Mehmed II (1432-1481). Ottoman sultan. His soul is seized by the devil. His two sons, Bajazet and Cem, in front of the deathbed. Engraving after Description du siege de la ville de Rhodes, 1496
Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878). Surrender of the Plevna army. The Turkish army was being defeated by the Russians. The seventy-seven cannons taken from the Turks on the Plevna plain by the Sofia road
After a voyage, Harold Godwinson is seized by Count WidoHarold Godwinson in chlamys alone a a ship and other Saxon sailing vessels anchor on land where he is seized by Count Wido
United States Air Force - Convair VT-29B O-51-3811United States Air Force Convair VT-29B (msn 239) O-51-3811
DEMONS SEIZE DEAD SOULThe soul of a recently deceased person is seized by demons who drag him down to Hell. Date: 16th century
The martyrdom of Jan Hus, Czech religious leader, seized despite promise of safe conduct, and burnt for heresy. Date: 1415
Fokker F-27-200 TN-ABZ (msn 10446), of Lina Congo at Woensdrecht Air Base for overhaul, which was not paid for. Aircraft seized for non-payment and used for spares to repair other aircraft. Date: 1998
Man seized by leg cramp in the honeymoon bed. Bottles of gout cordial, restorative drops and other medicine on the floor
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Napoleon Bonaparte, at Saint-Cloud, in which Napoleon seized power in revolutionary France on 9 November 1799. 1799
Wonder Stories Scifi Magazine Cover, Between DimensionsBETWEEN DIMENSIONS - The space traveller is seized for examination
Mary Ann Talbot resisting a pressgangMary Ann Talbot (1778 - 1808) donned male clothes and enlisted as a sailor during the Napoleonic Wars; she was wounded in 1794 and later captured by the French
Dr Slade the spirit mediumThe trial of Henry Slade, the medium who was said to communicate with spirits by a slate board. Top sketch shows Mr G. Leis, counsel for the Prosecution and bottom image shows Professor E
Harold I HarefootHAROLD I HAREFOOT Son of King Cnut. Seized the throne in 1037 with the aid of his mother and a party of nobles
Newspaper Office SeizedDuring the 1830 Revolution in France, which ousts Charles X and replaces him with Louis- Philippe, Paris newspaper offices are seized by the police Date: 1830
Updike Underhill seized by the AlgerinesFictional Boston native, Updike Underhill is seized by the Algerines while on the African coast nursing sick slaves back to health. Date: 1797
The Fight Interrupted - by MulreadyThe Fight Interrupted - a schoolmaster breaks up a playground scrap between two boys, although he has seized the wrong culprit! Reproduction of a painting by William Mulready. Date: 1816
Samoa - Hoisting the Union flag - World War OneSamoa - Hoisting the Union flag - 30th August, 1914
Charles Seized at HolmbyKing Charles I is arrested by Joyce at Holmby House Date: 4 June 1647
Keeper and BoaIn a New York zoo, a keeper is seized by a boa and his colleagues have a tough job disentangling him Date: 1908
An attempted assassination at Sibi, IndiaAs Captain and Mrs Spence were out driving, they saw a Brahui mounted on a Baluch racing mare coming towards them; as the man approached he drew his sword and attempted to attack Captain Spence
Peru-Columbia WarColumbian troops advancing across an arid terrain during the Peru-Columbia War, which was sparked off in 1932 after Peruvians seized the Amazon border town of Leticia. Date: May 1933
Lear / Nonsense / PragueThere was an Old Person of Prague, who was suddenly seized with the Plague; But they gave his some butter, which caused him to mutter, and cured that Old person of Prague
Lear / Nonsense / SmyrnaThere was a Young Person of Smyrna, whose Grandmother threatened to burn her; But she seized on the cat, and said, Granny, burn that! You incongruous Old Woman of Smyrna!
Lear / Nonsense / HullThere was a Young Lady of Hull, who was chased by a virulent bull; But she seized on a spade, and called out, Whos afraid? which distracted that virulent bull
Bombardment of Fort Masnaah, Gulf of Oman, 1874Bombardment of Fort Masnaah, Gulf of Oman, by two vessels of the Royal Navy, H.M.S. Rifleman and H.M.S. Philomel and the Hugh Rose, a vessel from the Bombay Marine service
Launching of Turkish Battleship Reshadieh at Vickers Works, Barrow-on-Furness in September 1913
Antwerp BesiegedView from the sea as the city of Antwerp is seized by general Chasse : the Belgians will not get it back until December 1832. Date: 27 October 1830
The American Civil War. The outrage on the TrentLord Lyons communicating Earl Russells despatch to Mr.Secretary Seward
Dr Slade: spirit writing trialSketches of the trial of Henry Slade, showing Slade in the centre
Weapons DestroyedGovernment troops destroy weapons seized from the Communards
Artillery SeizedMitrailleuses captured by government forces from the defeated Communards, parked near the Bourse
Royalist PortraitsTo discourage legitimism, portraits of the comte de Chambord, who claims the throne, and his countess, are seized in the atelier of artist Perignon, Paris
Trouble at Geneva 2Street fighting breaks out in Geneva between the independents and the authorities in regard to the citys religious status. The arsenal is seized by the insurgents
Man and Monkey
Church Treasures SeizedSince atheism is the official creed of the new regime, the Bolsheviks feel justified in seizing the treasures of the Orthodox Church
Battle of Alexandria 01At the battle of Alexandria, the French colours are seized by an English soldier
Capture of King of DelhiThe King of Delhi seized by M. Hodson of Hodsons Horse
Wwi / 1916 / Turkish RetreatDefeated Turks retreat after Russian forces had seized Erzerum Fortress on 16th February, capturing over 13, 000 Turks
Ark of Covenant SeizedThe Israelites take the Ark of the Covenant into battle with them, thinking it will be good for morale; but the Philistines capture it
Gulliver & the MonkeyHe is seized by a monkey who drops him, whereupon he falls into a gutter whence he is rescued by a servant
Naughty Children C1810Naughty children are seized by M & Mme Croque-Mitaine (the French equivalent of the Bogey Man). Date: circa 1810
Cattle SeizedWhen Irish farmers respond to Parnells instruction and refuse to pay their rents, their cattle are seized by the authorities at Sligo
Events / IrelandLand League supporters(whose policy is not to pay rent to English landlords) demonstrate at a forced sale of cattle seized from a farmer in lieu of rent