Ufos / Varginha, BrazilTwo creatures, 1 metre tall, said to be Extraterrestrials, are captured alive by Brazilian army intelligence, who take them away secretly and deny the whole affair
LOUIS XIV & MAINTENONAfter the death of Maria Teresa of Austria, Louis XIV secretly marries Madame de Maintenon Date: 1683
FRANCOISE D'AUBIGNE - Marquise de Maintenon - secretly married Louis XIV after Marie Therese's death Date: 1635 - 1719
MEETING OF PROTESTANTSPersecuted protestants meet secretly in the hills, Provence. Date: circa 1700
Abelard CastratedABELARD is castrated on the orders of Fulbert, canon of Notre Dame and uncle of Heloise whom he has secretly wed
Einhard and EmmaA romantic legend tells how Charlemagnes secretary Einhard, secretly courting Emma, fearful of being traced by his footprints, is carried by her after their trysts
Heloise / Bust / DeseineHELOISE Secretly married to Abelard; after his castration she became a nun Date: 1101 -1164
Egmont & Rebel LeadersLamoral, graaf van Egmont, though a noble and related to the Hapsburgs, opposes the policies of Felipe II and meets secretly with other rebels on the Scheldt. Date: 4 November 1565
The floor of the New York Stock Exchange, secretly shot with a camera hidden in the photographers sleeve. Date c1907 Nov
The Only WayA man who finds he is being mocked by his contemporaries after a day of golf. He secretly goes back on to the golf course at night to prove he can play and complete the course
Ines De Castro & AlfonsoInes de Castro, a noblewoman, having secretly wed Pedro I, begs Alfonso IV (his father) for mercy; he has her murdered so succession is preserved for his grandson
DUCATELDucatel, the betrayer of the Commune, who on 23 May waves a white flag indicating to the government forces an unguarded gateway by which they can enter Paris secretly
Flying on a HorseThe prince returns secretly by night to carry away the daughter of a foreign king; they flee on a magical flying horse
Napoleon InterrogatesHe interrogates an agent sent by Metternich from Austria to negotiate secretly with Fouche, in the gardens of the Elysee palace
Anne Boleyn CrownedAnne Boleyn, Henry VIIIs mistress, secretly marries him and is crowned at Westminster Abbey, London