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Species Collection

Background imageSpecies Collection: Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine

Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) in captivity at London Zoo. The species is believed to be extinct

Background imageSpecies Collection: Fancy Pigeon Breeds

Fancy Pigeon Breeds
Fancy pigeon breeds (Columbidae species)

Background imageSpecies Collection: Albrecht Durers Rhinoceros

Albrecht Durers Rhinoceros
An Indian rhinoceros, is the largest of the Asian species, as depicted by Albrecht Durer. It has a thick, dark grey hide, which folds like armour

Background imageSpecies Collection: London Pride & Gold. Rod

London Pride & Gold. Rod

Background imageSpecies Collection: A Selection of Fish

A Selection of Fish
An assortment of fish: 1. sharp-nosed eel, 2. blunt-nosed eel, 3. burbot, 4. lamprey, 5. lampern, 6. chub, 7. perch, 8. roach, 9. bream, 10. rudd, 11. Prussian carp, 12. Crucian carp, 13. tench, 14

Background imageSpecies Collection: Monkey Puzzle Tree, Araucaria Imbricata Pavon

Monkey Puzzle Tree, Araucaria Imbricata Pavon. 1868

Background imageSpecies Collection: Poisonous Plants

Poisonous Plants
Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna); Thorn Apple (Datura Stramonium); Henbane (Hyoscyamus Niger); Mezereon (Daphne Mezereum); Fools Parsley (Aethusa Cynapium);

Background imageSpecies Collection: British Butterflies - Various

British Butterflies - Various - including: Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly (male), Wood White Butterfly, Purple Hairstreak Butterfly (female), Purple Hairstreak Butterfly (at rest)

Background imageSpecies Collection: Lichens

Lichens: coral lichen, Cladia retipora 1, cup lichen, Cladonia perfoliata 2, Cladonia cervicornis ssp

Background imageSpecies Collection: Salmo stomachicus, or Gillaroo

Salmo stomachicus, or Gillaroo, also known as Gizzard Trout, a variety of trout inhabiting Lough Melvin, Ireland. Date: 1879

Background imageSpecies Collection: A selection of common British Moths

A selection of common British Moths Date: circa 1920s

Background imageSpecies Collection: Lady Fern, True Maidenhair and Holly Fern

Lady Fern, True Maidenhair and Holly Fern. Chromolithograph from Francis George Heath, The Fern Porfolio, all the species of British ferns Date: 1885

Background imageSpecies Collection: Plants / Algae

Plants / Algae
FRESH-WATER ALGAE various species

Background imageSpecies Collection: A Pike and a Perch

A Pike and a Perch
A pike and a perch

Background imageSpecies Collection: Galanthus Cluster

Galanthus Cluster
a cluster of living SNOWDROPS (one of many species)

Background imageSpecies Collection: Charles Darwin with a lookalike ape

Charles Darwin with a lookalike ape
Charles Darwin holding up a hand mirror to an ape, showing how alike the pair of them are

Background imageSpecies Collection: Mola mola, or Sunfish

Mola mola, or Sunfish. Date: 1865

Background imageSpecies Collection: Various Reptiles / 1913

Various Reptiles / 1913
An amazing illustration covering the whole range of reptilian species from snakes to newts

Background imageSpecies Collection: Poisonous Plants

Poisonous Plants
Water Hemlock (Cicuta Virosa); Conium Maculatum; Digitalis Purpurea; Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia Cyparissias); Pasque Flower (Anemone Pulsatilla); Autumn Crocus

Background imageSpecies Collection: Crocus and Snowdrops

Crocus and Snowdrops
Colchicum (Crocus) and Galanthus (Snowdrop)

Background imageSpecies Collection: Two skeletons, human and gorilla

Two skeletons, human and gorilla
A human skeleton compared with that of a gorilla

Background imageSpecies Collection: Abies Douglassii

Abies Douglassii
This is the DOUGLASS FIR, or RED FIR, a species of spruce found notably in northern California. Date: 1857

Background imageSpecies Collection: Aepyornis on the Rampage

Aepyornis on the Rampage
Butcher pursued by an Aepyornis Ingens, the prehistoric creature which emerges from the egg

Background imageSpecies Collection: Andalusian Poultry

Andalusian Poultry
Andalusian cockerel and hen (Gallus species)

Background imageSpecies Collection: Pigeons on Rooftops

Pigeons on Rooftops
Pigeons on the rooftops (Columbidae species)

Background imageSpecies Collection: A Group of Flat Fish

A Group of Flat Fish
A group of mixed flat fish: halibut, turbot, flounder, plaice and sole

Background imageSpecies Collection: Siren, salamander and axolotl

Siren, salamander and axolotl
Greater siren, Siren lacertina, three-toed amphiuma, Amphiuma tridactylum, olm, Proteus anguinus (vulnerable), axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum (critically endangered), dwarf waterdog

Background imageSpecies Collection: Cypripedium Cardinale

Cypripedium Cardinale
LADYs SLIPPER ORCHID one of several species

Background imageSpecies Collection: Convolvulus & C. Bell

Convolvulus & C. Bell
Pink CONVOLVULUS (Bindweed) & blue & white CAMPANULA MEDIUM Canterbury Bell) depicted with bees

Background imageSpecies Collection: Silurus glanis, or Wels Catfish

Silurus glanis, or Wels Catfish, also known as Sheatfish and Sly Silurus, a freshwater and brackish water fish. Date: 1865

Background imageSpecies Collection: Cyprinus carpio, or Common Carp

Cyprinus carpio, or Common Carp. Date: 1879

Background imageSpecies Collection: Anguilla anguilla, or Dublin Eel

Anguilla anguilla, or Dublin Eel
Anguilla anguilla (Anguilla hibernica), or Dublin Eel, a freshwater eel. Date: 1865

Background imageSpecies Collection: Barbus barbus, or Common Barbel

Barbus barbus, or Common Barbel, also known as Barbus. Date: 1865

Background imageSpecies Collection: Giant Baobab Tree - Congo, Central Africa

Giant Baobab Tree - Congo, Central Africa. Date: circa 1906

Background imageSpecies Collection: Origin Species, CH Bennett, banker - vulture

Origin Species, CH Bennett, banker - vulture
Vulturine. Satire on Darwins Origin of Species showing the evolution of a vulture to a banker

Background imageSpecies Collection: Aepyornis Skeleton

Aepyornis Skeleton
A Victorian couple admire a restored skeleton of aepyornis ingens, a genus of flightless birds native to Madagascar

Background imageSpecies Collection: Poppies Daisies

Poppies Daisies
Wild flowers: poppies, daisies and cornflowers

Background imageSpecies Collection: Octopus and squid species

Octopus and squid species
Common octopus, Octopus vulgaris 1, musky octopus, Eledone moschata 2, European flying squid, Todarodes sagittatus 3, and glass squid, Cranchia scabra 4

Background imageSpecies Collection: Gecko species

Gecko species
Stellion, Stellagama stellio, turnip-tailed gecko, Thecadactylus rapicauda, gecko, Hemidactylus species, flying gecko, Ptychozoon horsfieldii, Lichtensteins short-fingered gecko

Background imageSpecies Collection: Monitor lizard, Varanus species

Monitor lizard, Varanus species

Background imageSpecies Collection: Nudibranchia or sea slugs

Nudibranchia or sea slugs: Hermaea bifida 1, Facelina auriculata coronata 2, Dendronotus frondosus 3, Okenia elegans 4, Doto coronata 5, Tritonia hombergii 6 and Ancula gibbosa 7

Background imageSpecies Collection: Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era - China

Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era - China
An artificial reconstruction by Neave Parker (with the co-operation of Dr. W. E. Swinton) of Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era found in China especially in the Provinces of Kansu and Szechuan

Background imageSpecies Collection: Perca fluviatilis, or European Perch

Perca fluviatilis, or European Perch, also known as Redfin Perch and English Perch. Date: 1879

Background imageSpecies Collection: Plants / Narcissus Species

Plants / Narcissus Species
Masses and masses of daffodils

Background imageSpecies Collection: Salmo fario, or Common Trout

Salmo fario, or Common Trout
Salmo fario (Salmo trutta morpha fario), or Common Trout, also known as Brown Trout. Date: 1879

Background imageSpecies Collection: Sea Lamprey, Lampern, and Silver Lamprey

Sea Lamprey, Lampern, and Silver Lamprey
Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), Lampern (Lampetra fluviatilis or European River Lamprey), and Silver Lamprey (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis). Date: 1865

Background imageSpecies Collection: Plants / Allium Ursinum

Plants / Allium Ursinum
RAMSONS, a species of GARLIC

Background imageSpecies Collection: Various Bats / Fullarton

Various Bats / Fullarton
Various species of bat : 1 Cayenne 2 Notch-eared 3 + 4 Slender 5 + 6 Rufous bat

Background imageSpecies Collection: A Trout and a Char

A Trout and a Char
A trout and a char

Background imageSpecies Collection: Folklore / Unicorns

Folklore / Unicorns
The figure of the CAMPHUR, an amphibious beast found in Ethiopia, a species of unicorn

Background imageSpecies Collection: Extinct dinornis or moa, aepyornis ingens

Extinct dinornis or moa, aepyornis ingens
An artists impression of how the extinct dinornis or moa (aepyornis ingens), a genus of flightless birds native to Madagascar, might have looked

Background imageSpecies Collection: Mushroom coral species

Mushroom coral species: Amaranthus saxeus 1, Meandrina meandrites 2, Eschara retiformis 3, and Fungia fungites 4. (Amaranthus saxeus, Madrepora meandrites, Eschara retiformis, Madrepora fungites)

Background imageSpecies Collection: Ctenophora or comb jellies

Ctenophora or comb jellies
Ctenophora or comb jelly: Haeckelia rubra 1, 2, Hormiphora species 3, Callianira bialata 4, Tinerfe cyanea 5, and Lampea pancerina 6

Background imageSpecies Collection: Harvestmen, harvesters or daddy longlegs, Opiliones species

Harvestmen, harvesters or daddy longlegs, Opiliones species. Phalangiens

Background imageSpecies Collection: Tulipa orphanidea var. whittallii No. 1560

Tulipa orphanidea var. whittallii No. 1560. Silkscreen botanical illustration by Elsie Katherine Dykes from William R. Dykes Notes on Tulip Species, Herbert Jenkins Ltd. London, 1930

Background imageSpecies Collection: Eyed tulip, Tulipa agenensis

Eyed tulip, Tulipa agenensis (Tulipa praecox). Silkscreen botanical illustration by Elsie Katherine Dykes from William R. Dykes Notes on Tulip Species, Herbert Jenkins Ltd. London, 1930

Background imageSpecies Collection: Lady tulip, Tulipa clusiana

Lady tulip, Tulipa clusiana. Silkscreen botanical illustration by Elsie Katherine Dykes from William R. Dykes Notes on Tulip Species, Herbert Jenkins Ltd. London, 1930

Background imageSpecies Collection: Salmo ferox, or Ferox Trout

Salmo ferox, or Ferox Trout, also known as Lake Trout, or Great Lake Trout. Date: 1879

Background imageSpecies Collection: Tinca tinca, or Tench

Tinca tinca, or Tench. Date: 1879

Background imageSpecies Collection: Gobio gobio, or Gudgeon

Gobio gobio, or Gudgeon, a freshwater fish. Date: 1865

Background imageSpecies Collection: Gaidropsarus vulgaris, or Three-Bearded Rockling

Gaidropsarus vulgaris, or Three-Bearded Rockling, also known as Whistler and Whistle-Fish. Date: 1864

Background imageSpecies Collection: Prehistoric Animals Cp

Prehistoric Animals Cp
Figures of extinct animals in the grounds of the Crystal Palace, Sydenham - a splendid example of Art in the service of Science

Background imageSpecies Collection: Plain-Wanderer

COLLARED PLAIN WANDERER pedionomus torquatus Only one species is known, and it lives in Australia

Background imageSpecies Collection: Elks in Sweden

Elks in Sweden
A family of Swedish elks grazing (alces malchis) : this is the largest species of deer : it is known as moose in north America

Background imageSpecies Collection: Africa - Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)

Africa - Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus). Date: circa 1970s

Background imageSpecies Collection: Africa - Precis octavia, the gaudy commodore butterfly

Africa - Precis octavia, the gaudy commodore butterfly
Africa - Precis octavia, the gaudy commodore, is a species of butterfly in the family Nymphalidae. It is native to Africa. Date: circa 1970s

Background imageSpecies Collection: Africa - Topi

Africa - Topi (Damaliscus lunatus), a large African antelope of the genus Damaliscus and subfamily Alcelaphinae in the family Bovidae, with a number of recognised geographic subspecies

Background imageSpecies Collection: Anatomy of bivalve molluscs

Anatomy of bivalve molluscs. Schultermuscheln. Various shell species: Arytaene, Teredo, Fistulana, Pholas, Mya, Solen, Macha, Tellina, Cyclas, Calliste, and Artemis. Plate 6

Background imageSpecies Collection: Small dung beetle, chafer, scarab beetles, etc

Small dung beetle, chafer, scarab beetles, etc
Species of scarab beetles. Bloody small dung beetle, Otophorus haemorrhoidalis 31, subterranean small dung beetle, Eupleurus subterraneus 33, Esymus merdarius 34, N.S

Background imageSpecies Collection: Species of ladybirds or ladybugs

Species of ladybirds or ladybugs

Background imageSpecies Collection: Species of ladybirds or ladybugs

Species of ladybirds or ladybugs

Background imageSpecies Collection: Tylosaurus species hunting a Rhynchocephalia species

Tylosaurus species hunting a Rhynchocephalia species
Tylosaurus, a type of mosasaur, a large, predatory marine lizard from the Cretaceous. In its jaws is an extinct Rhynchocephalia species, Simaedosaurus erquelinensis (Champsosaurus dolloi?)

Background imageSpecies Collection: Extinct equid, Protorohippus venticolum

Extinct equid, Protorohippus venticolum
Extinct equid species of the Eocene, Protorohippus venticolum. Protorohippus. Colour printed illustration by F

Background imageSpecies Collection: Irish elk, Megaloceros giganteus

Irish elk, Megaloceros giganteus
Irish elk, giant deer or Irish deer, Megaloceros giganteus, extinct species of deer of Eurasia during the Pleistocene. After a reconstruction by G. Keller in the Roemer-Museum, Hildesheim

Background imageSpecies Collection: Species of bees

Species of bees
Red mason bee, Osmia bicornis 11, large scissor bee, Chelostoma florisomne 12, large carder-bee, Bombus muscorum 14, orange-vented mason bee, Osmia leaiana 15, 16, and other bees

Background imageSpecies Collection: Species of humble-bees, bumblebees and mining bees

Species of humble-bees, bumblebees and mining bees
Species of bees. Early humble-bee, Bombus pratorum 9, 10, large red-tailed humble-bee, Bombus lapidarius 12, 15, carder bee, Bombus pascuorum 13, buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris subsp

Background imageSpecies Collection: Ghost moth, beautiful yellow underwing, etc

Ghost moth, beautiful yellow underwing, etc
Ghost moth or ghost swift, Hepialus humuli, female c, male d, larva b and pupa a, beautiful yellow underwing, Anarta myrtilli e, gold swift, Phymatopus hecta f, unnamed moth species g

Background imageSpecies Collection: Species of wasps and hornets

Species of wasps and hornets

Background imageSpecies Collection: Species of parasitic and shield bugs

Species of parasitic and shield bugs

Background imageSpecies Collection: Extinct woolly rhinoceros on the steppes

Extinct woolly rhinoceros on the steppes
Woolly rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis, on the steppes. Extinct species of rhinoceros native to the northern steppes of Eurasia, Pleistocene to the last glacial period

Background imageSpecies Collection: Protoceras, extinct genus of Artiodactyla

Protoceras, extinct genus of Artiodactyla
Protoceras celer, extinct species of Artiodactyla, Oligocene to the early Miocene. Giraffe ancestor

Background imageSpecies Collection: Sea slug mollusc species

Sea slug mollusc species

Background imageSpecies Collection: Anterior nectophore species, Sulculeolaria quadrivalvis

Anterior nectophore species, Sulculeolaria quadrivalvis. Male and female colonies. Found of the Mediterranean coast of Nice. Galeolaire orangee, Galeolaria aurantiaca. Meduse de la cote de Nice

Background imageSpecies Collection: Lady's slipper orchid species, Paphiopedilum venustum

Lady's slipper orchid species, Paphiopedilum venustum. Imported from the East Indies by William Bull. As Cypripedium pardinum

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