Geological Strata 19CA schematic representation of geology and palaeontology
Short Rifle Diagram 1915Multi-part diagram, showing the complex working systems of a short rifle, taking a Lee- Enfield Mark III magazine. Date: 1915
Factors governing an invasion by G. H. DavisThe situation of Britain face to face with a German north-west Europe: factors governing an invasion during the Second World War
DANTES PARADISOSchematic plan of Paradise, visited by Dante Alighieri in company with Beatrice
Palmistry - BelotSchematic representation of the left hand, as perceived by Jean BELOT, Cure de Mil-Monts, French chiromancer and practitioner of other magical and divinatory arts Date: 1611
Prehistory. Tabla de Pochilo. Schematic cave paintings. BronSpain. Andalusia. Prehistory. Tabla de Pochilo. Schematic cave paintings. Bronze age. Near Aldeaquemada. Province of Jaen
Mesolithic. Levantine style. Schematic painting. Cave of LosPrehistoric Art. Mesolithic. Levantine style. Schematic painting. Cave of Los Letreros. Velez Rubio. Andalusia. Spain
Idol of Chillaron. Bronze Age 1, III-II millennium BC. ArchaIdol of Chillaron. Quartzite. Their faces are etched schematic anthropomorphic representations on one side, the female and male on the other, related to fertility cults and rituals
Cycladic civilization. Early Bronze Age. 3300-2000 BC. Naked, female figurines of marble, idols. From de Cycladic island of Amorgos, 2700-2300 BC. National Museum of Denmark
Demostratio Artis Geometricae Ex Multis Voluminibus Digestum. Schematic map of the Iberian Peninsula. 11th century. Depicts the Iberian Peninsula in a pentagon invested
SPAIN. Santillana de Mar. Altamira Caves. Schematic figures. Upper Paleolithic. Magdalenian. Cave
SPAIN. V鬥z Blanco. Cave of Los Letreros. SchematicSPAIN. V鬥 z Blanco. Cave of Los Letreros. Schematic figures (7500-5000 BC). Upper Paleolithic.; Neolithic art. Cave
Straits of GibraltarSchematic view of the Straits of Gibraltar, looking towards the Atlantic with Tangier on the left : the strategic importance of the straits is clearly displayed
DardanellesSchematic view of the Dardanelles showing Gallipoli and looking towards Istanbul and the Black Sea : the strategic importance of the straits is clearly displayed
YOGISchematic representation of the yogi performing his spiritual exercise