Nigeria - A Yoruba Grocer Date: circa 1920s
Farmer sowing seedsWoodcut rendering of a German farmer sowing seeds on his land. Date: circa 1930
Vintage seed packet: CosmosA beautiful Cosmos seed packet from the Burts Seeds Company, New York. Date: c. 1910
Draycott, Cotswold village, Blockley Station, on the Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton Railway, viewed from the south-east. Date: circa 1917
Venus flytrap, Dionaea muscipula
The Parable of the Seed - Matthew 15. circa 1688
Filling the Air with Fairy Forms -- a little girl blows a dandelion clock and in her imagination it turns into a flight of fairies. Date: circa 1920s
Advertising insert, Eppss Cocoa
Green and pink seeds of nutmeg and mace, Myristica fragrans Houtt.. Color-printed woodblock engraving by Kan en Iwasaki from Honzo Zufu, an Illustrated Guide to Medicinal Plants, 1884
Vintage lettuce seed packetA lettuce seed packet from the Card Seed Company, New York. Date: c. 1910
Postcard, Nurse and patient - Scatter seeds of kindness. Date: 1914-1918
Mother Ceres and PanBut neither could Pan tell her what had become of Proserpina. Mother Ceres and Pan. Illustration by Edmund Dulac to The Pomegranate Seeds in Tanglewood Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Date: 1918
King Pluto in his chariotOn went the chariot, and King Pluto seemed greatly pleased to find himself once more in his own kingdom. Proserpina and Pluto in the underworld
Japan - woodblock print of black and white rats with seeds. Date: circa late 19th century
Ggantija Phase (ca. 3600 to 3000 BC). Detail ofNeolithic Period. Temple Period (3600 to 2500 BC). Ggantija Phase (ca. 3600 to 3000 BC). Detail of an architectural fragment decorated with a multitude of tiny holes drilled side by side
Neolithic Period. Temple Period (3600 to 2500)Neolithic Period. Temple Period (3600 to 2500 BC). Tarxien Temple Complex. Malta. Built in honour of a mother goddess of fertility
Children at PlayDandy Puffs'. Children blowing the white globes of exposed seeds from the dandelion that are often called puffballs. Artist: Percy Tarrant Date: circa 1901
Kate GreenawayThe Quiver of Love - A Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern'. Opposite poem Do I Love You?'. Illustration depicts two ladies blowing dandelion seeds. Date: 1876
Sleepy HeadFairy blowing poppy seeds to induce sleep. Artist: Anne Anderson Date: circa 1917
Pomegranate fruit, Punica granatumPomegranate fruit, open showing seeds (arils) and section through fruit
Anise or aniseed, Pimpinella anisumAnise or aniseed plant with flowers and seeds, Pimpinella anisum. Handcolored copperplate engraving by J
Papaya fruit, section, flowers and leaves, Carica papaya
Saint Fiacre of Breuil with spade and bag of seeds. Catholic priest, abbot, hermit and gardener, c. 600-670. Taken from a 15th century Book of Hours, livre d'heures, MS Tl 255, Tom
Lewis monkeyflower, Erythranthe lewisiiLewis monkeyflower or great purple monkeyflower, Erythranthe lewisii. Native to America, Scottish botanist David Douglas sent seeds from North California to the Horticultural Society in 1831
Mock vervain, Glandularia platensisMock vervain or mock verbena, Glandularia platensis. Native to South America, seeds sent from Buenos Ayres by Scottish plant collector James Tweedie. Teucrium-like verbena, Verbena teucrioides
Love creeper, Comesperma volubile. Native to New Holland (Australia), seeds sent to Messrs Young at Epsom nursery. Slender comosperma, Comosperma gracilis
Lady's purse or slipper flower, Calceolaria viscosissima. Raised from seeds by David Cameron of Birmingham Botanic Garden. Very clammy-stemmed slipperwort, Calceolaria integrifolia var
Baby blue eyes, Nemophila menziesiiBaby blue eyes or baby's-blue-eyes, Nemophila menziesii. Native to California and Oregon, seeds sent to Britain from the Imperial Garden at Petersburgh. Speckled nemophila, Nemophila atomaria
Chile nettle, Caiophora lateritia. Native to South America, raised in Glasgow Botanic Garden from seeds sent by Scottish botanist James Tweedie from Tucuman, Argentina
Poro poro or gulupa, Passiflora pinnatistipula. Endangered fruit species of the Andes. Seeds sent from Peru in 1829 and flowered in Mrs Charlotte Marryat's Parkside garden in Wimbledon
Elegant zinnia, Zinnia elegans. Native of Mexico, raised from seeds brought from Palermo by William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire. Violet-coloured zinnia, scarlet variety, Zinnia violacea coccinea
Purslane, Cistanthe grandiflora. Seeds brought to the Horticultural Society from Chile by Scottish botanist James Macrae in 1826. Great flowered calandrinia, Calandrinia grandiflora
Indian thornapple or devil's trumpet, Datura metel. Raised by Wayman, gardener at Sir Henry Digby's gardens in Minterne Magnel, Dorset, from seeds imported from South America
Pitcher plant, Nepenthes distillatoria. Vulnerable. Carnivorous plant raised from seeds gathered in the Circar Mountains, Bengal. Endemic to Sri Lanka
Candelabra tree, Ceropegia candelabrumCandelabra tree or lustre vine, Ceropegia candelabrum, India and Sri Lanka. Climbing plant noted for its poisonous seeds and latex which are used in medicine
Passion flower, Passiflora insignisPassion flower or passion vine, Passiflora insignis. Raised by gardener Mr Anderson at Soweby Hall, Hull, from seeds sent from South America (Peru). As Tacsonia insignis
Indian barberry, Berberis aristataIndian barberry, mara manjal, chutro, sumbal, tree turmeric, or aristate barberry, Berberis aristata
Nepal cinqufoil, Potentilla nepalensisNepal cinqufoil or red-flowered Nepal potentilla, Potentilla nepalensis. Raised at Glasgow Botanic Garden from seeds sent Nepal by plant hunter Dr. Nathaniel Wallich
Annual lessertia, Lessertia annua or Colutea annua. Raised from seeds sent from the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Chile nettle, Loasa nitidaChile nettle or shining-leaved loasa, Loasa nitida. Raised from seeds sent from Chile by Scottish plant hunter Alexander Cruikshanks
Mexican primrose, Oenothera speciosaPinkladies, Mexican primrose or large white-flowered evening primrose, Oenothera speciosa
Bauer's grevillea, Grevillea baueri
Brachyscome diversifolia. Native to Australia, seeds sent by Scottish botanist Charles Fraser, Colonial Botanist of New South Wales, flowered at Edinburgh Botanic Garden in 1825
Sneezeweed, Helenium aromaticum. Seeds brought from Quintero, Chile, by British travel author Maria Graham, Lady Callcott, in 1824. South American chamomile, Graemia aromatica
Forest boer-bean, Schotia latifoliaForest boer-bean or broad-leaved schotia, Schotia latifolia. Native to Africa, sent from South Africa by William John Burchell to Scottish botanist John Hope at Edinburgh Botanic Garden
Small American skullcap, Scutellaria parvula. Discovered by Andre Michaux in Illinois, and seeds brought by Scottish botanist John Goldie from Canada to flower at Monkswood Grove, Ayr
Leucheria senecioides or Leucheria oligocephala. Native of Chile, seeds sent by Scottish plant hunter Alexander Cruikshanks. Groundsel-like trixis, Trixis senecioides
Anemonastrum polyanthes. Native to India, Choor mountain in the Himalayas, raised from seeds sent by the East India Company to the Horticultural Society. Dr
Chilean bell flower, Nolana coelestis. Raised from botanist Thomas Bridges seeds by Mr. Best, gardener to A. Park of Merton Grove, Surrey. Sky-blue alona, Alona coelestis
Umbellate berberry, Berberis umbellata. Raised at the garden of the Horticultural Society from seeds sent by the East India Company
Kashmir sage or Cashmere phlomis, Phlomis cashmeriana. Raised at the Horticultural Society garden from seeds sent from Kashmir by botanist Dr John Forbes Royle
Bhat or hill glory bower, Clerodendrum infortunatum. Used in traditional Indian medicine and ayurveda
Madeira broom, Genista tenera. Raised by Mr Young, nurseryman of Milford, from seeds sent by William Webb from Madeira. Twiggy broom, Genista virgata
Fringed saxifrage or rockfoil, Saxifraga ciliata. Raised at the Horticultural Society gardens from seeds sent from the Botanical Garden of Saharunpur. Native of northern India
Molle rastrero, Schinus longifolius. Native to South America. Raised by nurseryman Hugh Low of Clapton, from seeds from Buenos Ayres. Long-leaved duvaua, Duvaua longifolia
Wedge-leaf rattlepod, Crotalaria retusaWedge-leaf rattlepod or wedge-leaved crotalaria, Crotalaria retusa
Langsdorff's tobacco, Nicotiana langsdorffii. Native of Brazil, raised from seeds sent by Mr. Langsdorff at Rio de Janeiro. Plant provided by William Anderson at the Chelsea Botanic Gardens
Prickly globe-headed centaury, Centaurea sphaerocephala. Native to the Iberian peninsula, raised in Chelsea Botanic Gardens from seeds received by William Anderson
Nepal Christ's-thorn, Paliurus virgatus. Native to Upper Nepal, seeds supplied by plant hunter Nathaniel Wallich
Papaya fruit with seeds, leaf, and flower, Carica papaya. Copied from Maria Sibylla Merian's Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium, 1719
Melon, Cucumis melo. Fruit, flower and leaf, with section through ripe fruit
The Parable of the Sower sowing Seeds
Advert for Amorphophallus Campanulatus, plant seeds 1891Amorphophallus Campanulatus, two or three feet across
Picking cotton seeds, St Vincent, Caribbean Date: early 1900s
Picking cotton seeds in St Vincent early 1900s Date: early 1900s
Dandy Puffs by Margaret Tarrant from Joan in FlowerlandDandy Puffs by Margaret Tarrant, from Joan in Flowerland
Sutton's Seeds AdvertisementAn advertisement for Sutton and Sons, the King's Seedsmen in Reading, promoting Sutton's Seeds
Geese invade the field where the Brownies are sowing seeds Date: 1910
Advert, Sutton's Seeds Post FreeAdvert, Sutton & Sons, Reading, Sutton's Seeds delivered post free by the postman. Date: 1880
Rubber Tree to Finished Motor Tyres 1907Showing the plantation where the rubber is produced for the Dunlop Tyres factory where it is pressed, stretched and moulded into shape ready to be used on motorcars. Date: 1907
Mergamma pesticide advert, 1954Protect good seed with Mergamma A. Advert for Mergamma double-action seed dressing, a pesticide killing wireworm and disease, from Plant Protection Ltd
Austrian farmers on their way to church, 18th centuryAustrian farmers in Sunday Best outfits on their way to church, 18th century. Contadini dell Austria che si recano alla chiesa
Sowing seedsYoung farm worker sowing seeds. Date: circa 1902
Sprig of the anchiote tree, Bixa orellana. The flavoring and dye annatto is derived from its seeds
Papaya or pawpaw tree with fruit and cross section of fruit. Papayer comestible, Carica papaya
Advert for Chinese Lantern Plant 1897Ornamental window or garden plant, (Physalis alkekengi), giving you a delicious fruit, growing freely during the summer and winter months
A lady feeds her pet birds, some inside an elaborate aviary, so roaming free... She is using her skirt as a holder for her birdseed! Date: circa 1820s
Birthday postcard, Honesty pods and applesBirthday postcard, Honesty pods (Lunaria Annua) in a vase with apples in a bowl. Date: early 20th century
Nutmeg plantation 1868Island of Penang, in the Indian Ocean by the Strait of Malacca, consisted of a vast plantation of fruit trees of which the nutmeg was run by an English enterprise
SEED CATALOGUE COVERCover of a seed catalogue, William Bryiant of Rugby, England Date: 1885
Red pomegranate seeds on display - market stall in Old DelhiBright red pomegranate seeds on display on a market stall in Old Delhi, India. Incense is burning to keep off the flies. Date: 1985
Art nouveau tree designsA multi-coloured assemblage of art nouveau tree designs and pine cones, with a more representational image of trees at the centre. Date: circa 1920s
Vintage tomato seed packetA tomato seed packet from the Card Seed Company, New York Date: c. 1910
Northern red-backed vole - feeds on Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Mayr) seeds - a cone on the left (Clethrionomys rutilus Pallas)