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Sparrow Collection

Background imageSparrow Collection: Edith Piaf Photo

Edith Piaf Photo
(born Edith Giovanna Gassion) changed name to Piaf (= slang for sparrow): popular French singer

Background imageSparrow Collection: Birds / Tree Sparrow

Birds / Tree Sparrow
TREE SPARROW (Passer montanus)

Background imageSparrow Collection: Victorian Greeting Card - The Pickpocket

Victorian Greeting Card - The Pickpocket
Two penguins out for a stroll whilst a sparrow picks a pocket. Date: circa 1890

Background imageSparrow Collection: Invited guests at the bird-table by Neave Parker

Invited guests at the bird-table by Neave Parker
A variety of British birds at a bird-table on a snowy winters day. 1. Robin, 2. starlings, 3. Redwing, 4. Chaffinch, 5. Nuthatch, 6. sparrow, 7. great spotted woodpecker, 8. blackbird, 8, thrush, 10

Background imageSparrow Collection: Two owls and a sparrow

Two owls and a sparrow
A sparrow talks to a long-eared owl and a barn owl perched on a branch in a stone archway. Two owls and a sparrow. Illustration of a fable by English poet John Gay

Background imageSparrow Collection: An eagle presides over a court of birds in a tree

An eagle presides over a court of birds in a tree.A magpie, owl, vulture, and sparrow in attendance. Council of birds. The vulture, the sparrow and other birds

Background imageSparrow Collection: An eagle swoops down to grab a hare with its talons

An eagle swoops down to grab a hare with its talons
An eagle swoops down to grab a hare with its beak and talons. Meanwhile a hawk hovers over a gloating sparrow. Eagle, hare, hawk and sparrow. Illustration of a fable by Greek author Aesop

Background imageSparrow Collection: The Vulture, the Sparrow and Other Birds

The Vulture, the Sparrow and Other Birds. A vulture holds court in a tree above subservient hawks, daws, roosters, and magpies. A sparrow hides in a hedge

Background imageSparrow Collection: The Two Owls and the Sparrow

The Two Owls and the Sparrow. A sparrow on a tree branch berates two owls for their arrogance and pride

Background imageSparrow Collection: United States Navy - McDonnell F3H-2N Demon 136981

United States Navy - McDonnell F3H-2N Demon 136981 (msn 166 / base code NJ / call-sign 135) of VF-121

Background imageSparrow Collection: Old Sparrow Hawk Inn, Burnley, early 1900s

Old Sparrow Hawk Inn, Burnley, early 1900s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Male and female House Sparrow

Male and female House Sparrow by Charles Howard

Background imageSparrow Collection: Comic postcard, man gardening, two sparrows Date: 20th century

Comic postcard, man gardening, two sparrows Date: 20th century

Background imageSparrow Collection: Tree sparrow, snow bunting, worm-eating warbler

Tree sparrow, snow bunting, worm-eating warbler
American tree sparrow, Spizelloides arborea 1, snowflake or snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis 2, worm-eating warbler, Helmitheros vermivorum 3, and magnolia warbler, Setophaga magnolia 4

Background imageSparrow Collection: Pine grosbeak, red crossbill and white-winged crossbill

Pine grosbeak, red crossbill and white-winged crossbill
Pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator, male 1, female 2, American crossbill or red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra 3, white-winged crossbill, Loxia leucoptera 4, males

Background imageSparrow Collection: House sparrow, Passer domesticus, and dark-eyed junco

House sparrow, Passer domesticus, and dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis. English sparrow, male 1, female 2, and snow-bird, male 3, female 4

Background imageSparrow Collection: Vesper sparrow, grasshopper sparrow and field sparrow

Vesper sparrow, grasshopper sparrow and field sparrow
Vesper sparrow, Pooecetes gramineus 1, grasshopper sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum 2 and field sparrow, Spizella pusilla 3. Vesper sparrow, yellow-winged sparrow and field sparrow

Background imageSparrow Collection: Eastern wood pewee, Contopus virens

Eastern wood pewee, Contopus virens. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A

Background imageSparrow Collection: Chipping sparrow, Spizella passerina

Chipping sparrow, Spizella passerina
Nest and eggs of the chipping sparrow, Spizella passerina. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A

Background imageSparrow Collection: Spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularius

Spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularius
Nest and eggs of the spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularius. Chromolithograph after an illustration by Edwin Sheppard from Thomas George Gentrys Nests and Eggs of the Birds of the United States, J.A

Background imageSparrow Collection: Cartoon, A Bit of Animated Nature

Cartoon, A Bit of Animated Nature, the Protectionist Cuckoo in the Hedge Sparrows Nest

Background imageSparrow Collection: The Year of the Poets -- Cuckoo in sparrows nest

The Year of the Poets -- Cuckoo in sparrows nest
The Year of the Poets -- a cuckoo in a nest of hedge sparrows, to illustrate a range of poems about cuckoos and other birds. Date: 1845

Background imageSparrow Collection: Red-cheeked cordon-bleu, Uraeginthus bengalus

Red-cheeked cordon-bleu, Uraeginthus bengalus, and Java rice sparrow, Lonchura oryzivora (vulnerable)

Background imageSparrow Collection: Golden-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia atricapilla

Golden-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia atricapilla (Black-crowned bunting, Emberiza atricapilla)

Background imageSparrow Collection: Saltmarsh sparrow, Ammodramus caudacutus. Vulnerable

Saltmarsh sparrow, Ammodramus caudacutus. Vulnerable

Background imageSparrow Collection: Italian sparrow, Passer italiae, and Eurasian

Italian sparrow, Passer italiae, and Eurasian tree sparrow with egg, Passer montanus

Background imageSparrow Collection: Java Sparrow

Java Sparrow. Date: 1933

Background imageSparrow Collection: HOUSE SPARROW (Passer domesticus) Date: 1851

HOUSE SPARROW (Passer domesticus) Date: 1851

Background imageSparrow Collection: Eurasian tree sparrow, Passer montanus

Eurasian tree sparrow, Passer montanus.. Handcolored copperplate drawn and engraved by Edward Donovan from his own Natural History of British Birds, London, 1794-1819

Background imageSparrow Collection: Emberiza capensis, Cape bunting

Emberiza capensis, Cape bunting
Ff. 154a. Watercolour painting by George Forster annotated Fringilla bicincta and made during Captain James Cooks second voyage to explore the southern continent (1772-75)

Background imageSparrow Collection: HOLBORN, LONDON

High Holborn including Sparrows Tea Establishment. Date: 1838

Background imageSparrow Collection: Jugend front cover, naked woman feeding birds

Jugend front cover, naked woman feeding birds
Front cover design for Jugend magazine, depicting a naked woman feeding birds. She holds food in her hands, and the birds swoop down. Date: 1898

Background imageSparrow Collection: Man feeding a sparrow in a park

Man feeding a sparrow in a park
Unusual Friends - smartly dressed man feeding a sparrow in a park. 1950s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Sparrow and tortoise

Sparrow and tortoise
Unusual Friends - sparrow and tortoise. 1950s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Flying sparrow on a bird-shaped greetings card

Flying sparrow on a bird-shaped greetings card (back). (2 of 2) Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Two sparrows on a plate-shaped New Year card

Two sparrows on a plate-shaped New Year card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Two sparrows on a plate-shaped Christmas card

Two sparrows on a plate-shaped Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: X-Ray - Common House Sparrow

X-Ray - Common House Sparrow. Part of Box 165 Boswell Collection - X-Rays. Date: circa 1900

Background imageSparrow Collection: Five birds on a branch in the snow on a Christmas card

Five birds on a branch in the snow on a Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Birds and flowers in a boat on a Victorian scrap

Birds and flowers in a boat on a Victorian scrap. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Snow scene with birds and cottage on a Christmas card

Snow scene with birds and cottage on a Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Nesting birds and pink flowers on a greetings card

Nesting birds and pink flowers on a greetings card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Flowers and birds on a New Year card

Flowers and birds on a New Year card
Flowers and birds on a colourful New Year card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Three birds on a branch on a Christmas card

Three birds on a branch on a Christmas card
Three birds on a branch with white blossom on a Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Birds with pink blossom on a New Year card

Birds with pink blossom on a New Year card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Birds perched on crescent moon on a Christmas card

Birds perched on crescent moon on a Christmas card
Five birds perched on a crescent moon on a Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Six sparrows on a Christmas card

Six sparrows on a Christmas card, nesting inside a wickerwork box decorated with silver tinsel. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Man feeding sparrow in a Balham park, SW London

Man feeding sparrow in a Balham park, SW London
Man feeding bread to a sparrow in a Balham park, SW London. Date: circa 1960s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Red-throated grosbeak or cut-throat sparrow

Red-throated grosbeak or cut-throat sparrow, Amadina fasciata.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1800

Background imageSparrow Collection: Guinea parrakeet or red-headed lovebird, Agapornis pullarius

Guinea parrakeet or red-headed lovebird, Agapornis pullarius.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1800

Background imageSparrow Collection: Tree sparrow, Passer montanus, and village

Tree sparrow, Passer montanus, and village weaver, Ploceus cucullatus

Background imageSparrow Collection: House sparrow, Passer domesticus

House sparrow, Passer domesticus.. Handcolored copperplate drawn and engraved by George Graves from his own British Ornithology, Walworth, 1821

Background imageSparrow Collection: Anthony Sparrow

Anthony Sparrow
NTHONY SPARROW English churchman, bishop first of Exeter, then of Norwich. Date: 1612 - 1685

Background imageSparrow Collection: Three schoolboys on desert island shoot at sparrows

Three schoolboys on desert island shoot at sparrows using makeshift bows and arrows made out of laces, bones and saplings. Date: 1898

Background imageSparrow Collection: Sparrows in snow on a dish-shaped Christmas card

Sparrows in snow on a dish-shaped Christmas card
Three sparrows pecking at snow on a dish-shaped Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Birds perched on crescent moon on a Christmas card

Birds perched on crescent moon on a Christmas card
Five birds perched on a crescent moon on a Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageSparrow Collection: Photographic, 10845915

Photographic, 10845915

Background imageSparrow Collection: Sopwith Sparrow

Sopwith Sparrow

Background imageSparrow Collection: Botany staff, March 1900. The Natural History Museum, Londo

Botany staff, March 1900. The Natural History Museum, Londo
Robert Hugh Bunting photographed his colleagues in a relaxed mood during March 1900

Background imageSparrow Collection: Passer jagoensis

Passer jagoensis
Illustration of the Passer jagoensis from St. Jago, Cape Verde Islands. Plate 31 from Zoology of the Beagle 1832-1836, Part 3 Birds by John Gould

Background imageSparrow Collection: Melospiza melodia, song sparrow

Melospiza melodia, song sparrow
Plate 25 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London

Background imageSparrow Collection: Emberiza stewarti, white-capped bunting

Emberiza stewarti, white-capped bunting
White-capped bunting egg specimens

Background imageSparrow Collection: Passer pyrrhonotus, sind sparrow

Passer pyrrhonotus, sind sparrow
Sind sparrow egg specimens

Background imageSparrow Collection: Passer ammondendri, saxaul sparrow

Passer ammondendri, saxaul sparrow
Saxaul sparrow egg specimens

Background imageSparrow Collection: Emberiza leucocephalos, pine bunting eggs

Emberiza leucocephalos, pine bunting eggs
Four pine bunting egg specimens

Background imageSparrow Collection: Gymnoris dentata, bush petronia

Gymnoris dentata, bush petronia
Bush Petronia egg specimens (one fragment)

Background imageSparrow Collection: Yoshiwara sparrow

Yoshiwara sparrow. Print shows a woman standing behind a person squatting, playing a shell game. Date 1797

Background imageSparrow Collection: Tongue cutting sparrow

Tongue cutting sparrow

Background imageSparrow Collection: Yoshiwara sparrow dance

Yoshiwara sparrow dance

Background imageSparrow Collection: Colonel Elmer E. Ellsworth

Colonel Elmer E. Ellsworth. 1st Regt. New York Fire Zouaves. Assassinated at the Capture of Alexandria, May 24th, 1861

Background imageSparrow Collection: Mrs Bobbity and neighbours with policeman

Mrs Bobbity and neighbours with policeman
Mrs Bobbity and neighbours tell the policeman what has happened, and he takes notes. Jack Sparrow, perched on a lamp post, calls out that its the cat who should be prosecuted! Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: Jack Sparrow perched on step, moth flutters past

Jack Sparrow perched on step, moth flutters past
Jack Sparrow perches on a step, dejected at not finding any food for his family. A moth flutters past. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: Mrs Bobbity in her garden

Mrs Bobbity in her garden, looking up at the sparrows and their nest. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: The raven refuses to help Jack Sparrow

The raven refuses to help Jack Sparrow, and calls him a rascal. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: A cockerel catches the moth

A cockerel catches the moth, watched by his hen and chicks. Jack Sparrow misses out again. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: Jack Sparrow looking for moths in the ivy

Jack Sparrow looking for moths in the ivy on the back garden wall. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: Koko the Pekinese dog with Jack Sparrow

Koko the Pekinese dog with Jack Sparrow -- unfortunately Kokos bowl is empty. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: Moscow, Russia - Lomonosov University

Moscow, Russia - Lomonosov University Date: 2010

Background imageSparrow Collection: Jack and Jennie Sparrow on the roof

Jack and Jennie Sparrow on the roof above their nest, discussing the problem of the cat preventing them from getting to the crust. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: Jack Sparrow sitting on the garden wall

Jack Sparrow sitting on the garden wall, ready to hop down for crumbs. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: Jack Sparrow asks the tame raven for help

Jack Sparrow asks the tame raven for help
Jack Sparrow asks the tame raven (who is an excellent mimic) for help -- if he can make a sound like milk being poured into a saucer, he might be able to get the cat to move away from the crust

Background imageSparrow Collection: Jack Sparrow asking the horse for a few grains of corn

Jack Sparrow asking the horse for a few grains of corn. Unfortunately he is too late -- there is nothing left in the bag. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: Jack Sparrow sitting on the ivy

Jack Sparrow sitting on the ivy growing on the garden wall. He looks down to find that the crust is no longer there. Date: 1937

Background imageSparrow Collection: Jack Sparrow, Jennie and the chicks

Jack Sparrow, Jennie and the chicks are reunited, in the knowledge that there will be more crumbs later. Date: 1937

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