Shute Barrington - 3SHUTE BARRINGTON Eminent churchman, son of viscount B.; bishop successively of Llandaff, Salisbury and later Durham when this was done. Date: 1734 - 1826
Water Shute and Maxim Flying MachineThe Water Shute and Maxim Flying Machine, Southport
Preliminary CourtesiesDensmore Shute and Henry Cotton shaking hands before their 500 match at Walton Heath under the watchful eye of James Braid, the club professional. 1937
Lake LA-4-200 Buccaneer VH-EJY (msn 643), of Seair Pacific ( The Great Barrier Reef Airline ), at Shute Harbour, Whitsunday, Queensland. Date: circa 1990
DEANES FLOUR MILLDeanes Patent Economic Flour Mill, operated by hand. Date: 1851
Neville Stack, Nevil Shute NorwayFrom left: Unknown, Neville Stack?, Nevil Shute Norway, A. Hessell Tiltman and Lord Grimthorpe, in front of the first production Airspeed AS5 Courier
Percival Proctor 5, G-AKIW, belonging to Nevil Shute Norway
Shute BarringtonSHUTE BARRINGTON (1734 - 1826) Eminent churchman, son of viscount B.; bishop successively of Llandaff, Salisbury and later Durham. With his autograph. Date: circa 1800
John Shute, first Viscount BarringtonJOHN SHUTE, first viscount BARRINGTON (1678 - 1734) Statesman, opponent of papists and Jacobites, but champion of tolerance towards dissenters. Date: circa 1720
Star Vintage Car on Country Road, Shute, DevonStar Vintage Car on Country Road, Shute, Axminster, near Kilmington, Devon, England. Date: 1900s
Josias ShuteJOSIAS SHUTE churchman and theologian from Colchester Date: 1588 - 1643
Shute Barrington - 2SHUTE BARRINGTON Eminent churchman, son of viscount B.; bishop successively of Llandaff, Salisbury (when this was done) and later Durham. Date: 1734 - 1826
Water Shute, SydenhamRiver Rapids water chute at Crystal Palace, Sydenham
Fire Escape Shute / 1884Merryweathers fire-escape ladder and canvas chute, enabling persons to descend rapidly from a burning building