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Scientist Collection

Background imageScientist Collection: Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Franklin
ROSALIND FRANKLIN Pioneer Molecular Biologist she made important contributions to understanding the structure of DNA

Background imageScientist Collection: Marie Curie / Photograph

Marie Curie / Photograph
MARIE CURIE Polish scientist

Background imageScientist Collection: Emerald Tablet, Smaragdine Table or Tabula Smaragdina

Emerald Tablet, Smaragdine Table or Tabula Smaragdina

Background imageScientist Collection: Marie Curie - Nobel Prize-winning Polish Scientist

Marie Curie - Nobel Prize-winning Polish Scientist
Marie Curie (1867-1934) - Polish Scientist, twice the recipient of the Nobel Prize for her pioneering research on radioactivity, the first woman Nobel winner. Date: 1911

Background imageScientist Collection: Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician

Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian and occultist

Background imageScientist Collection: Scene in a lecture theatre

Scene in a lecture theatre, with chemical equations written on the blackboard, a woman giving a lecture, and students taking notes. circa 1940s

Background imageScientist Collection: Charles Darwin, caricatured in Vanity Fair

Charles Darwin, caricatured in Vanity Fair
Caricature of the naturalist Charles Darwin in Vanity Fair Magazine, 1871

Background imageScientist Collection: Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician

Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian and occultist

Background imageScientist Collection: Birstall, W Yorkshire - Unveiling statue of Joseph Priestly

Birstall, W Yorkshire - Unveiling statue of Joseph Priestly
Birstall, W Yorkshire - Unveiling the statue of Joseph Priestly on 12th October 1912 - at this point the unveiling party had adjourned to the Temperance Hall

Background imageScientist Collection: LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519). Anatomic studio

LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519). Anatomic studio. Drawing

Background imageScientist Collection: Celestial map by Johannes Van Keulen (1654-1715)

Celestial map by Johannes Van Keulen (1654-1715). SPAIN. Barcelona. Barcelona Maritime Museum

Background imageScientist Collection: August Ferdinand Mobius

August Ferdinand Mobius
AUGUST FERDINAND MOBIUS German scientist, professor of astronomy at Leipzig university, discoverer of the mobius strip; regarded as the founder of topology

Background imageScientist Collection: Piccard 1931 Ascent - 4

Piccard 1931 Ascent - 4
Drawing showing the balloon in which Swiss scientist Auguste Piccard plans to fly higher than anyone has ever flown before - a project which will be realised in May

Background imageScientist Collection: Piccard 1931 Ascent - 1

Piccard 1931 Ascent - 1
Swiss scientist Auguste Piccard, with colleague Kipfer, reaches record altitude of 16, 201m, ascending from Augsburg and coming down in the Austrian Alps Date: 27 May 1931

Background imageScientist Collection: Nikola Tesla / Johnson 94

Nikola Tesla / Johnson 94
NIKOLA TESLA Croatian-born Serbian scientist in America Date: 1856 - 1943

Background imageScientist Collection: Ideal Scientist

Ideal Scientist
The ideal scientist - interested in the old as well as the new, anatomy as well as astronomy, the laws of chance and of mathematics, the skill of chess, the hues of a rose

Background imageScientist Collection: Charles Richet

Charles Richet
CHARLES RICHET French scientist and psychical researcher, Nobel Prize 1913

Background imageScientist Collection: Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein
ALBERT EINSTEIN German Scientist

Background imageScientist Collection: Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian explorer and scientist

Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian explorer and scientist
Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930), Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat and humanitarian

Background imageScientist Collection: Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1881)

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1881)
Bust of the naturalist Charles Darwin by B. Watagin

Background imageScientist Collection: JUNG, Carl Gustav (1875-1961). Swiss psychiatrist

JUNG, Carl Gustav (1875-1961). Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist. Founder of analytical psychology. Oil

Background imageScientist Collection: NOSTRADAMUS, Michel de Notre Dame (1503-1566). French

NOSTRADAMUS, Michel de Notre Dame (1503-1566). French physician and astrologer, author of book of predictions Astrological Centuries (1555). Illustration in card of 18th century. Drawing

Background imageScientist Collection: Hoba West meteorite

Hoba West meteorite
Team of scientists with the Hoba meteorite which fell in Namibia. Photograph taken by W. T Gordon in 1920

Background imageScientist Collection: Carlos Juan Finlay, Cuban biologist

Carlos Juan Finlay, Cuban biologist
Carlos Juan Finlay (1833-1915), Cuban biologist noted for work on yellow fever. Date: circa 1900

Background imageScientist Collection: Market Jew Street with Davy statue, Penzance, Cornwall

Market Jew Street with Davy statue, Penzance, Cornwall
Market Jew Street with Humphry Davy statue, Penzance, Cornwall. The name of the street comes from the Cornish Marghas Yow, meaning Thursday Market. The scientist Humphry Davy was born in Penzance

Background imageScientist Collection: Nathaniel Charles Rothschild (1877-1923)

Nathaniel Charles Rothschild (1877-1923)
The younger brother of Tring Museum founder Walter Rothschild, Charles was a keen entomologist, discovering the plague vector flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, in Shendi, Sudan

Background imageScientist Collection: Lyall Watson, South African scientist and author

Lyall Watson, South African scientist and author
Lyall Watson (1939-2008), South African botanist, zoologist, biologist, anthropologist, ethnologist and author

Background imageScientist Collection: Theodor Schwann, German physiologist

Theodor Schwann, German physiologist who made many contributions to biology and coined the term metabolism

Background imageScientist Collection: The late Charles Darwin

The late Charles Darwin
Article on Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) with illustrations of his statue at the Natural History Museum, the exterior of his house at Down, near Beckenham, his study and green-house

Background imageScientist Collection: Albertus Magnus (Durer)

Albertus Magnus (Durer)
ALBERTUS MAGNUS German philosopher, theologian, scientist and reputed magician Date: 1193 - 1280

Background imageScientist Collection: English Scientist Michael Faraday Portrait

English Scientist Michael Faraday Portrait
Michael Faraday English scientist Date: circa 1830s

Background imageScientist Collection: Museum scientists holding Oarfish specimen

Museum scientists holding Oarfish specimen
Regalecus glesne. From left to right: Graham Pellow, Colin McCarthy, Prof. Philip Rainbow, Dr. Roger Lincoln, Ollie Crimmen and Sir Neil Chalmers

Background imageScientist Collection: William Scoresby

William Scoresby
WILLIAM SCORESBY English clergyman, scientist and explorer. Pioneered in the scientific study of the Arctic

Background imageScientist Collection: Incandescent giant lamp, model of the Edison type bulb. Expo

Incandescent giant lamp, model of the Edison type bulb. Expo
Incandescent giant lamp, twelve feet high, mounted on a pedestal crowned by a model of the Edison type bulb, increased 20, 000 times

Background imageScientist Collection: T H Huxley (Anon Col)

T H Huxley (Anon Col)
THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY scientist Date: 1825-1895

Background imageScientist Collection: George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll

George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll
GEORGE DOUGLAS CAMPBELL, 8TH DUKE OF ARGYLL (1823 - 1900), Statesman and scientist Date: 1869

Background imageScientist Collection: Nicholas of Cusa, Nikolaus Krebs, called (1401-1464)

Nicholas of Cusa, Nikolaus Krebs, called (1401-1464). Philosopher, politician and cardinal of the Catholic church. Page of the dialogue De Ludo Globi (the ball game), 1460

Background imageScientist Collection: Geologists at Piltdown

Geologists at Piltdown
Geologists Association party visiting the pit at Piltdown on 12 July 1913

Background imageScientist Collection: Piltdown forgery meeting

Piltdown forgery meeting
Meeting to present the extent of the forgery at the Geological Society of London at Burlington House on 30 June 1954

Background imageScientist Collection: WUNDT, Wilhelm (1832-1920)

WUNDT, Wilhelm (1832-1920)

Background imageScientist Collection: Nikolai Zelinsky

Nikolai Zelinsky
NIKOLAI ZELINSKY Russian scientist, invented the first carbon-filter gas mask, winner of many Soviet awards

Background imageScientist Collection: Da Vinci / Self / London

Da Vinci / Self / London
LEONARDO DA VINCI Italian painter, sculptor, architect, engineer and scientist

Background imageScientist Collection: Faraday / Prof Chemistry

Faraday / Prof Chemistry
MICHAEL FARADAY English chemist and physicist

Background imageScientist Collection: Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist

Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), theoretical physicist, philosopher and author. Seen here in front of bookshelves

Background imageScientist Collection: Charles Darwin studying a worm

Charles Darwin studying a worm
A satire on Charles Darwin -- after charting the Descent of Man he goes even lower and studies worms

Background imageScientist Collection: Watneys Happy Families - Mr Reid

Watneys Happy Families - Mr Reid, the Brewer. circa 1930

Background imageScientist Collection: Phonograph by Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)

Phonograph by Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
Phonograph. Created in 1877 by Thomas Alva Edison (Milan, Ohio, 1847-West Orange, 1931). Colored engraving

Background imageScientist Collection: Study of plants and flowers. Renaissance art

Study of plants and flowers. Renaissance art. Drawing

Background imageScientist Collection: Newton / Woolsthorpe Lincs

Newton / Woolsthorpe Lincs
SIR ISaC NEWTON Woolsthorpe Manor House, near Grantham, Lincolnshire: birthplace of the English scientist and mathematician

Background imageScientist Collection: Forecasting Weather

Forecasting Weather
Forecasting the weather at the Air Ministry, Kew, London - observing a balloon to gauge windspeed levels. Date: early 1930s

Background imageScientist Collection: Scientist working with a ragworm specimen

Scientist working with a ragworm specimen
Scientist dissecting a ragworm specimen, held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageScientist Collection: Scientist in Metropolitan Police laboratory

Scientist in Metropolitan Police laboratory
A scientist at work in a Metropolitan Police laboratory, during the early days of forensic science. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageScientist Collection: Dr J D Cockcroft listening for atomic disintegration

Dr J D Cockcroft listening for atomic disintegration
Dr John D Cockcroft listening for sounds indicating atomic disintegration brought about by the bombardment with high-velocity protons of the lithium nucleus

Background imageScientist Collection: Robert William Bunsen 2

Robert William Bunsen 2
ROBERT WILHELM BUNSEN German scientist, famed for his invention of the Bunsen burner

Background imageScientist Collection: th Huxley / Downey Photo

th Huxley / Downey Photo
THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY English scientist and champion of Darwins Theory of Evolution

Background imageScientist Collection: FAURE

GABRIEL FAURE - French musician caricatured as musical scientist

Background imageScientist Collection: Einstein / Howard Smith

Einstein / Howard Smith

Background imageScientist Collection: Erasmus Darwin / Hopwood

Erasmus Darwin / Hopwood
ERASMUS DARWIN Writer and scientist, grandfather of Charles Darwin

Background imageScientist Collection: Roger Bacon / Verhas

Roger Bacon / Verhas
ROGER BACON Scientist and scholar looking across the rooftops of Oxford from his monastic observatory

Background imageScientist Collection: John William Draper / Harp

John William Draper / Harp
JOHN WILLIAM DRAPER American scientist and author, born in England Date: 1811 - 1882

Background imageScientist Collection: Choose your Ideology

Choose your Ideology
Choose whichever ideology suits you - church or conservative, scientist or communist, none is any better than the others

Background imageScientist Collection: MARIE CURIE (1867-1934)

MARIE CURIE (1867-1934)
MARIE CURIE Polish scientist. Date: 1867-1934

Background imageScientist Collection: Lister / Begg / Iln

Lister / Begg / Iln
JOSEPH LISTER English surgeon, medical scientist and founder of antiseptic surgery

Background imageScientist Collection: Electricity Oersted

Electricity Oersted
The Danish scientist Christian Oersted observes the link between electricty and magnetism, enabling him to develop electro-magnetism leading to modern machines

Background imageScientist Collection: T H Huxley (Waddy)

T H Huxley (Waddy)

Background imageScientist Collection: Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882)

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882)
Bust of the naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1881)

Background imageScientist Collection: Beatrix Potter - English Writer

Beatrix Potter - English Writer
The English writer, illustrator, natural scientist and conservationist Helen Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) Date: circa 1930s

Background imageScientist Collection: Michael Servetus (1511-1553). Spanish physician

Michael Servetus (1511-1553). Spanish physician and theologian. Persecuted by the Inquisition, he fled to Geneva, where on Calvin's initiative was condemned to be burned at the stake for heresy

Background imageScientist Collection: Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793). French politician

Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793). French politician
Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793). French scientist and physician who became an important politician during the French Revolution. Jacobin leader, he defended the Terror

Background imageScientist Collection: Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793). French politician

Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793). French politician
Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793). French scientist and physician who became an important politician during the French Revolution. Jacobin leader, he defended the Terror

Background imageScientist Collection: Nicolas de Condorcet (1743-1794). Marquis of Condorcet

Nicolas de Condorcet (1743-1794). Marquis of Condorcet
Nicolas de Condorcet (Marie-Jean-Antoine Nicolas de Caritat) (1743-1794). Marquis of Condorcet. French philosopher and mathematician. During the French Revolution he sided with the Girondins

Background imageScientist Collection: bn Zuhr (ca. 1092-ca. 1162). Andalusi physician

bn Zuhr (ca. 1092-ca. 1162). Andalusi physician
Ibn Zuhr (ca. 1092-ca. 1162). Andalusi physician, philosopher and poet born in Penaflor (Seville, Andalusia, Spain). Known in medieval Europe by the name of Avenzoar. Portrait

Background imageScientist Collection: Prince Rupert of the Rhine, Duke of Cumberland, 1619-1682

Prince Rupert of the Rhine, Duke of Cumberland, 1619-1682. German-English soldier, admiral and scientist. Prince Rupert, Count Palatine of the Rhine, General of the Horse to King Charles

Background imageScientist Collection: Prince Rupert of the Rhine, 1619-1682

Prince Rupert of the Rhine, 1619-1682
Prince Rupert of the Rhine, Duke of Cumberland, 1619-1682. German-English soldier, admiral and scientist. Prince Rupert, Count Palatine of the Rhine, General of the Horse to King Charles. Aet 1643

Background imageScientist Collection: Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter and polymath, 1452-1519

Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter and polymath, 1452-1519
Leonardo da Vinci, Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect, 1452-1519. Lionardo da Vinci Florent

Background imageScientist Collection: A distant view of Edinburgh, 1804

A distant view of Edinburgh, 1804
A distant view of Edinburgh and the castle, 1804. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by William Holl from Dr

Background imageScientist Collection: View of Cambridge University, 1799

View of Cambridge University, 1799
View of King's College Chapel, the Public Library and Senate House at Cambridge University, 1799. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving by Giovanni Vendramini from Dr

Background imageScientist Collection: Portrait of Daniel Rutherford, botanist

Portrait of Daniel Rutherford, botanist
Daniel Rutherford, MD, FLS, physician and botanist, Professor of Botany at the University of Edinburgh, 1749-1819

Background imageScientist Collection: Thomas Martyn, Professor of Botany, Cambridge University

Thomas Martyn, Professor of Botany, Cambridge University
Reverend Thomas Martyn, BD FRS, botanist, Regius Professor of Botany at the University of Cambridge, 1735-1825

Background imageScientist Collection: A view of the Palais-Royal, Paris, 1800

A view of the Palais-Royal, Paris, 1800
A view of the Palais-Royal, Paris, with colonnades and shopping arcades, 1800. Handcoloured engraving by John Roffe after an illustration by Surant from Dr

Background imageScientist Collection: William Withering at Caldas da Rainha, 1794

William Withering at Caldas da Rainha, 1794
William Withering analysing the mineral content of the medicinal spa at Queen's Bath or Caldas da Rainha in Portugal, 1794. Handcoloured copperplate stipple engraving from Dr

Background imageScientist Collection: Portrait of William Withering, physician and botanist, 1741-1799

Portrait of William Withering, physician and botanist, 1741-1799
William Withering, MD, FRS, physician, geologist, chemist and botanist, Fellow of the Linnaean Society, 1741-1799

Background imageScientist Collection: Portrait of William Withering, physician and botanist, 1741-1799

Portrait of William Withering, physician and botanist, 1741-1799
William Withering, MD, FRS, physician, geologist, chemist and botanist, Fellow of the Linnaean Society, 1741-1799

Background imageScientist Collection: Portrait of Sebastian Vaillant, French botanist, 1669-1722

Portrait of Sebastian Vaillant, French botanist, 1669-1722
Oval portrait of Sebastian Vaillant, French botanist, author of Botanicum Parisiense, 1669-1722. Engraving by James Hopwood after a portrait by Aubriet

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