He was Jack Frost by Helen JacobsEnchanting illustration featuring a glistening Jack Frost lecturing a group of snowdrop fairies or pixies in a snow covered woodland glade
Crocus and SnowdropsColchicum (Crocus) and Galanthus (Snowdrop)
Galanthus Clustera cluster of living SNOWDROPS (one of many species)
Galanthus & IvySNOWDROPS intertwined with Ivy and other foliage in a decorative manner
Music sheet cover for The Alexandra March
Fairy TearsA fairy sheds tears while pleading with the North wind to allow her to return home. The tears grow into snowdrop flowers
SNOWDROPSSnowdrops, some of Springs earliest and well-loved flowers. Date: 1950s
Christmas card by Ethel ParkinsonA Christmas card by Ethel Parkinson, showing an elegant lady walking through the snow with an umbrella. Date: early 20th century
Snowdrops at Kew GardensSnowdrops (Galanthus) at Kew Gardens, West London
Country scene with snowdrops and other plantsA pretty country springtime scene with snowdrops and other plants in the foreground, and a bird flying near a tree
Spring Snowdrops grow up around the base of an old tree. Photograph by Norman Synge Waller Budd
Winter Flowers 1866Cultivated & Wild: Hyacinthus (Hyacinths); Narcissus; Galanthus (Snowdrops); Polyanthus Primula; Euphorbia Pulcherrima (Poinsettia); Correa; Salvia