The Battle of the Boyne
The Newmarket Houghton MeetingVarious horse races relating to the Newmarket Houghton meeting, including the Limekiln Stakes won by Mr Fairies Bayardo
The Major of Westminster and Rev. E St. George Schomberg inaugurating the new traffic light system. Replacing the sixteen policemen which controlled vehicles travelling in Trafalgar Square, London
Marie d Hautefort, wife of Charles de Schomberg, 1616-1691Marie d Hautefort, wife of Charles de Schomberg, favourite of Louis XIV, 1616-1691
Clara de Hautefort, daughter of Duc d Hauterfort, 1616-1691Clara de Hautefort, daughter of Duc d Hauterfort and wife to Marechal Schomberg, 1616-1691. Favorite of King Louis XV
Marie de Hautefort, Duchesse de Schomberg, French noble and lady-in-waiting at the court of King Louis XIII, 1616-1691
Isaac SchombergISaC SCHOMBERG German-born medical, in England Date: 1714 - 1780
Marie De Hautefort / LanteMARIE DE HAUTEFORT DUCHESSE DE SCHOMBERG Lady of the French court Date: 1616 - 1691
Ralph SchombergRALPH SCHOMBERG Physician and miscellaneous writer Date: 1714 - 1792
Gainsborough / Pall MallTHOMAS GAINSBOROUGH Schomberg House, Pall Mall, home of the English artist Date: 1727 - 1788
Henri Comte SchombergHENRI comte de SCHOMBERG French military commander, marechal de France Date: 1583 - 1632
Marie De SchombergMARIE DE HAUTEFORT, duchesse de SCHOMBERG Influential French court lady, confidante of cardinal Richelieu. Date: ? - 1691
Marie De Hautefort - 3MARIE DE HAUTEFORT, duchesse de Schomberg French social leader Date: 1616 - 1691
Schomberg Housein Pall Mall
Marie De HautefortMARIE DE HAUTEFORT Duchess of Schomberg and member of the court of Anne of Austria (later confidante of Cardinal Richelieu)