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Sins Collection

Background imageSins Collection: Theosophy Chakras 1696

Theosophy Chakras 1696
The Chakras according to Gichtel, showing the four elements and their relationship to the organs of the body

Background imageSins Collection: Bosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516)

Bosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516). Table of the Seven Deadly Sins. 1475 - 1480. Flemish art. Oil on wood. SPAIN. Madrid. Prado Museum

Background imageSins Collection: Seven Deadly Sins

Seven Deadly Sins
Life on Earth - where one is surrounded by the seven deadly sins - and life in Heaven, where we will go if we do not yield to them

Background imageSins Collection: The Jews in New York THE ABODAH Confession of sins Date: 1892

The Jews in New York THE ABODAH Confession of sins Date: 1892

Background imageSins Collection: Capital with harpies, Monastery, Santa Catalina of Montefaro

Capital with harpies, Monastery, Santa Catalina of Montefaro
Capital with harpies (lion-headed bird). From the Monastery of Santa Catalina of Montefaro, 14th century (1370). La Coruna province, Galicia, Spain

Background imageSins Collection: ETHIOPIAN DEATH RITE

When a man of the GALLA people of ETHIOPIA dies, his sins must be washed away with the blood of a sacrificed cow, poured over his corpse before the grave is filled in Date: 1898

Background imageSins Collection: Brazen Altar - Judaism

Brazen Altar - Judaism
The brazen (or bronze) altar was an important element of the tabernacle in the wilderness, a place where the ancient Israelites sacrificed animals to atone for their sins. Date: circa 1800

Background imageSins Collection: Confession of Japanese Penitents

Confession of Japanese Penitents
Confession of Japanese penitents ( a person repenting their sins). If the penitents fail to make a proper confession, the priest causes the balance to project them down the mountainside. Date: 1844

Background imageSins Collection: RELIGION / CONFESSION

Pious French Catholics queue to confess their sins to a popular priest; an elegant gentleman reads a pious text on bended knee, a beggar begs Date: 1737

Background imageSins Collection: FLAGELLANTS OF COIMBRA

The Jesuits of Coimbra, Portugal, notorious for their high life-style, do public penance for their sins, flagellating themselves through the streets. Date: circa 1560

Background imageSins Collection: Sandwich Board Man / Doom

Sandwich Board Man / Doom
A sandwich board man warns us of impending doom

Background imageSins Collection: Franciscan monks begging

Franciscan monks begging
Before the order was reformed in 1528, the Franciscans had fallen from the high standards set by Francesco d Assisi... begging, and chatting up the girls... Date: 15th century

Background imageSins Collection: Bosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516)

Bosch, Hieronymus Van Aeken, called (1450-1516)

Background imageSins Collection: Death penalty. Tied to a cart wheel, the condemned

Death penalty. Tied to a cart wheel, the condemned
" Death penalty. Tied to a cart wheel, the condemned man is being beaten while he confesses his sins. Table 14

Background imageSins Collection: Scapegoat Released

Scapegoat Released
During the Jewish ceremony of Solemn Expiation, a High Priest draws lots for two goats, and the scapegoat is sent out into the desert to atone for their sins. Date: BC

Background imageSins Collection: Medieval Man Confesses

Medieval Man Confesses
A man kneels beside a hooded monk to confess his sins inside a columned room

Background imageSins Collection: The Tree of Vices

The Tree of Vices
THE TREE OF THE VICES From the roots of evil spring the Seven Deadly Sins, each in turn branching out into all manner of wickedness

Background imageSins Collection: Confession

Confession in a Roman Catholic church

Background imageSins Collection: Portrait of classical dancer Margaret Loomis

Portrait of classical dancer Margaret Loomis, star of Paramount Artcraft Pictures, 1921 shown practicing an Egyptian dance used in Bryant Washburns film Sins of St Anthony Date: 1921

Background imageSins Collection: Jesus forgiving sins and healing a paralytic. Engraving

Jesus forgiving sins and healing a paralytic. Engraving
Jesus forgiving sins and healing a paralytic. Matthew, chapter 9. Engraving

Background imageSins Collection: Posada, The Temptation of Saint Anthony

Posada, The Temptation of Saint Anthony -- a satirical cartoon. Date: circa 1900s

Background imageSins Collection: The burning of effigies in Tacuba, Mexico City, Mexico

The burning of effigies in Tacuba, Mexico City, Mexico
The burning of the effigies of Judas in the streets of Tacuba, Mexico City, Mexico -- a traditional Easter activity, designed to purge the sins of the past year

Background imageSins Collection: The Sins of a City by Nita Rae

The Sins of a City by Nita Rae
Promotional postcard for The Sins of a City by Nita Rae. First produced at the Opera House, Morriston, 1st May 1902 and Terriss Theatre, Rotherhithe, 14th December 1903. For Winifred Maudes Co

Background imageSins Collection: Chinese man with a pipe

Chinese man with a pipe
Chinese man amused by a risqu順 rench magazine and the sins of the West. Date: circa 1902

Background imageSins Collection: Japanese Cards Custom

Japanese Cards Custom
An ancient Spring custom which enables Japanese men and women to buy small wooden cards for a few pence, which are placed before the gods to absolve the offerer from all sins. Date: 1930s

Background imageSins Collection: Louis XII & Ministers

Louis XII & Ministers
Succeeding his father Charles VIII, Louis XII shows what a considerate fellow he is by forgiving his fathers ministers their sins and shortcomings

Background imageSins Collection: Pilgrims Progress 6

Pilgrims Progress 6
At the sight of the cross, Christian loses his burden of sins, and is light and gladsome and of a merry heart

Background imageSins Collection: A Miser and his Mate

A Miser and his Mate
L AVARICE A miser and his mate

Background imageSins Collection: Conquistadores Pray

Conquistadores Pray
The Conquistadores, returning to Tenochtitlan, confess their sins before a wayside cross which they had erected themselves on their first march to Mexico

Background imageSins Collection: Concepts / Reincarnation

Concepts / Reincarnation
Making reparation in this life for sins committed during a previous existence

Background imageSins Collection: Deadly Sins / Lust

Deadly Sins / Lust

Background imageSins Collection: Deadly Sins / Vanity

Deadly Sins / Vanity

Background imageSins Collection: Seven Deadly Sins / Envy

Seven Deadly Sins / Envy

Background imageSins Collection: Deadly Sins / Avarice

Deadly Sins / Avarice

Background imageSins Collection: Deadly Sins / Sloth

Deadly Sins / Sloth

Background imageSins Collection: Deadly Sins / Gluttony

Deadly Sins / Gluttony

Background imageSins Collection: Deadly Sins / Wrath

Deadly Sins / Wrath

Background imageSins Collection: David & Nathan

David & Nathan
Nathan the prophet is sent by God to waken king David to his sins : David repents, and accepts the evils which Nathan predicts

Background imageSins Collection: Samuel Given to Priests

Samuel Given to Priests
Samuel, as a baby, is dedicated to the priestly life by his mother Hannah; but God later tells Samuel of the priests sins and warns of misfortunes to come

Background imageSins Collection: High Priests Sacrifice

High Priests Sacrifice
Sacrificing to atone for sins - the High Priest can afford to slaughter a whole cow

Background imageSins Collection: Poor Mans Sacrifice

Poor Mans Sacrifice
Sacrificing to atone for sins - the poor man can afford to slaughter only a single bird

Background imageSins Collection: Three Taoist Principles

Three Taoist Principles
THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF THE TAOIST PANTHEON (SAN KOAN) - T IEN KOAN brings happiness - TI KOAN wipes out your sins - CHOEI KOAN delivers you from misfortune

Background imageSins Collection: Jewish Tashlich

Jewish Tashlich
The Tashlich ceremony, in which sins are cast into the sea

Background imageSins Collection: Religion / Flagellants

Religion / Flagellants
A man flagellates himself as penance for his sins

Background imageSins Collection: Penance of David

Penance of David
Reproved by Nathan the prophet, David repents of his sins

Background imageSins Collection: Avarice / Greed by Galle

Avarice / Greed by Galle
A profile portrait of a woman holding a purse surrounded by an ornate border of putti holding money bags, cutting purse strings and counting coins

Background imageSins Collection: Evils of Greed & Wealth

Evils of Greed & Wealth
All kneel in subservience to the demon of wealth-getting and greed. He sits blindfolded a sceptre in one hand. bulging money bag in the other. He can have whatever he wants

Background imageSins Collection: Flagellants of Coimbra

Flagellants of Coimbra
The Jesuits of Coimbra, Portugal, notorious for their high life-style, do public penance for their sins, flagellating themselves through the streets. Date: circa 1560

Background imageSins Collection: Jesus as Advocate

Jesus as Advocate
Jesus depicted as the Advocate who will defend humankind at the Last Judgment in spite of our sins and errors

Background imageSins Collection: Devotees of Xaca in Japan have their faith tested

Devotees of Xaca in Japan have their faith tested
Devotees of Xaca demonstrate their faith by confessing their sins while suspended over an abyss. If they lie, they tip the scales and fall

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