Boeing Stratocruiser G-ANTY BOAC London AirportBOAC Stratocruiser Coriolanus joined the fleet in 1954 flying the transatlantic route
Douglas DC-3S N1R (msn 4129) of the BROOKLYN DODGERS (Brooklyn National League Baseball Club), marked with Dodgers World Champions just behind the entry door
Convair F-106B-31-CO Delta Dart 57-2507Convair NF-106B-31-CO Delta Dart 57-2507 (msn 8-27-01) at NASA Lewis Research Center, Lewis Field, Cleveland, OH
General Dynamics F-111A 67-0103United States Air Force (USAF) - General Dynamics F-111A 67-0103 (msn A1-148, base code MO'), at a scheduled maintenance hangar, Date: circa 1980
Piaggio PD-808TA MM61950Aeronautica Militare - Piaggio PD-808TA MM61950 (msn 508), undergoing scheduled maintenance in the hangar at Pratica di Mare AB. (Aeronautica Militaire Italiano - Italian Air Force) Date: 1997
CASA C-101EB Aviojet E. 25-27 - 79-27Fuerza Aerea Espanola - CASA C-101EB Aviojet E.25-27 - 79-27 (msn EB01-27-027 ), of the Patrulla Aguila (Eagle Patrol) aerobatic team, in the hangar undergoing scheduled maintenance - inspections
CASA C-101EB Aviojet E. 25-46 - 79-46Fuerza Aerea Espanola - CASA C-101EB Aviojet E.25-46 - 79-46 (msn EB01-46-047), in the hangar undergoing scheduled maintenance - inspections
CASA C-101EB Aviojet E. 25-24 - 79-24Fuerza Aerea Espanola - CASA C-101EB Aviojet E.25-24 - 79-24 (msn EB01-24-024), in the hangar undergoing scheduled maintenance - inspections
Douglas DC-1 NR223Y of Transcontinental & Western Air (TWA) Flown by TWA as a flying laboratory and for occasional scheduled passenger flights
Vought-Sikorsky VS-44A N41881Vought-Sikorsky VS-44A NC41881 / N41881 Mother Goose (ex Excambian) of Avalon Air Transport, tied up on the Avalon jetty at Long Beach
United States Air Force - Convair F-102A Delta DaggerUnited States Air Force - Convair F-102A-25-CO Delta Dagger 53-1817, of Air Proving Ground Command. This photo shows the original short fin fitted to the proto Types and first 66 production aircraft
Handley Page HP 42E at Croydon AirportDate: circa 1930s
Royal Air Force Stinson Model 74 Vigilant IA HL430- 70-49Royal Air Force Stinson Model 74 Vigilant IA HL430 (known as O-49 by the USaF)
Short S. 16-1 Scion 1 G-ACUWShort S.16/1 Scion 1 G-ACUW (msn S.775) at Rochester airport. The third production Scion 1, G-ACUW can be seen with the low set engine nacelles and early style windscreen
Back to Back SlumsTypical Victorian back to back slum houses, with tiny back yards, Bath Street area of Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England. Scheduled for demolition under Town Planning
de Havilland DH106 Comet 1 G-ALYP of BOACde Havilland DH106 Comet 1, G-ALYP, of BOAC. This aircraft operated the first scheduled passenger service of a jet-propelled airliner on 2 May 1952
SaB 2000 of Darwin Airline to launch scheduled flights from Cambridge on 2 Sept 2013 - PR 200513
Benoist flying boat and pilot Tony Jannus Sp Petersburg-Tampa early 1914 scheduled service
Eyam Churchyard, Derbyshire - Anglo Saxon CrossThe Anglo-Saxon cross in Eyam churchyard dates from the 8th century and is a Scheduled Ancient Monument, previously located beside a cart track near Eyam. Date: 1909
Scylla L17 biplane on an airfieldThe Scylla L17 British four-engine biplane, designed and built by Short Brothers. It was used by Imperial Airways for scheduled flights between London and various European cities
First Flight between Liege and Paris on Sabena AirlinesFirst Flight between Liege, Belgium and Paris, France on Sabena Airlines. Date: 1947
The Long Man of Wilmington, East Sussex
Three Bristol Sycamores (a Mk3 and two Mk3As) of British European Airways inaugurate a scheduled passenger service between Southampton (Eastleigh Airport), London Airport and Northolt
Murdo rodeo - South Dakota - Scheduled for 1 o clock, the real competitions don t get underway til nearly 3. Date: 1952
Balloon on RailwayA balloon lands on the Lyon- Marseille line at Villeurbaine just at the moment that an express enters the station : luckily, this is a scheduled stop... Date: 1907
Prisoners SummonedEach day, an official comes into the prisons with a list of those scheduled for guillotining : the pathetic scenes are a favourite subject for artists