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Servicemen Collection

Background imageServicemen Collection: 1st Earl Haig at a British Legion Poppy Factory

1st Earl Haig at a British Legion Poppy Factory
Field Marshal Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig (1861-1928) - a senior officer of the British Army who commanded the British Expeditionary Force on the Western Front in WW1 - pictured at the British Legion

Background imageServicemen Collection: Black GIs at Rainbow Corner, London American Red Cross Club

Black GIs at Rainbow Corner, London American Red Cross Club
Black GIs in the Information Bureau at Rainbow Corner, the London American Red Cross Club. Thousands of messages are written on a large blackboard

Background imageServicemen Collection: Blind ex servicemen learning anatomy and massage after WW1

Blind ex servicemen learning anatomy and massage after WW1 Date: circa 1916

Background imageServicemen Collection: Servicemen blinded during WW1 learning to make baskets

Servicemen blinded during WW1 learning to make baskets and nets - 1920s Date: circa 1916

Background imageServicemen Collection: Servicemen blinded during WW1 learning anatomy and massage

Servicemen blinded during WW1 learning anatomy and massage - 1920s Date: circa 1916

Background imageServicemen Collection: Blind ex-servicemen learning to make nets and baskets

Blind ex-servicemen learning to make nets and baskets
Blind ex servicemen learning to make nets and baskets after WW1 Date: circa 1916

Background imageServicemen Collection: Cinema advertisment: Disabled ex-servicemen making poppies

Cinema advertisment: Disabled ex-servicemen making poppies for Earl Haig's Appeal in the 1920s Date: circa 1930s

Background imageServicemen Collection: Disabled ex-servicemen making poppies

Disabled ex-servicemen making poppies for Earl Haig's Appeal in the 1920s Date: circa 1930s

Background imageServicemen Collection: Cinema ad - British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association

Cinema ad - British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association
Cinema advertisement for the British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association, 1940s

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2 - The Girls Of Today, N. A. A. F. I

WW2 - The Girls Of Today, N. A. A. F. I
A WW2 children's book illustration from The Girls Of Today. The image shows a Naffy, a woman who works at a canteen aimed to provide food for armed forces servicemen. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2 - Seven Days Leave

WW2 - Seven Days Leave
A WW2 children's short story illustration which shows a cafe with servicemen and women occupying the tables. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageServicemen Collection: The Home Front Music Cover

The Home Front Music Cover
An illustrated WW2 music sheet cover for The Home Front, words and music by Reginald Hindley and Sydney Thompson. Featured and broadcast by Joe Loss and his band

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2 Greetings Card, Zero Hour

WW2 Greetings Card, Zero Hour
A WW2 greetings card, the image portrays three servicemen of the Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and British Army, smoking and interacting outside a no beer pub. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2 Christmas Card, The Toast Is Freedom

WW2 Christmas Card, The Toast Is Freedom
A WW2 Christmas greetings card with an illustration titled The Toast Is Freedom. The image shows servicemen of Britain's armed forces and home defence enjoying a Christmas meal. Date: 1944

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2 Birthday Card

WW2 Birthday Card
A WW2 birthday greetings card, the illustration depicts a jolly scene between servicemen of the Royal Air Force, British Army and Royal Navy. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2 Christmas Card, All The Best!

WW2 Christmas Card, All The Best!
A WW2 Christmas greetings card, the illustration portrays three servicemen of the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force raising their glasses. Date: 1942

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2 Christmas Postcard, We Can Take It!

WW2 Christmas Postcard, We Can Take It!
A WW2 Christmas themes postcard, the illustration portrays some British servicemen of the Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and the Army, giving thumbs up. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageServicemen Collection: R. A. F. Servicemen And Women

R. A. F. Servicemen And Women
These illustrations portray British Royal Air Force servicemen and women in various scenes, including enjoying a meal and receiving reports and orders. Date: 1941

Background imageServicemen Collection: Off Duty R. A. F. Men

Off Duty R. A. F. Men
A pair of illustrations showing various ways in which British Royal Air Force servicemen might spend their time off duty, examples include playing darts and writing letters to home. Date: 1941

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2, Emergency Mobile Canteen Corps

WW2, Emergency Mobile Canteen Corps
An illustration which shows an interior of a room where civilians and WW2 servicemen are having tea, served by ladies of the Emergency Mobile Canteen Corps. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2, At The Carriage Windows

WW2, At The Carriage Windows
This illustration shows Jackie and Pam, some fictional WW2 ladies of the Emergency Mobile Canteen Corps, approaching a train carriage, British Army servicemen are reaching out of the windows

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2, Mobile Canteen

WW2, Mobile Canteen
An illustration of some British WW2 sailors and army servicemen having tea from a mobile canteen. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2, Jackie Serving Tea

WW2, Jackie Serving Tea
This illustration shows Jackie, a fictional character from a WW2 story book, she serves for the Emergency Mobile Canteen Corps, offering tea to some servicemen

Background imageServicemen Collection: WW2, On Leave

WW2, On Leave
An illustration of two little boys dressed up as WW2 servicemen of the British Royal Navy and British Army, walking arm in arm as they enjoy their time on leave. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageServicemen Collection: The Piedmontese army at Battle of Volturno, 1-2

The Piedmontese army at Battle of Volturno, 1-2 October 1860, Expedition of Thousand, Italy, 19th century. ITALY. LAZIO. Rome. Museo Centrale del Risorgimento (Central Museum of the Risorgimento)

Background imageServicemen Collection: VALUE!

value, horizontal, colour, color, outdoor, daylight, exterior, outside, daytime, sunlight, 1, one, man, with, people, person, persons, men, male, masculine, painting, paintings, pictures, picture

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War. Soldiers of the nationalist

Spanish Civil War. Soldiers of the nationalist side during a battle

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Machine gun post

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Machine gun post

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Basque Country

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Basque Country (1936). Military mass of gudaris

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Carlist requetes

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Carlist requetes (volunteers) under the comandment of general Solchaga

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Soldiers of Franco's

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Soldiers of Franco's army

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Moroccan soldier

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Moroccan soldier od the regulars of the African Army

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Entrance of

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Entrance of the Franco's army in a conquered village

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). La UGT. Columna

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). La UGT. Columna y base de la victoria (UGT. Column and basis of Victory). Poster

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Los combatientes

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Los combatientes necesitan prendas de abrigo (Fighters need warm clothes). Poster ob the International Red Help. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Leed Verdad

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Leed Verdad, vuestro diario (Read Verdad (Truth), your newspaper). Unified journal of the communist and socialist parties. Poster. SPAIN. Salamanca

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Reconquest of

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Reconquest of Tardienta (Huesca) by nationalist troops (March 1938). Drawing by Carlos Saenz de Tejada. Drawing

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spnaish Civil War (1936-1939). Carriage gate

Spnaish Civil War (1936-1939). Carriage gate on the western facade of the Alcazar of Toledo. Painting by A. Kemer. Watercolour. SPAIN. Madrid. Military Historical Service

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Armoured car

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Armoured car

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Armored vehicle

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Armored vehicle with gun turret

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Ganar la guerra

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Ganar la guerra primero (First Win the War). Poster edited by the Delegation of Propaganda and Press of the Defence Delegate Junta of Madrid. SPAIN. Barcelona

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Nationalist troops

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Nationalist troops in Navalcarnero (November 1936). Mess time

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Military Commission

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Military Commission of the Non-Intervention Committee. SPAIN. Monistrol de Montserrat. Library of Montserrat Abbey

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War March Of The Southern Columns

Spanish Civil War March Of The Southern Columns
spanish, civil, war, march, of, the, southern, columns, to, front, madrid, autumn, drawing, by, carlos, saenz, de, tejada, vertical, upright, black, and, white, b, w, two, man, with, people, person

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Motorized troops

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Motorized troops of the German Condor Legion

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Siege of Oviedo

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Siege of Oviedo (September 1936). Drawing by M. Bertuchi

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Defensar Madrid

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Defensar Madrid es defensar Catalunya (To defend Madrid is to defend Catalonia). Poster

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War Me As A Volunteer I Do What

Spanish Civil War Me As A Volunteer I Do What
spanish, civil, war, me, as, a, volunteer, i, do, what, want, caricature, published, in, the, magazine, l'esquella, de, la, torratxa, vertical, upright, black, and, white, b, w, woman, with

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). La garra del

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). La garra del invasor italiano pretende esclavizarnos (The Clutches of the Italian Invader Try to Enslave Us)

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Por la independencia

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Por la independencia de Espana (For the Independence of Spain). Poster by Josep Renau edited by the General Commissariate of the Army

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Troops

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Troops on the streets of Teruel (December 31, 1937). SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Military mass

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Military mass in the nationalist area (1936)

Background imageServicemen Collection: MIAJA MENANT, Jose (1878-1958). Spanish military

MIAJA MENANT, Jose (1878-1958). Spanish military man, commander-in-chief of the Republican army during the Civil War. Caricature. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spain Toledo Alcazar Castle Spanish Civil War

Spain Toledo Alcazar Castle Spanish Civil War
spain, toledo, alcazar, castle, spanish, civil, war, the, of, after, bein, liberated, september, horizontal, black, and, white, b, w, outdoor, daylight, exterior, outside, daytime, sunlight, scene

Background imageServicemen Collection: Shahnameh. The Book of Kings. 16th c. Depiction

Shahnameh. The Book of Kings. 16th c. Depiction of a battle. Islamic art. Miniature Painting

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). La Patria en

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). La Patria en peligro llama a su hijo (The Homeland in Danger Calls her Son). Poster with republican border guards (1936)

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Commission sent

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Commission sent by the Society of Nations to deal with the retreat of foreign troops of Spain

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Meeting between

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Meeting between the Prime Minister Juan Negrin and the Subsecretary of War Antonio Cordon (1938)

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War Socors Roig De Catalunya Front

Spanish Civil War Socors Roig De Catalunya Front
spanish, civil, war, socors, roig, de, catalunya, front, unic, la, solidaritat, red, help, of, catalonia, solidarity, only, poster, by, molina, vertical, upright, colour, color, three, older, people

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). 18 de julio 1938

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). 18 de julio 1938 (18th July 1938). Poster by Cantos edited by the War Commissariate of the Center Arny

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El Ejercito Popular

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). El Ejercito Popular es el ejercito de la Republica (The Popular Army is The Republic's Army). Poster by Parrilla edited by the Delegate Junta of Defence of Madrid

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War. International Brigades. Arrival

Spanish Civil War. International Brigades. Arrival to Barcelona of the American volunteers to fight with the international column. SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Alistaos en las

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Alistaos en las milicias del POUM (Join the POUM militia). Poster by Siwe (1936)

Background imageServicemen Collection: SPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

SPAIN. BASQUE COUNTRY. Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Soldiers shhoting against aircrafts in Basque Country (April 1937)

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Levantaos contra

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Levantaos contra la invasion italiana en Espana! (Rise against the Italina invasion of Spain). Poster by Espert edited by the Junta Delegada de Defensa of Madrid

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Gloria a los

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Gloria a los que derramaron su sangre por Espana y por su Caudillo Franco (Glory to Those Who Shed Their Blood for Spain and His Leader Franco)

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Conferencia Nacional

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Conferencia Nacional de Estudiantes (F.U.E.) (Students National Conference). Poster by Ramon Puyol (1937). SPAIN. Salamanca. Archivo Historico Nacional

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Per a Euzkadi

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Per a Euzkadi l'ofensiva! (For Euskadi the Offensive!)

Background imageServicemen Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Prime Minister

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Prime Minister Juan Negrin visiting the front

Background imageServicemen Collection: The main lobby at the American Red Cross Club, Rainbow Corner, London

The main lobby at the American Red Cross Club, Rainbow Corner, London, the main base in London for US servicemen. The lobby was the clubs busiest area

Background imageServicemen Collection: The Showboat in Maidenhead becomes All Services Club

The Showboat in Maidenhead becomes All Services Club
Scene at The Show Boat in Maidenhead, an art deco style club with swimming pool, which opened to much fanfare in 1933. During the war it re-opened as an All-Services club, financed by Colonel W

Background imageServicemen Collection: The demonstration march 1928

The demonstration march 1928
A modest demonstration march of The force was formed from the Labour League of ex-Servicemen, known as the L.L.Ex. Their uniform was reminiscent of the Russian Red army uniform complete with a Soviet

Background imageServicemen Collection: The British Red Army at Leytonstone

The British Red Army at Leytonstone
Commandant J. Snooks, who served during the First World War as a Lieutenant, and Mrs. Campbell, the Commandant of the Womens Section

Background imageServicemen Collection: Meridionali Ro. 37

Meridionali Ro. 37
(ex Regia Aeronautica) - Meridionali Ro.37, providing shelter for British servicemen after capture in the Libyan campaign, circa 1942. Date: circa 1942

Background imageServicemen Collection: Four nurses and wounded servicemen on steps

Four nurses and wounded servicemen on steps
Informal group of nurses and servicemen in hospital blues on steps of Clandon Hospital Guildford. Nurse Lucy Crosse is second from right. Date: 1918

Background imageServicemen Collection: Nurse with group of servicemen

Nurse with group of servicemen
Nurse seated with group of six servicemen in a field. A tent is visible in the background Date: circa 1940

Background imageServicemen Collection: Nurses and convalescing servicemen in ward

Nurses and convalescing servicemen in ward
Benyon ward in Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading. Four nurses standing, several servicemen in bed or seated. Nurses station and floral display can be seen to the centre of the room. Date: circa 1915

Background imageServicemen Collection: Nurses and convalescing servicemen outside

Nurses and convalescing servicemen outside
Group of four nurses and five convalescing soldiers in hospital uniform blues. Another serviceman is peering through a hedge on left and a small boy is sitting on a bench to the right Date: circa 1915

Background imageServicemen Collection: Two friends - A British Navy Sailor and a Pacific Islander

Two friends - A British Navy Sailor and a Pacific Islander. Date: circa 1930s

Background imageServicemen Collection: Serbo-Bulgarian War, 14-28 November 1885. Bulgarian

Serbo-Bulgarian War, 14-28 November 1885. Bulgarian Soldiers taking a position in Tzaribrod (now Dimitrovgrad) in Serbia. Illustration by Richard Caton Woodville after sketch by M

Background imageServicemen Collection: French conquest of Algeria. 1830-1847. Expedition

French conquest of Algeria. 1830-1847. Expedition to Morocco in 1844 against Abd el-Kader. Camp French of the column of chasseurs (huntmen) of Africa in the field of the battle of Isly on 14 August

Background imageServicemen Collection: Inauguration of the 1899 Philippine Republic in

Inauguration of the 1899 Philippine Republic in Malolos, Bulacan. Engraving

Background imageServicemen Collection: India (19th c. ). British India Sikh Soldiers in

India (19th c. ). British India Sikh Soldiers in
India (19th c.). British India Sikh Soldiers in Egypt. Officers and men of the British India: Urbel Singh - 13th Bengal Lancers. November 18, 1882. The Ilustrated London News. Engraving

Background imageServicemen Collection: Germany (1848). Fighting in the streets of Frankfurt

Germany (1848). Fighting in the streets of Frankfurt - the army bring up their artillery to attack a huge barricade erected by the insurgents. By Illustration. Engraving. FRANCE. Ό E-DE-FRANCE

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