Ws Gilbert / SambourneWILLIAM SCHWENCK GILBERT English playwright and collaborator with Sullivan, satirised for his love of the sea and sailing
Darwins Theory of Evolutionhis theory is satirised - Am I a man and a brother Date: 1861 Source: unnamed artist in Punch 8 May 1861 page 206
John Ruskin (Fun)JOHN RUSKIN English art critic and writer satirised for his views on the aesthetic life Date: 1819 - 1900
1804 / Pitt as WeathercockA Hint for another Statue - or a Sketch of a Modern Weather Cock Pitt the Younger is satirised as a weathercock
Grandville MusiciansMusicians satirised by being represented as animals. Date: 1828
FRE REV / LOU XVI SATIRELouis XVI satirised as a traitor within a lantern, blocking out the sun. Date: 8 August 1792
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky portrayed as an imposterHelena Petrovna Blavatsky(1831-1891). Russian mystic and writer portrayed in the last year, satirised by her detractors
Rasputin SatirisedGRIGORI RASPUTIN Caricature holding a tiny figure of Nicolas II, entitled I drove him from the throne before you Date: 1872 - 1916
Vittorio Emanuele IIVITTORIO EMANUELE II King of Italy satirised as a bandit Date: 1820 - 1878
Richard Burton / SambourneSIR RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON Traveller and writer, satirised as " Our Un-Commercial Traveller" Date: 1821-1890
George Buchanan / HardingGEORGE BUCHANAN Scottish humanist writer, satirised Franciscans, supported Calvinism, imprisoned by the Inquisition, taught Montaigne, James VI. Date: 1506 - 1582
Hugh Peters (Satire)HUGH PETERS chaplain to Oliver Cromwell, satirised as a preacher of blasphemy, rebellion and heresy Date: 1598 - 1660
Ja Froude / SambourneJAMES ANTHONY FROUDE British historian and writer, satirised for his warts-and-all biography of Thomas Carlyle Date: 1818 - 1894
Thomas Erskine / CarltonTHOMAS ERSKINE 1st Baron Statesman and lawyer, satirised as The Patriotic Pleader Date: 1750 - 1823
Sir James Matthew Barrie, caricature in PunchSIR JAMES MATTHEW BARRIE (1860 - 1937) Scottish novelist and dramatist, best known for writing Peter Pan, satirised in Punch Date: 1897
Charles Beresford / ChinaCHARLES WILLIAM BERESFORD Charles William de la Poer Known as Lord Charles - British naval officer, satirised here for his interest in China Date: 1846 - 1919
Ainsworth / Waddy / OawWILLIAM HARRISON AINSWORTH English novelist satirised for his popular historical novels Date: 1805 - 1882
Algernon Bertram MitfordALGERNON BERTRAM MITFORD Diplomat and orientalist, satirised in his role as Secretary to Her Majestys Office of Works. Date: 1837 - 1916
Ainsworth / SambourneWILLIAM HARRISON AINSWORTH English novelist satirised for his popular historical novels such as Rookwood (1834) and Jack Sheppard (1839) Date: 1805 - 1882
Arnold (Sambourne)MATTHEW ARNOLD satirised as the apostle of Sweetness and Light Date: 1822 - 1888
Kh Branting / FantasioKARL HJALMAR BRANTING (1860 - 1925), Swedish statesman and pacifist, satirised for his socialist principles Date: 1918
Ja Froude / Waddy / OawJAMES ANTHONY FROUDE British historian and writer, satirised for his concern for Truth Date: 1818 - 1894
Mesmers Tub SatirisedA satire on Mesmers tub Date: 1790
John Ruskin (Judy)JOHN RUSKIN English art critic and writer, gently satirised for his views on nature and art Date: 1819 - 1900
The Fashion in December 1795Fashion satirised in 1795: a woman wears a long nightgown-like dress or smock with blouson sleeves and watch fob detail, and a turban with two tall feathers. Date: 1795
William SandhurstWILLIAM ROSE MANSFIELD, first baron SANDHURST military commander in India, satirised at the time of the Simla court-martial Date: 1819 - 1876
Captain HindCAPTAIN HIND Scottish soldier - the perfect model of a none-too-bright young officer, affectionately satirised by Kay. Date: circa 1790
Popes & Monks SatirisedA German satire on the Catholic Church - demons are hunting monks and even attacking the Pope Date: 16th Century
Jacobins SatirisedSatan and his spouse give birth to Jacobins - a caricature by someone who didn t like the extremist faction very much
Chamberlain SatirisedJoseph Chamberlain depicted as Coleridges Ancient Mariner, with the albatross of the South African republics tied round his neck - as war breaks out with the Boers
Jos Chamberlain / LeandreJOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN Liberal MP satirised as the " Friend of France"
Censorship SatirisedSatire on censorship of the French press under the reactionary Charles X
Consulate SatirisedAn English satire on the French Consulate
Joseph Chamberlain PunchJOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN Statesman, satirised early in his career
Luther with 7 HeadsLuther satirised as a seven- headed monster - aside from being an ecclesiastic, he is also Barabas the thief, a doctor, an inspector etcetera
James II SatirisedJAMES II OF SCOTLAND caricatured as an owl, kneeling to the Pope who is depicted as a peacock
Steam Carriages GaloreThe widespread activity, seeking to harness steam power to road transport, is satirised in this view of the Whitechapel Road where horse drawn vehicles are no more
Mesmer Satirised / TheatreMesmer satirised in the theatre : his supporter, D Epremesil, throws leaflets to the audience
Mesmer SatirisedMesmerism Satirised