Nelsons SignalBefore the battle, Nelson sends his famous signal : England expects every man to do his duty
Nelson Sends SignalBefore the battle, Nelson orders his famous signal : England expects every man to do his duty
Ganymede (Titian)The beautiful youth Ganymede, son of King Tros of Troy, catches Zeus eye and he sends an eagle to abduct him, immortalising him as the cupbearer of the Gods
Spies Sent to CanaanMoses sends spies into Canaan to assess the quality of the land : they return with fine grapes, so the Hebrews decide to go there despite the hostility of the Canaanites
Telegram from QueenThe Queen sends a thank-you telegram to the earl of Bessborough, patron of the Chichester Festival. Date: 1962
Hecuba and PolydoreShe sees the corpse of her youngest son, Polydore, whom she had sent away supposedly to safety; coming on top of so many calamities, the sight sends her mad
Elisha and the BearsWhen cheeky children mock the prophet Elishas baldness, God sends two she-bears out of the wood, who tear forty and two of them - God is not mocked, nor his prophet
Ascent Mont Blanc - 1THE ASCENT OF MONT BLANC On the glacier de Sacconay, Tissay, the chief guide, is hauled to safety after a break in the ice nearly sends him plunging into a crevasse
Events / Britain / NormanKing Edward the Confessor sends Harold, earl of Wessex, to confirm to William, duke of Normandy, that he will succeed him on the English throne
Colour Magazine Thoughts And OpinionsAn illustrative page header for a number of issues of Colour Magazine, for their thoughts and opinions page. It shows a man squiring ink on the left, which sends an artistic trail
JAPANESE INSPECTIONJapan is one of the nations who feel a vested interest in Russia's political changes : the emperor sends an envoy to see what's going on - here he is at Muaki. Date: 1918
MOONLIT CHURCHYARDThe full moon shines on a churchyard, encouraging the dead to rise from their graves and scare passing villagers till cockcrow sends them scurrying back... Date: circa 1870
ART & DELVCAEMThe mother of Delvcaem will die when her daughter weds & so she keeps Delvcaem imprisoned & slays her suitors. Here she sends poisonous toads to hinder Art
Albert sends this view of Boar Lane, Leeds, to a friend in Ghent, Belgium : perhaps he is over here on business. Little traffic, apart from Roses pink delivery cart. Date: 1907
UNCLE SAM SENDS IN BILLFrance thanks Uncle Sam for saving her, but is indignant when he sends in his bill Date: 1926
DEPUTATION FROM POPEPope Gregorius III sends delegations to Charles Martel, ruler of the Merovingian Franks, bearing sumptuous gifts, seeking military aid. But Charles doesnt help. Date: 739 and 740
Technological advances of Home Heating - from coal to gasThe Advantages offered by the advances in Home Heating systems, shifting from coal to gas - the housemaid sends the chimney sweep away as her new gas boiler makes no soot and saves work and worry
Rabbit in Cucumber FrameAlice sends the White Rabbit into the cucumber frame
Bible of Alba or Arragel. 1422 - 1430. Castilian translation of the Hebrew Bible by Jewish Rabbi Mose Arragel of Guadalajara, commissioned by Don Luis de Guzmᮠ Gonzᬥ z
Jonah & NinivitesGod sends him on a missionary journey to Nineveh, to tell the people their city will be destroyed 40 days later : they believe and convert and, lo !, their city is not destroyed !
Pigeon Saves the DayA broken down seaplane in the North Sea sends out a pigeon carrying an SOS message of help during the First World War
Girl with envelope on a fabric greetings cardGirl holding an envelope on a fabric greetings card -- Guess who sends this. Date: circa 1890s
Children / Water / TeddyTeddys first trip. A little girl in a boat sends Teddy on his first voyage, in a little boat of his own. Date: 1923
Floki Vilgerdasson / ExplFloki Vilgerdasson sends out ravens on his voyage of exploration that eventually led him to Iceland, where he wintered in 865. Date: circa 865
Aeneas built a castle in Italy and sends his wise messengers to the king Latinus in Laurentum. Scene from the Aeneid of Virgil in french manuscript From the creation of the world to the conquest of
When Fritz sends a Johnson over. 386202 Acting Sergeant Herbert Gibson, Mm, 1St Northumbrian Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps. Born September 1889
When Fritz sends one with your name on it. 386202 Acting Sergeant Herbert Gibson, Mm, 1St Northumbrian Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps. Born September 1889
Sending a new pipe and a heart of love to the frontFrance, WW1 - A pretty girl sends her beau a new pipe and a heart of love to the front, where her brave man is fighting. Date: circa 1916
Basilica of St Jesus Christ Blessing. Decoration of the atrium. Noah sends a carrier pigeon from the ark at the end of the flood
French Lady on PhoneAllo ! Allo ! A French lady sends kisses over the phone to a friend. Date: 1910
Children / Seaside / GirlA little girl in a red one- piece swimming costume on the beach sends Love to Auntie from Blackpool. Date: circa 1910
Persian AmbassadorsThe Persian general Mardonius sends delegates to negotiate with the Athenians, hoping to separate them from their Greek allies. But of course they refuse
Embassy to AustriaAnxious for an heir, Napoleon decides to dump Josephine, who can t oblige : he sends an embassy to Vienna suggesting marriage to Maria Luisa (Marie-Louise)
Wolf Turned to StoneWhen an angry Nereid sends a wolf to ravage the cattle of Peleus, he asks Thetis for help, and she turns the wolf into a rock
Fable / Frogs & StorkFROGS PETITION JUPITER FOR A KING: the frogs think they should be ruled, so Jupiter sends a log; some complain, so Jupiter sends a stork which eats them all up
Choosing hats for the Spring, 1925Illustration showing the dressing rooms at Debenham and Freebody, London, 1925, entitled Paris sends her newest hats to London
Note from the PresidentThe President of the Republic sends a message to the Assemblee Nationale : they are more and more at odds as the year progresses, leading to the December coup d etat
Cortes DissolvedIn the face of turmoil between contending parties, general Pavia, captain-general of Madrid, sends in his troops to forcibly dissolve the Cortes : Serrano will be president
French Reinforcements 2The French government sends line troops to Italy to help th pope defend Rome against Garibaldi : the Intrepide lands them at Civita Vecchia
French Reinforcements 1The French government sends hussars to Italy to help the pope defend Rome against Garibaldi : two squadrons of hussars sail in the Gomer to Civita Vecchia
Oeneus, King of CalydonOeneus, priest/king of Calydon, neglects to give Artemis/Diana the worship due to her, whereupon she sends a mighty boar to ravage his country
START OF 100 YEARS WAREdward III sends his challenge to Philip VI de Valois thus starting the 100 Years War; the Bishop of Lincoln & others wear an eyepatch until they have performed a gallant deed
God Sends Forth BeastsGod sends forth his beasts
Heliodorus and AngelsEmperor Seleucis II sends Heliodorus to plunder the Temple of Jerusalem, but he finds it under the protection of angelic security guards who drive him out with canes
Isaiahs VisionHe has a vision of Heaven, whence God sends a seraphim with a burning coal which touches his lips and takes away his iniquity and purges his sin
God Sends MannaWhen the Israelites run short of food, God arranges a manna drop to sustain them
Pharaohs Army DrownedRealising that the Jews are leaving Egypt, Pharaoh sends his army after them, but God sees to it that they are drowned in the Red Sea
Lot and the AngelsWhen God sends two angels to report on the wickedness of Sodom, they lodge with Lot, but the Sodomites lust after the angels (believing them beautiful men) and are blinded
De Soto as an Envoy 1532Pizarro sends Ferdinand de Soto as an envoy to ask Atahualpa to meet him at Caxamalca. Pizarro and Atahualpa meet the next day
Criqui V Ledoux 1922A punishing left hook sends Ledoux to the canvas and gives victory to Criqui
Johnson V Jeffries 1910A crushing right-hander from Jack Johnson sends Jim Jeffries to the canvas and knocks him out
Zeus, Ganymede, EagleZeus sends one of his eagles to abduct the dishy Trojan youth Ganymede to be the cup-bearer of the Gods
The Disobedient ProphetA prophet is sent by God against Jeroboam but he is tricked by a false prophet to eat food when God has told him not to, so God rather unkindly sends a lion to eat him
Whirlwind in ManchesterOn a building site in Manchester, a miniature whirlwind sends building materials and debris spiralling into the sir
Spilling th DinnerA lady is so overwhelmed by the amorous welcome of her guest, she sends his dinner flying!
Vic Sends Guards CrimeaFrom the balcony of Buckingham Palace, London, Victoria says farewell to her Guards as they prepare to leave for the Crimea, to fight the Russians on her behalf
Solfatara Volcano C17ThSightseers at the Solfatara volcano near Naples, Italy, which coninuously sends forth streams of smoke & where sulphur and alum is made
Ganymede & EagleThe beautiful youth Ganymede, son of King Tros of Troy, catches Zeus eye and he sends an eagle to abduct him, immortalising him as the cupbearer of the Gods
Paris-London TelephoneLondon and Paris are linked by telephone when the new line is inaugurated; the Prince of Wales sends a friendly message to the President
French Avant-CourierWhen a French nobleman travels, he sends an avant- courier ahead of him, to arrange food or accommodation at a convenient inn
Arthur and ParsifalArthur sends Parsifal off in quest of adventure (abenteuer)
The Promised LandMoses sends his scouts to view the Promised Land : they find it, starting a controversy which is still with us more than 2000 years later
Noah Sends RavenNOAHs ARK - Noah sends forth the raven to see if theres any sign of the weather clearing
Teddy Goes on Ocean TripA girl sends her Teddy on his first ocean voyage
Norman Conquest 1 of 16King Edward the Confessor sends Harold, earl of Wessex, to confirm to William, duke of Normandy, that he will succeed him on the English throne
Marcellus Sent to PompeyThe Senate sends consul Marcellus to invite Pompeius to defend the Roman Republic from the ambitious Caesar, though Pompeius too has ambitions