Godfrey of Bouillon (1060-1100). Military leader during the First Crusade. First ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099-1100), choosing for his mandate the title of Defender of the Holy Sepulchre
Godfrey of Bouillon (1060-1100). Military leader 1st CrusadeGodfrey of Bouillon (1060-1100). Military leader during the First Crusade. First ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099-1100), choosing for his mandate the title of Defender of the Holy Sepulchre
George Washington's tomb. Mount Vernon, VirginiaUnited States of America. George Washington's tomb. Mount Vernon, Virginia. Engraving by Danvin. Panorama Universal. History of the United States of America, from 1st edition of Jean B.G
Tomb with depiction of a recumbent female figure and a dogStone tomb with depiction of a recumbent female figure and a dog in bas-relief. 1425-1450. Convent of Santo Domingo (La Coruna, Galicia, Spain)
Spain, Aragon, Huesca. Abbey of San Pedro el Viejo. Tombs in one of the cloister's galleries
Turkey. Constantinople. Galata TowerOttoman Empire. Turkey. Constantinople (today Istanbul). Galata Tower or Tower of Christ. It was buit in 1348 during an expansion of the Genoese colony in Constantinople
Turkey. Constantinople. Turkish cemeteryOttoman Empire. Turkey. Constantinople (today Istanbul). Turkish cemetery. Engraving by Lemaitre, L. Thienon. Historia de Turquia by Joseph Marie Jouannin (1783-1844) and Jules Van Gaver, 1840
Knight of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem with the decoration of the order. Chromolithography. Catholic order of chivalry
Spain, Galicia. Ourense province, Ganade (San Bartolomeu de Ganade). General view of the church of the village. Date: 2011
SANCHEZ, Pedro. Spanish painter active in Seville in the second half of the fifteenth century. THE BURIAL OF CHRIST. Painting on wood. Museum of Fine Arts. Budapest. Hungary
STRAVINSKY Igor Fiodorovich (1882-1971). Russian composer nationalized French and then American. His tomb in the San Michele island cemetery. Venice. Italy
Blanche of Navarre (1137-1156). Sepulcher of Queen Blanche dBlanche of Navarre (1137-1156). Queen Consort, wife of Sancho III, king of Castile. Sepulcher of Queen Blanche depicting her death giving birth to her son, the future King Alfonso VIII of Castile
Mausoleum of Saladin (1138-1193). First, marble coffin (empt)Saladin (real name Sala? al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub) (1138-1193). The first Sultan of Egypt and Syria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. Mausoleum of Saladin. Two Cenotaphs
Gothic art. Spain. Tomb of St. Narcissus of Gerona by Juan de Tournai, XIV century French sculptor. Made in 1328. Church of Sant Feliu de Girona. Catalonia
Blanche of Navarre (1137-1156). Death of the Queen giving biBlanche of Navarre (1137-1156). Queen Consort, wife of Sancho III, king of Castile. Death of the Queen giving birth to her son, the future King Alfonso VIII of Castile. Relief
Gothic art. Mausoleum of Diego Lopez de Haro and the coffin of his wife Toda Perez de Azagra. Fifteenth century. Church of Santa Mari?a La Real. Na?jera. La Rioja
The end of the world and the Last Judgement. The graves were opened. Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy
The End of the world and the Last Judgement. The dead will come out of the tombs. Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy
St Mary Magdalene, Salome and Mary Jacoby going to the tombSaint Mary Magdalene, Salome and Mary Jacoby going to the tomb to anoint Jesus body Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy
Divine Comedy. The Eleventh Canto of Hell. Dante and VirgilDivine Comedy. Epic poem written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 and his death in 1321. The Eleventh Canto of Hell. Dante and Virgil in the tomb of Pope Anastasius. Engraving by Gustave Dore. Colored
Portonaccio sarcophagusRoman Art. Italy. Portonaccio sarcophagus. Dated in the 2nd century
Malaspina expedition. Tonga islands (1793). Sepulcher of Paulajo, a ruler of the islands. Drawing by Fernando Brambila. Drawing. SPAIN. MADRID (AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY). Madrid. Americas Museum
Gothic Holy Sepulcher reliquary. French silversmith piece, 1284-1305. Cathedral of Pamplona. Navarre. Spain
Israel. Jerusalem. Holy Sepulchre. Arches of the Virgin. Only part of Constantines Triportico they chose to preserve
Israel. Jerusalem. Priest uses incense
Israel. Jerusalem. The Tomb of Christ at The Holy Sepulchre. Aedicula. Old city
Spain. Catalonia. Church of St. Maria de Bell-Lloc. Tomb ofGothic art. Spain. Catalonia. Church of St. Maria de Bell-Lloc. 13th century. Tomb of Pere V of Queralt and Alamanda Rocaberti, 1363-1370. By Pere Ciroll and Pere Aguilar. Santa Coloma de Queralt
Spain. Royal Saint Marys Monastery. NajeraSpain. Najera. Royal Saint Marys Monastery. Royal Pantheon. 16th century. First, tomb of Blanche of Navarre
The guards who were guarding the tomb fell frightened through the resurrection of Jesus. Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy
Sancho III of Castile (1134-1158) and his courtiers. Relief from the sepulcher of his wife, Blanche of Navarre. Romanesque. 12th century. Monastery of Santa Mari?a la Real. Najera. La Rioja. Spain
Monastery of Santa Mari?a La Real. Royal Pantheon. Tomb of KMonastery of Santa Mari?a La Real. Royal Pantheon, built around 1556. Renaissance style
Romanesque art. Monastery of Santes Creus. Tombs in gothic sRomanesque art. Monastery of Santes Creus. Cistercian Abbey. Tombs in gothic style of the House of Queralt and House of Puigverd in the cloister. 14th century. Aiguamurcia. Catalonia. Spain
EGYPT. VALLEY OF THE KINGS In the rock walls are carved tEGYPT. VALLEY OF THE KINGS.. In the rock walls are carved the tombs of the pharaohs of the New Kingdom. Entrance to one of the hypogea tomb
Gothic art. Sepulchre of Santa Eulalia. Crypt of the CatheGothic art. Sepulchre of Santa Eulalia. Polychrome marble representing various scenes of her life. Dated between 1327 and 1339. Crypt of the Cathedral of Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain