Musicians in the snow on a Christmas card, about to have something poured on them from a jug. circa 1890s
Young couple on a romantic greetings card, sitting on a vine branch -- With affection and regard. Date: circa 1890s
Dulac: Delights of Other DaysDelights of Other Days by Edmund Dulac. The Serenade. Date: 1913
Child PiperSilhouette. Child with a pipe serenading a bird. Artist: HGC Marsh Lambert Date: circa 1921
Comic postcard, Come into the garden, Maud Date: early 20th century
Music cover, Mia Cara Waltz, by P Bucalossi. Date: late 19th century
Musical cat with guitar serenading on a postcardMusical cat with guitar serenading his lady love on a postcard. Date: circa 1890s
WAGNER / LIEBIG / 5 / 1870RICHARD WAGNER German composer in 1870, serenading his wife and baby in their own home with his Siegfried Idyll Date: 1813 - 1883
Musical owl with banjo serenading on a romantic cardMusical owl with banjo serenading a dove on a comic romantic card. Date: circa 1890s
Frogs as Humans (2 of 5)Frogs sing Love in May
A Fairy Serenade - Fairy Troubadour atop a mushroomA Fairy Serenade - A Fairy Troubadour atop a mushroom belting out some love songs for his girl... Date: 1920s
Don Juan and his man Leporello, probably a scene from Mozarts opera, Don Giovanni, outside Elviras house, during which they exchange clothes for purposes of deception. 1821
Title page, Ching Hoti, A Chinese Love Tale. circa 1850s
Serenade / Music Cover" Serenade in the Night". A guitarist serenades below the window of his hearts desire. The lady hasn t as yet come to the window. Date: 1936
His Excellency the Governor by R MarshallPromotional postcard for His Excellency The Governor by R. Marshall. First produced at the Court Theatre, 8th June 1898
Musicians in the snow on a New Year card, about to have something poured on them from a jug. circa 1890s
Girl and boy with large flower on a Christmas card. The boy is playing the pipe to serenade the girl. Date: circa 1890s
Illustration, Hassan by James Elroy FleckerIllustration to Hassan (The Story of Hassan of Baghdad and How he Came to Make the Golden Journey to Samarkand), a verse drama by James Elroy Flecker, with illustrations by Thomas Mackenzie
Chocolate box design, Pierrot and HarlequinChocolate box design, showing a pierrot serenading a female harlequin by the light of the moon, surrounded by pink flowers. Date: 20th century
Chocolate box design, couple in a gardenChocolate box design, featuring an 18th century couple in a garden, the lady in a wide crinoline sitting on a bench, the man serenading her with a flute or clarinet. Date: 20th century
Bournemouth Centenary, Serenading the Moon. Date: 1910
Pierrot serenading pierrettePierrot is seranading pierrot with a banjo. Date: 1902
In the Gloaming by Balliol SalmonA pre-war (pre-WWI) Idyll of the Thames, with a young man serenading his two female companions (possibly with a ukelele?!) as they drift slowly along the Thames in a boat. Date: 1930
Street music: hopeful organ grinderAn organ grinder looks up hopefully whilst plying his trade at the kerbside. Perhaps he is serenading someone in a upper window
My Ladye Faire -- a fine lady is serenaded by a man with a lute or mandolin. 20th century
Tennyson FunALFRED LORD TENNYSON the Poet Laureate serenading the characters from his poems, including the Lady of Shalott, floating by in her boat