Duke Wellington / Paul PryDUKE OF WELLINGTON British General and Statesman Known as the Iron Duke A Wellington Boot - Satire
Man riding on a steam rocketThe Flight of Intellect. A comic image of a thin man riding on a steam rocket, with his top hat flying off behind him
Programme design, Gilbert & Sullivan, Princess Ida, Savoy Theatre, London. A respectful operatic perversion of Tennysons " Princess" in Three Acts. circa 1880s
Los Caprichos by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828)Francisco de Goya (1746-1828). Spanish painter and printmaker. Los Caprichos. Lo que puede un sastre! (What can a tailor!). Number 52. Aquatint. 1799. Reproduction by M. Segui i Riera
The Gate of Calais. Etching by William Hogarth (1697-1764)William Hogarth (1697-1764). British artist, engraver, illustrator and satirical painter. The Gate of Calais. Etching by Hogarth. Engraving. The Iberian Illustration, 1888. Colored
Protestant Reformation. Satire against Martin Luther (1483Protestant Reformation. 16th century. Germany. Satire against Martin Luther (1483-1546). Colored engraving
Cartoon, Mermaids and U-Boats, WW1Cartoon, Mermaids and U-Boats. Two mermaids and two fish are disturbed by a German U-boat which has a face like a shark. Date: 1917
Female jockeys riding gentlemen like horsesTwo women jockeys with riding crops, spur on their steeds - not horses, but top-hatted and tailed gentlemen who wear bridles in their mouths
Suffragettes - Christmas Dinner in Holloway by Lawson WoodFour portly prison officers and policemen force feed a handcuffed suffragette Christmas pudding from the police buffet trolley in Holloway Prison. Date: 1912
The Income Tax Official in Hades by H. M. BatemanA tax man from the Inland Revenue suffering his worst nightmare - locked in a cage suspended over a pile of cheques and money he cannot reach. Cartoon by H. M
Rejected by the inventions board" Rejected by the inventions board
London going out of town -- the expansion of LondonLondon going out of town, or, The March of Bricks & Mortar -- Cruikshanks cartoon comment on the expansion of London
Cartoon of Winston Churchill, British statesmanA cartoon depiction of Winston Churchill, British statesman and historian
Charles Darwin with a lookalike apeCharles Darwin holding up a hand mirror to an ape, showing how alike the pair of them are
The Five ALLs - John KaySatirical cartoon by Scottish caricaturist John Kay (1742-1826) entitled The Five All s, depicting five characters and their interpretations of their reltion to All
Wagner / Gill / Ring CycleRICHARD WAGNER German composer in a satirical comment on his four-part opera cycle, Der Ring des Nibelungen
How Some Englishmen thought we were going to win the warHumorous cartoon showing Englishmen, armed with cricket bats
To the Public DangerHumorous scene by Lawson Wood (1878-1957) showing policemen chasing a gentleman in a futuristic flying machine along a main road. Satire on flying which was in infancy
Marguerite Durand / LosqueMARGUERITE DURAND French womens rights activist and journalist: a satirical depiction
Satirical cartoon on German army recruitment, WW1A satirical cartoon by the German artist George Grosz on German army recruitment, showing a doctor examining a decaying skeleton to see if it is fit for military service
Cartoons, The Great Chartist Demonstration -- No. IX, The Beginning and the End. 1848
Cartoon, Bottoms Dream (Republicanism)Cartoon, BOTTOMS DREAM -- Nick Bottom (the working-man): I have a dream
Cartoon, The Dropped Pilot, WW1Cartoon, The Dropped Pilot, twenty-four years after Tenniel
Goya (1746-1828). Spanish painter and printmaker. Los CapricFrancisco de Goya (1746-1828). Spanish painter and printmaker. Los Caprichos. Donde va mama? (Where are you going mum?). Number 65. Aquatint. 1799. Plate 43. Reproduction by M. Segui i Riera
John Law (1671 1729). Scottish economist. Dutch satiricalJohn Law (16711729). Scottish economist. He was appointed Controller General of Finances of France under King Louis XV. In 1716 Law established the Banque Ge?ne?rale in France, a private bank
Cartoon, Britannia between Scylla & Charybdis, or, the Vessel of the Constitution steered clear of the Rock of Democracy, and the Whirlpool of Arbitrary Power, by James Gillray
Irish Home Rule cartoonConservative Party political cartoon with ex Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour talking to Henry Campbell-Bannerman about Irish Home Rule, 1906 Date: 1906
Cartoon impression of the Russo-Japanese War 3 of 5Card 3 of 5 - The Wrestlers. A cartoon interpretation of the Russo-Japanese war, acted out by the principal ruling individuals from the International Community
Female Type / High ArtTHE HIGH ART MAIDEN sending up the aesthetic movement, portraying a lady in love with her chinaware
Cock Pit / HogarthTHE COCK PIT Satirical illustration showing blindness of man drawn into betting on match, and other debauchery
Old Bill and Co. August 1940" Hey! Mind what yer doin ! Thats the second time you ve got me with that fifth column o yours
Cartoon, Queen Victorias Christmas, A Vision (based on Dickens story, A Christmas Carol)
Lutheran satirical print against the sale of indulgences byProtestant Reformation. 16th century. Germany. Lutheran satirical print against the sale of indulgences by the papacy. Colored engraving
Satires by JuvenalJuvenal (Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis). 1st - 2nd centuries AD. Roman poet. Satires. Start of the First Satire. Leyden, 1532
The Headmaster by Wilfrid Coleby and Edward KnoblauchPromotional postcard for The Headmaster by Wilfrid T. Coleby and Edward Knoblauch. First produced at the Playhouse theatre, 22nd January 1913
German cartoon on British recruitment techniquesA cartoon from the German satirical magazine, Lustige Blatter reproduced in The Tatler suggesting that the famous recruitment posters did not persuade men to join up and that instead
Menelik Ii / Ethiopia / RireMENELIK II Emperor of Ethiopia (1889-1913) - a satirical view
Cartoon, 19th century coach at an innCartoon showing a 19th century coach arriving at an inn for a Christmas meal
Satirical ballooning imageA rude satirical image of large and small balloons tied together, lifting a cannon, entitled The Montgolsier. A first rate of the French Aerial Navy. A Fart, an Ass, a Fool, A Monkey, a Nothing. 1783
Labour CandidatesLabour candidates. - A postcard with a dual meaning, both a satire on potential Labour Party MPs and three down and out men all of whom are good candidates as labourers. Date: circa 1900s
Whistler V RuskinPunch comments on the Whistler-Ruskin libel case, in which Whistler was awarded one farthing damages
Carl Nielsen / Klods-HansCARL AUGUST NIELSEN Danish composer: a satirical view
Preraphaelites MockedMillais, Rossetti and Hunt ride a donkey monogrammed JR (Ruskin) - a mischievous parody of Millais painting Sir Isumbras at the ford
Future City SatireA satirical view of the city of the future
Benedictine MonkMONACHUS BENEDICTINUS a satirical drawing done at a time when England feared a papal invasion
Charles Darwin studying a wormA satire on Charles Darwin -- after charting the Descent of Man he goes even lower and studies worms
Oscar Wilde cartoonOscar Wilde - IRISH PLAYWRIGHT Cartoon Portrayal
Cartoon, Disraeli Measuring the British LionCartoon, The State of the Nation, Disraeli Measuring the British Lion
A young fashionable man shows a girl how to play with a Diabolo (Chinese yo-yo). Expertise on the Diabolo is now indispensable
British postcard, Coming down! WW1British postcard, Coming down! Depicting a German airship with the face of Kaiser Wilhelm, plunging to earth in flames. 1914-1918
Cartoon, Charles I and the chamberlain, WW1Cartoon, Charles I and the chamberlain. Charles I of Austria (Karl Franz Joseph Ludwig Hubert Georg Otto Marie, 1887-1922), who succeeded Emperor Franz Joseph in 1916, seen here on his throne
Reynaldo Hahn / BarrereREYNALDO HAHN French musician: a satirical view Date: 1874 - 1947
Mediumship / SatiricalTHE PLEASURES OF HAT-MOVING To perform this scientific experiment, the experimenters must touch hands for 20 minutes or so
Cartoon impression of the Russo-Japanese War 1 of 5Card 1 of 5 - Preliminaries. A cartoon interpretation of the Russo-Japanese war, acted out by the principal ruling individuals from the International Community
Family / Dancing / Baby JokeDo you like dancing? Get married, and you ll go to a BAWL every night!
Levitation SeanceAt a dramatic seance, one of the sitters finds himself levitated while all kinds of trickery is in progress
Franz Joseph / Rire 1897FRANZ JOSEPH Austrian emperor in 1897: a satirical view
Tailor of 1647 / BroadsideA tailor. These tradesman are preachers in the City of London, 1647. A satirical broadside on non- conformist preaching in London
No Money for Social Serv- Sorry, can t spare anything for schools or social services
Railway NavigatorAffectionately satirical view of a navigator, or navvy
Whist. Pl 1WHIST. PL 1
Comic postcard, Kaiser Wilhelm as a fly to be swatted. Date: 1914-1918
Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) - British historian, satirical writer, essayist, translator, philosopher, mathematician, and teacher. Date: circa 1860
Couple at an exhibition of Cubist or Futurist picturesAt an exhibition of Cubist or Futurist pictures - Perhaps it is a map of the Balkan Mountains'?! Date: 1913
"If you look at this monkey, you know where it has come from." - German Soldiers and Face of a Monkey - Optical Illusion Date: circa 1910
Cartoon, A Waiting Game -- the Labour Party restrains the socialist dog for the time being, but warns that the capitalist will not always escape! Date: 1908
Gilbert Burnet, Scottish philosopher and historian, 1643-1715Caricature of Gilbert Burnet, Scottish philosopher and historian, author and poet, Bishop of Salisbury, 1643-1715. One leg in a tub, one in a pulpit, with six satirical English verses
Comical illustrations corresponding to Lotto numbers, 1837. A man on a chamberpot with an enema, ungainly dancers, odd couples, stilt walkers, dandy hairdresser, etc
Cartoon, Specimens from Mr Punchs Industrial Exhibition of 1850 (to be improved in 1851). A satire on the forthcoming Great Exhibition, under the leadership of Prince Albert
Cartoon, John Bulls Alien Act -- a satirical comment on an incident which took place on 10 April 1848, when a Frenchman was heard shouting out that all the English were cowards
Children building a house of cards on a table, 19th century. The mid-calf length dresses allow girls to run and romp, while the pantalons preserve their modesty
Comic postcard, Temperance speaker and audience Date: 20th century
Cartoon, The Great Trick Act (Disraeli)Cartoon, The Great Trick Act -- a satirical comment on the Conservative Partys recent success in the General Election
Cartoon, The Happy Robbers (Gladstone and Bright)Cartoon, The Happy Robbers -- John Bright as Falstaff and William Gladstone as Prince Hal (Henry IV) in a Shakespearean scene
Cartoon, Heads I Win, Tails You Lose (Disraeli, Gladstone)Cartoon, Heads I Win, Tails You Lose -- a satirical comment on the rivalry between Disraeli (left) and Gladstone (right) over the electoral reform question
Cartoon, The Dispatch of Business (Disraeli and Gladstone)Cartoon, The Dispatch of Business -- a satirical comment on the conflicting approaches of Benjamin Disraeli (Conservative) and William Gladstone (Liberal) to electoral reform. Date: 1866
Cartoon, The Anglers Return (Derby and Disraeli)Cartoon, The Anglers Return -- Lord Derby and Benjamin Disraeli portrayed as fishermen
Cartoon, A Dip in the Free Trade Sea -- satirical comment on the Conservative governments announcement that they did not intend to return to the policy of Protectionism
Cartoon, The Political Chameleon -- satirical comment on Benjamin Disraelis ability to change his partys allegiance from Protectionism to Free Trade in anticipation of an approaching General
Cartoon, The Political Cheap-Jack -- Benjamin Disraeli, portrayed as a conman at a country fair, wooing his Buckinghamshire constituents during the General Election campaign, summer 1847. 1847
Anti-suffrage satirical postcard - Leap Year Goods - " Will wear well". A woman in full tweed suit of jacket and plus fours standing with her motorbike. 1908
Comic postcard - arrival of a new babyHumorous comic postcard - arrival of a new baby. Mother and Child doing well - Not a word about Father....!! 1909
Cartoon, The Six-Mark Tea-Pot (Aestheticism)Cartoon, The Six-Mark Tea-Pot -- a satirical comment on the new fashion of aestheticism: a man who resembles Oscar Wilde admires a teapot
The Walls of Jericho, Garrick Theatre, LondonThe Walls of Jericho, a satirical comedy by Alfred Sutro, at the Garrick Theatre, London, starring Arthur Bourchier as Samson. 1904