15th century French peasant. Engraving after a miniature of the Danse macabre. Moeurs, usages et costumes au moyen-age et a l'epoque de la Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1878
India. British colonial era. Banquet at the palace of Rais in Mynere. Engraving by Hildibrand. Colored. The Illustrated World, 1882
Russian Serf / Peasant - A MuzhikMuzhik or mujik - a Russian peasant, usually from pre-1917 Imperial Russia. The term confers a certain degree of poverty, as most muzhiks were serfs before the 1861 agricultural reforms
A very hairy sultan reclining on some pillowsIllustration of a group of serfs bowing before a very hairy sultan reclining on some pillows
Tacuinum Sanitatis. Servant offering a glass of wine to hisTacuinum Sanitatis. 14th century. Medieval handbook of health. Servant offering a glass of wine to his master on his return home. Folio 87V
Hassan I (1836-1894). Sultan of Morocco between 1873 and 1894, member of the Alaouite dynasty. The Sultan receives a dispatch. 19 th century engraving R. Caton Woodville. Colored
Russian Countrywoman with pitchfork and red headscarfRussian Countrywoman with wooden pitchfork and red headscarf. Date: 1903
Traditional round circle dancing in a Russian village. Date: 1902
Russian villagers having lunchRussian villagers take a break from hard work on the family farm and have their lunch, sitting outside in the grass close to their wooden cabin home. Date: circa 1901
Russian Countrywomen in traditional costumeRussian Countrywomen in a variety of traditional costumes Date: 1902
Russian Countrywoman wearing floral headdressRussian Countrywoman wearing a floral headdress Date: circa 1905
Russian Country FolkRussian Country Family Date: circa 1904
Two Rural Russian Country Girls pose with a sheaf of cornTwo Rural Russian Country Girls outside the entrance to a large barn, pose with a Sheaf of corn. Date: circa 1905
Emancipation of a SerfEmancipating a Russian serf
Events / RussiaABOLITION OF SERFDOM : Tsar Alexander II orders emancipation of serfs throughout Russia