Critically endangered European eel, electric eel, etc
European eel, Anguilla anguilla, critically endangered 1, marbled swamp eel, Synbranchus marmoratus 2, snake eel, Caecula species 3, electric eel, Electrophorus electricus 4, Mediterranean moray
Lobster, shrimp and hermit crab species
Slipper lobster, Scyllarus arctus 1, mantis shrimp, Squilla mantis 2, Halloween hermit crab, Ciliopagurus strigatus 3, narwal shrimp, Plesionika narval 4, hermit crab, Diogenes dubius 5
Red beard sponge, demosponge, purse sponge, soft coral, etc
Red beard sponge, Clathria (Clathria) prolifera, demosponge, Isodictya palmata, calcareous purse sponge, Sycon ciliatum, Callyspongia (Callyspongia) tubulosa, Spongia tabulosa
Imbrasia obscura, lappet, puss moth, hebe tiger moth, etc
Lappet, Gastropacha quercifolia, Kentish glory, Endromis versicolora, puss moth, Cerura vinula, Imbrasia obscura, drinker, Euthrix potatoria, and hebe tiger moth, Arctia festiva
Water scorpion, aphid, bedbug, and scale insects
Water scorpion, Nepa grandis, aphid, Pterocomma salicis, scale insect, Kermes quercus, woolly aphid, Psylla buxi, Psylla alni, soft scale insect, Coccus hesperidum, bedbug, Cimex lectularius, etc
Hornets, bees, ants and velvet ants
Greater banded hornet, Vespa tropica 1, carpenter bees, Xylocopa violacea 6, Xylocopa aestuans 7, ants, Camponotus cruentatus 8, Carebara bengalensis 9, and velvet ants, Traumatomutilla americana 11
Small emperor moth, tau emperor, etc
Small emperor moth, Citheronia laocoon, Saturnia pavonia, tau emperor, Aglia tau, Atlas moth, Attacus atlas, and Luna moth, Actias luna
Reindeer, red deer, axis deer and giraffe
Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, red deer, Cervus elaphus, spotted axis deer, Cervus axis, and giraffe, Cervus camelopardalis. Rein deer, Cervus tarandus, camelopard, Camelopardalis giraffa
Hare, springhare, jerboa and hyrax species
Lesser jerboa, Jaculus jaculus 1, northern three-toed jerboa, Dipus sagitta 2, South African springhare, Pedetes capensis 3, common hare, Lepus timidus 4, alpine hare, Lepus alpinus 5, rock hyrax