Ancient Germanic warrior with heads of his victimsAncient Germanic warrior on horseback, in short cape and pants, with severed heads of his victims impaled on his lance and hanging from his waist
Ancient Germanic warriors. They are naked except for animal skins with heads and antlers, and carry lances, clubs and wood and wicker shields. After Philipp Cluvers Germania Antiqua
Judith with the Head of Holofernes by Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506) - Paduan - painted on wood Date: circa 1495
Tomb of a Guinean king, guarded by warriors, and decorated with severed heads on spears, offerings, plates and urns. Men sacrificing more victims in the background
Perseus rescuing Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus. On his shoulders is the helmet that made him invisible, his sword Harpe and under his cloak is the severed head of Gorgon Medusa
Luncheon at the Empress Club 1900The Empress Club, sitting between Dover Street and 13 Berkeley Street, W1, London. One of the very first Ladies Clubs, The Empress Club was founded in 1897. Date: 1900
Perseus on PegasusPerseus, carrying the severed head of Medusa in his hand, rides away triumphantly on the winged horse Pegasus
Heads of captured Greek banditsA gruesome engraving showing the severed heads of seven Greek captured bandits nailed to a wall. 1870s
Beowulf & AschereBeowulf finds the severed head of his comrade Aschere (a victim of Grendel the monster)
Cartoon, The gift from France, WW1Cartoon, The gift from France, showing a German lady receiving a simply adorable gift from her soldier, a severed hand on a necklace. Date: 1915
Salome and Johns HeadWarrior woman with severed head of male enemy
Cartoon, Hands Up! WW1Cartoon, Hands Up! A German soldier holds up the severed hands of his female victim, calling to the enemy not to shoot, we are soldiers just like you. Date: 1915
Cartoon, The Salesman, WW1Cartoon, The Salesman, flirting with a customer as she tries on some gloves. Behind the salesman is a shadow of German soldiers with severed hands skewered on a sword. Date: 1915
Lamna nasus, porbeagle sharkSpecimen of a porbeagle sharks head on the dissection table outside the Tank Room of the Darwin Centre, at the Natural History Museum, London
Clovis Hugues / Hommes AujCLOVIS HUGUES French writer and radical politician
Rome Rail SeveredPapal forces sever the railway line between Rome and Foligno, to hamper the expected attack by Garibaldi and his men
Herakles and the HydraOne of his Twelve Labours is to slay the Hydra of Lerna, a denizen of the swamps, each of whose nine heads, if severed, is replaced by two more : but he manages it
Folklore / HydraHerakles must slay the Hydra of Nemea, whose nine heads are self- renewing : his nephew Iolaus has the answer - cauterise the necks as soon as severed
Herakles & Hydra 1920Herakles slays the Hydra of Lerna whose heads - originally numbering only nine - doubled when severed : the difficulty was resolved by his nephew