Writing / Shorthand PitmanShorthand writing: an example of Pitmans system, boasting that Fortune magazine has gained over 100, 000 subscribers in five short years
Sir Isaac PitmanSIR ISaC PITMAN Inventor of a system of shorthand Date: 1813 - 1897
Pitmans School, Southampton Row, London - School Building of the famous Secretarial School, teaching secretarial skills such as shorthand and typing
Comic postcard, Wife, husband and secretary Date: 20th century
Comic postcard, Scene at secretarial college Date: 20th century
Blind Typists - Royal Normal College, Upper NorwoodBlind Typists - Royal Normal College for the Blind, Westow Street, Upper Norwood, London. Taking down a telephone message in shorthand
Kuda Bux and one of his experimentsUndated photograph of Kuda Bux and one of his experiments with " eyeless sight" : with head bandaged, he is duplicating shorthand characters drawn on a blackboard by Lucie Kay
Two girl guides in uniform on a garden swing, Austria. The handwritten message on the right appears to be mostly in shorthand. Date: circa 1900s
Young woman with notebook and penYoung woman with shorthand notebook and pen -- a typical secretary. circa 1960s
William Brodie GurneyWILLIAM BRODIE GURNEY Shorthand writer to the House of Lords : he played a crucial role in the trial of queen Caroline, taking down the testimony for and against. Date: 1777 - 1855
Shorthand on the back of a postcard. Date: 1917
Sir Isaac Pitman, c. 1897Photographic portrait of Sir Isaac Pitman (1813-1897), the English teacher and inventor of shorthand, pictured c.1897
Taking Dictation / 1960SA secretary taking dictation