauty spots. Date: circa 1700
CIRCUS CLOWN AND HORSESA clown and two trained horses. Date: late 19th century
EVENING DRESS 1819Gauze round dress with pink spots over white satin slip; flounces of blond lace at the hem. The bodice is cut low revealing the shoulders & is trimmed with bows. Date: 1819
Woman wearing spotted blouse 1930sA spotted blouse style jacket worn with a skirt. Date: 1930s
Green Spots Slinky Stockings - Murrays Cabaret Club CostuGreen Spots Slinky Stockings - Original costume design for one of the performers at Murrays Cabaret Club, 16-18 Beak Street, Soho, London
Victorian Scrap - Circus Clown - Here we are again! late 19th century
Montmartre CabaretsThe cabarets DU CIEL ET DE L ENFER on the Boulevard de Clichy, two celebrated night spots offering a choice of entertainment, divine or diabolical Date: circa 1905
Salvelinus alpinus, or Arctic Char, this particular one described as the Torgoch of Llanberris (Llanberis, Snowdonia), a rare cold water fish of the Salmonidae family. Date: 1865
Salmo salar, or Parr and SamletSalmo salar (Salmo salmulus) Parr and Samlet, also known as Branlin, Palmer Trout, Trotter, Hipper and Farthing Trout. Date: 1865
The Superb Lily, engraved by W Ward after Philip Reinagle, in a book entitled The Temple of Flora by Dr Robert John Thornton (1768-1837). The book was published between 1799 and 1807. Date: 1799
A large Leopard reclining on a branchA male Leopard (Panthera pardus) sitting in the substantial lower branches of a tree in sub-Saharan Africa. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith
A leopard resting on a rainforest branchAn adult leopard (Panthera pardus) resting on the substantial lower branch of a rainforest tree in sub-Saharan Africa. Painting by Maloclm Greensmith
A Leopard sitting in a treeA male Leopard (Panthera pardus) sitting in the substantial lower branches of a tree in sub-Saharan Africa. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith
A portrait of a LeopardA reproduction of a portrait painting of a Leopard (Panthera pardus) by Malcolm Greensmith
Two clowns with an umbrella on a Victorian scrap. Date: circa 1890s
Moth on a handmade Christmas card, with a handwritten label and a little pink bag, perhaps containing pot pourri. Date: circa 1890s
A South African Man with skin pigmentation conditionA South African Man with the skin pigmentation condition vitiligo, creating a remarkable patched appearance, captioned here as Leopard Skin (!). Date: circa 1900
Young Trout, Salmon Parr, and SmeltYoung Trout (Salmo cambricus or Salmo trutta, also known as Young Salmon, Silver Salmon, Sea Trout, Sewen and Sewin), Salmon Parr (Salmo salar, Salmo salmulus)
Salmo coecifer, or Loch Leven Trout, a subspecies of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta). Date: 1879
Salmo trutta, or Brown Trout, also known as Grey Trout, Bull Trout, Sea Truff and Pugtrout. Date: 1879
Salmo trutta, or Salmon Trout. Date: 1879
Salmo salar, or Atlantic Salmon (male), a freshwater and marine variety. Date: 1879
Salvelinus alpinus alpinus, or Alpine Char (also known as Arctic Char), a member of the Salmonidae family. Date: 1865
Salvelinus willoughbii, or Willoughbys CharLeuciscus leuciscus, or Common Dace, a freshwater or brackish water fish of the Cyprinidae family. Described here as Graining. Date: 1865
Pleuronectes platessa, or European Plaice, a species of flatfish. Date: 1864
Pholis gunnellus, or Rock Gunnel, also known as Butterfish, Swordick, Gunnel and Nine Eyes, an eel-like fish. Date: 1863
Scomber scombrus, or Atlantic Mackerel. Date: 1863
WW1 - HMS Birmingham sinking the German U-15 U-BoatWW1 - On 9 August 1914, HMS Birmingham spotted the German submarine U-15, whose engines had failed as she lay stopped on the surface in heavy fog, off Fair Isle
Clouded LEOPARD - snarling (Neofelis nebulosa). Distribution: Nepal - South China. Sumatra, Borneo and Taiwan
Taking advantage of the situation
Zanzibar - Swahili Girl in a spotty hat and outfit Date: 1911
Blitz in London -- burnt out cargo ship, Rotherhithe, WW2Blitz in London -- a close up of a burnt out cargo ship in the Surrey Commercial Docks, Rotherhithe, SE London. Firefighters continue to damp down hot-spots of fire within the ship
A Cheetah in full flightA Cheetah running at full speed. Pen, ink and wash drawing by Raymond Sheppard