A Selection of Fish
An assortment of fish: 1. sharp-nosed eel, 2. blunt-nosed eel, 3. burbot, 4. lamprey, 5. lampern, 6. chub, 7. perch, 8. roach, 9. bream, 10. rudd, 11. Prussian carp, 12. Crucian carp, 13. tench, 14
Anatomy of bivalve molluscs. Schultermuscheln. Various shell species: Arytaene, Teredo, Fistulana, Pholas, Mya, Solen, Macha, Tellina, Cyclas, Calliste, and Artemis. Plate 6
Species of humble-bees, bumblebees and mining bees
Species of bees. Early humble-bee, Bombus pratorum 9, 10, large red-tailed humble-bee, Bombus lapidarius 12, 15, carder bee, Bombus pascuorum 13, buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris subsp
Ghost moth, beautiful yellow underwing, etc
Ghost moth or ghost swift, Hepialus humuli, female c, male d, larva b and pupa a, beautiful yellow underwing, Anarta myrtilli e, gold swift, Phymatopus hecta f, unnamed moth species g