St Michael Archangel by Guido Reni Date: 1635
Dubrovnik. Map of the city before the earthquake of 1667. Croatia
Col. Blood / Jewel ThiefColonel Thomas Blood, an audacious rogue known as the Man who stole the Crown Jewels from the basement of the Tower of London
Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), diarist and Naval administrator. Date: 1666
First Authenticated Christmas Tree - StrasbourgChristmas Tree in History and Legend: The Earliest Authenticated Christmas Tree in Strasbourg (at this time in Germany)
C17 Sailing ShipsA ships boat takes an officer ashore past two naval vessels
MAYs COOKERY BOOK 1685The Accomplished Cook, or the art and mystery of Cookery : a seventeenth century guide to success in the kitchen by Robert May
Frost Fair by Jan Griffier the ElderThe famous Frost Fair taking place on the frozen River Thames in London in 1683. Freezing to around eleven inches thick, the ice was strong enough to hold shops, stalls, coaches and sleds
The Gunpowder Plot, Guy Fawkes and conspiratorsEarly 19th century impression of the main protagonists in the conspiracy to blow up Parliament in 1605. From left, Tesmond, Garnet, T. Percy, Catesby, I. Wright, Guy Fawkes, I
Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, New England, 1620The Pilgrim Fathers arriving at Plymouth, New England in 1620. Date: 1918
The concert, showing a group of players by Gerald de HonthorA group of musicians with a lady playing a lute, 17th century. Date: 1939
Matthew Henry - English Bible commentator and writerMatthew Henry (1662-1714) - English Bible commentator, minister of a Presbyterian congregation at Chester and writer. Also known as a nonconformist divine and theologian. Date: circa 1700s
Lute Music by the Canal, Hendrick SorghA lute player entertains a lady in a Dutch interior, seventeenth century. Date: 1939
Elizabethan WarshipIllustration of an Elizabethan Warship
Words by King Charles IIPoem written by King Charles II entitled I Pass All My Hours in a Shady Old Grove, accompanied by a stylised illustration of the Merry Monarch composing under the shade of an oak tree
Jacob Kettler (1610-1682). 3rd Duke of Curland and Semigallia (1642-1682). Portrait. Engraving. 17th century
Curonian Kings. Coat of arms. Kurschkonigen, CourlandCuronian Kings. Kurschkonigen. Coat of arms. Courland. 17th century
Portrait of a Young Girl, ca. 1660, by Jose AntolinezJose Antolinez (1635-1675). Spanish painter. Portrait of a Young Girl, ca. 1660. Oil on canvas, 58 x 46 cm. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain
Village feast. Facsimile of an engraving from 1609Village feast. Facsimile after a woodcut of the Sandrin ou Verd Galant, edition of 1609. Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-age et a l'epoque de la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878
Turkish ceremonial helmet. Gilded bronze. Provenance unknown. 16th-17th centuries. National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria
Scene from the Christological Cyclet. Wall paintingScene from the Christological Cycle. Wall painting from the Church of St. George Mali, built in the 17th century on the southern shore of the ancient Nesebur, demolished in 1946
A man dressed in authentic English Civil War costume. Date: c. 1910A man dressed in authentic English Civil War costume. Date: c.1910
DUTCH MERCHANT VESSELSDutch West Indies Merchant Vessels. Date: early 17th century
Blue Chaise LongeOil painting of a grand interior
A man dressed as Charles II, or at least somebody who looks very like him. Date: c. 1910A man dressed as Charles II, or at least somebody who looks very like him. Date: c.1910
Plans and sections of a Maltese Galley. Date: late 17th century
Plan diagrams of a Maltese Galley. Date: 17th Century
Sydenham WellsMedicinal springs found in Sydenham in the seventeenth century, attracted people to the area when Sydenham was still in Kent. Date: 1875
London coffee houseA London coffee house. 17th century
Seventeenth century Horn Book, teaching aid, with the letters of the alphabet and two prayers. 17th century
17th and 18th century balusters
Paget stump workPage from The Sketch featuring two examples of stump-work - raised needlework and embroidery pictures - done for the Paget family
Ageratum. Seventeenth-century engraving in Bibliotheca Pharmaceutica-Medica by J. Jacobi Mangeti. Published in Genoa. Italy. Engraving
Aconitum. Seventeenth-century engraving in Bibliotheca Pharmaceutica-Medica by J. Jacobi Mangeti. Published in Genoa. Italy. Engraving
Attack on Whig mug-houseThe Whigs were a political faction and then a political party in the parliaments of England, Scotland, Great Britain, Ireland and the United Kingdom
A Royal Yacht of 1674 by G. H. DavisA diagrammatic reconstruction painting of a royal yacht owned by King Charles II, one of two presented to him by the Dutch when he was restored to the throne
Castration / C17ThA patient is pinned down and involuntarily castrated
Eugene of Savoy Carignan (1663-1736), called Prince Eugene. French political and military service in Austria
Clock Tower. Year 1602. Kotor. Republic of Montenegro
WW1 - British hospital ship Anglia sinks, November 17th 1915WW1 - HMHS Anglia was a British steam ship requisitioned for use as a hospital ship during the First World War
John Hewson - Colonel, parliamentarian, regicideColonel John Hewson (Hughson) (-1662) - A shoemaker who rose to rank of general in Cromwells army and was a soldier in the New Model Army
Whitehall PalaceThe Royal Palace of Whitehall, designed by Inigo Jones. Date: seventeenth century
Advertisement for Black & White WhiskyAdvertisement for Black & White Scotch Whisky
GOYEN, Jan Van (1596-1656). Dutchman painter. Outskirts of a village with travelers, 1630. Museum of Fine Arts. Budapest. Hungary
KOKOLJA, Tripo (1661-1713). Montenegrian painter. Statue. Perast. Republic of Montenegro
Edouard Manet (1832-1883). Boy with a sword, 1861Edouard Manet (1832-1883). French Impressionist painter. Boy with a sword, 1861. Oil on Canvas. Metropolitan Museum of New York. United States
Ageratum. Seventeenth-century engraving in Bibliotheca Pharmaceutica-Medica by J. Jacobi Mangeti. Published in Genoa. Italy. Colored engraving
Aconitum. Seventeenth-century engraving in Bibliotheca Pharmaceutica-Medica by J. Jacobi Mangeti. Published in Genoa. Italy. Colored engraving
Thora Valdensium. Seventeenth-century engraving in Bibliotheca Pharmaceutica-Medica by J. Jacobi Mangeti. Published in Genoa. Italy. Engraving
Columnade of St. Peters Square of Vatican. Built by BerniniBaroque Art. Seat of San Peter (San Pietro) of the Vatican. Built by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680). Detail of columnade and sculptures of differents saints (1657). Night view. City of the Vatican
Rome. Seat of St Peter (San Pietro). City of the VaticanBaroque Art. St Peters square at the Vatican. Built by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680). Detail columns, and sculptures of differents saints. Vatican City State. Holy See
Zurbaran, Francisco de (1598-1664). Spanish painter. Saint Andrew, c. 1635-1640. Detail. Museum of Fine Arts. Budapest. Hungary
GRECO, DomE?nikos TheotokU?pulos, called El (1541-1614). AgoRENAISSANCE ART. SPAIN. GRECO, DomE?nikos TheotokU?pulos, called El (Candia, 1541-Toledo, 1614). Cretan painter, representative of the last phase of Mannerism. Agony in the garden, h. 1610-1612
Gerard Reynst, 2nd Governor-General of the Dutch East IndiesGerard (Gerrit) Reynst (circa 1558-1615) - Dutch merchant and 2nd Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies. Date: circa 1614
James Baron ForbesJAMES OCHONCAR, seventeenth baron FORBES Scottish military commander Date: 1765 - 1843
French Warship 1666Un navire royal - a vessel of the French kings fleet Date: 1666
C17 Maltese GalleyA Maltese galley running before the wind Date: end of 17th century
Alexander Henderson - Presbyterian divine, and diplomatAlexander Henderson (1583-1646) - Scottish Presbyterian divine, theologian, and an important ecclesiastical statesman of his period. He was a chaplain to King Charles I and also served as a diplomat
Santa Catalina. Anonymous copy of the original by Bartolom頍 urillo. Second half of the seventeenth century. Baroque art. Oil on canvas. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid
Man Attacking Another ManIn this picture a 17th century man holding a rifle or a musket is attacking an older man holding a pistol by grabbing his beard
Whitehall Gatesaid to have been designed by Hans Holbein. Date: seventeenth century
Charterhouse SquareIn the seventeenth century Date: circa 1600
Netherlands HoornHoorn viewed from the sea. Date: seventeenth century
Italy PaviaPavia, on the Ticino, in the seventeenth century : the fortifications were much needed during the periodic battles and sieges. Date: 17th century
Mont Saint-MichelSainct-Michel as it appeared in the seventeenth century. Date: 17th century
Thomas, Lord Coningsby 1656 - 1729 (1692). Bate, Thomas fl. c. 1692. This is the only work known by Thomas Bate, who worked in Ireland towards the end of the seventeenth century
On the seventeenth - the Irishmans idea of Atlas
The Lute Player by Judith LeysterA man playing a lute, 17th century. Date: 1939
The Sphere Christmas Number 1939Front cover of The Sphere Christmas Number featuring a Dutch painting by Terborch of two ladies singing and playing a lute. A servant boy brings in a tray. Decoration by Harold Nelson. Date: 1939
Sweden KronborgA seventeenth century view of the palace. Date: 1697
Englishman asserting his authorityThree Spaniards outnumbered by an Englishmen in combat. While they draw their swords, the Englishmen responds with his quarterstaff. Date: 17th Century
Music by King Charles IMusic and lyrics by King Charles I entitled Mark How The Blushful Morn accompanied by a stylised illustration depicting the King playing the cello while seated on the throne
Dutch Warships 1670A Dutch man-of-war firing her guns. Date: circa 1670
The city and Castle of Frederyca in Paraiba, BrazilLooking across the calm waters to Paraiba in Brazil
Princess Elizabeth StuartElizabeth was the second daughter of King Charles I of England and Henrietta Maria of France. She died of pneumonia aged just 14
Preparing the Christmas Feast by Pauline BaynesA kitchen scene from the early 17th century along with examples of dishes eaten at Christmas during this period
Aerial View of 17th century LondonAerial view of London, at the beginning of the seventeenth century. At the bottom of the image is Westminster, at top right are London Bridge and the Tower of London and top centre, St
Seventeenth-Century Rocking Horse, 1930Photograph showing a childs seventeenth-century wooden rocking horse, at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1930
Dutch Warships 1630SDutch warships
Spanish Silver FleetThe sailing of a Spanish silver fleet from America with loot for home
French Warship 1660French warships at anchor
Golf in the 17th CenturyThree seventeenth century golfers
Rolling out Sheet MetalMedieval depiction of rolling out sheet metal
German Trading VesselsGerman trading vessels