Brazil - Sao Paulo - Serpentarium of the Instituto Butantan, a Brazilian biomedical research centre affiliated to the Sao Paulo State Secretary of Health
Horse serum laboratory at Elstree, 1915The laboratory of the horse serum farm at Elstree, 1915
Vaccine laboratories, Glenolden, Pennsylvania, USAVaccine laboratories of the H K Mulford Company, Glenolden, Pennsylvania, USA. Built in the late 1890s, the laboratories produced the first commercial diphtheria antitoxin in the USA. Date: 1910s
Human finger, skin, blood, serum and salt crystals
Pierre Roux PhotoPIERRE-PAUL-EMILE ROUX French discover of a serum for diphtheria, photographed in 1928. Date: 1853 - 1933
German breaches of the hague conventionInjecting chilblains serum into the feet of the British. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans Date: 1916
Rouxs Serum / DiphtheriaRoux prepares his serum: his method against Diphtheria