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Satan Collection

Background imageSatan Collection: St Michael Archangel by Guido Reni

St Michael Archangel by Guido Reni Date: 1635

Background imageSatan Collection: Anton Lavey

Anton Lavey
ANTON SZANDOR LAVEY self-anointed High Priest of the Church of Satan, author of The Satanic Bible etc

Background imageSatan Collection: Sunday Sport - World War Two Bomber Found on Moon

Sunday Sport - World War Two Bomber Found on Moon
Front cover of the Sunday Sport Newspaper - April 24th 1988 - World War Two Bomber Found on Moon *Note usage restrictions as outlined below* 1988

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan at the Sabbat

Satan at the Sabbat
Satan presides at the Sabbat, attended by demons in human or animal shapes

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan Flies to Earth

Satan Flies to Earth
Satan, foiled in his ambitions in Heaven, descends to Earth to see what he can find to do down here

Background imageSatan Collection: Child Offered to Satan

Child Offered to Satan
At the sabbat, a mother presents her child to Satan, dedicating it to his service, watched by other demons and witches

Background imageSatan Collection: Jesus Rejects Satan

Jesus Rejects Satan
Jesus, in the wilderness, is tempted by Satan with attractive special offers, but rejects them and him

Background imageSatan Collection: Lourdes - Statue of St. Michael

Lourdes - Statue of St. Michael
Statue of St. Michael the Archangel (foreground) vanquishing the falen angel Satan at the end of the Esplanade leading toward the Rosary Basilica of the Sanctuary of our Lady at Lourdes, France

Background imageSatan Collection: The Five ALLs - John Kay

The Five ALLs - John Kay
Satirical cartoon by Scottish caricaturist John Kay (1742-1826) entitled The Five All s, depicting five characters and their interpretations of their reltion to All

Background imageSatan Collection: Saint Michael

Saint Michael
SAINT MICHAEL, the warrior angel, has weighed the devil in his scales and found him wanting; so now he raises his sword to slay him. Alas, Satan will not stay dead

Background imageSatan Collection: SATAN IN COUNCIL

Satan in Council Date: first published 1667

Background imageSatan Collection: Witches Sabbath by Francisco de Goya

Witches Sabbath by Francisco de Goya
Francisco de Goya (1746-1828). Spanish romantic painter. Witches Sabbath, 1821-1823. Detail. Prado Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background imageSatan Collection: Witches Sabbat (Picart)

Witches Sabbat (Picart)
Satan presides while dancers cavort before him, the cooks throw babies into the stewpot and diners enjoy a nourishing cannibal feast

Background imageSatan Collection: Guillemette and the Wolf

Guillemette and the Wolf
A wolf carries young Guillemette to meet its master, Satan : in the forest, it becomes an old hag, who presents the girl to the Devil, assuring him she will serve him all her life

Background imageSatan Collection: North Berwick Witches casting spells

North Berwick Witches casting spells
The North Berwick Witches -- Satan lures Dr Fian and other misguided people to indulge in evil practices such as causing shipwrecks by casting spells

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan Leads the Dance

Satan Leads the Dance

Background imageSatan Collection: Napoleon Bonaparte and the Red Man, 1815

Napoleon Bonaparte and the Red Man, 1815
Napoleon Bonaparte and the Red Man (the Devil), 1815. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by George Cruikshank from The Life of Napoleon a Hudibrastic Poem by Doctor Syntax, T. Tegg, London, 1815

Background imageSatan Collection: English gentleman held captive by two Papal guards

English gentleman held captive by two Papal guards in uniform in a room in Avignon. A prisoner at Avignon. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Thomas Rowlandson from Journal

Background imageSatan Collection: Tarot Card 15 - Le Diable (The Devil)

Tarot Card 15 - Le Diable (The Devil). Date: 20th century

Background imageSatan Collection: Cartoon, Sin, Death, and the Devil

Cartoon, Sin, Death, and the Devil, Vide Milton, by James Gillray. A parody of a scene from John Milton's epic poem, Paradise Lost, showing Prime Minister William Pitt (left) as Death

Background imageSatan Collection: A man and woman embrace under a hanged man

A man and woman embrace under a hanged man. The widow of Ephesus and the sentinel canoodle under her husbands corpse hanging from a gibbet. The Ephesian matron. Le matrone d Ephise

Background imageSatan Collection: Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Friars Tale

Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales -- The Friars Tale, showing the corrupt Summoner, the Devil and the Widow. Date: 1845

Background imageSatan Collection: Madame Charlotte Doche as Satan in Le Diable a Paris, 1844

Madame Charlotte Doche as Satan in Le Diable a Paris, 1844
Madame Charlotte Doche as Satan in Le Diable a Paris, Theatre du Vaudeville, 1844. Handcoloured lithograph after an illustration by Alexandre Lacauchie from Victor Dollets Galerie Dramatique

Background imageSatan Collection: Poster, Les Magique Leons, Whirlwind Illusionists

Poster, Les Magique Leons, Whirlwind Illusionists
Theatre poster, Les Magique Leons, Whirlwind Illusionists in the Palace of Mystery

Background imageSatan Collection: ALBIGENSIAN CRUSADE

ALBIGENSIAN CRUSADE Regarded by Catholics as the stronghold of Satan, the town of Lavaur is sacked by crusaders and its population massacred as heretics Date: 3 May 1211

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan tempts Eve in the dream. Paradise Lost by John Milton

Satan tempts Eve in the dream. Paradise Lost by John Milton
John Milton (1608-1674). British poet. Paradise Lost. 1658-1667. Satan tempts Eve in the dream. Engraving of John Martin (1789-1854). Colored

Background imageSatan Collection: Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael
SAINT MICHAEL, who combines the roles of angel and saint, overcomes Satan in single combat - but not permanently, as the Devil continues to plague mankind

Background imageSatan Collection: Milton / Abdielangels / Dore

Milton / Abdielangels / Dore
Abdiel leads good angels into the fight with Satan

Background imageSatan Collection: Copulation with Satan

Copulation with Satan
At the sabbat, witches copulate with Satan

Background imageSatan Collection: Tarot Card 15 - Le Diable (The Devil)

Tarot Card 15 - Le Diable (The Devil). Date: 20th century

Background imageSatan Collection: Eve gives Adam the forbidden fruit. Paradise Lost by John Mi

Eve gives Adam the forbidden fruit. Paradise Lost by John Mi
John Milton (1608-1674). British poet. Paradise Lost. 1658-1667. Eve gives Adam the forbidden fruit. Engraving of John Martin (1789-1854). Colored

Background imageSatan Collection: Posada, Illustration to a story, La Noche Venturosa

Posada, Illustration to a story, La Noche Venturosa
Illustration to a story, La Noche Venturosa -- The Lucky Night or the Queen of Blas and Bato. Date: circa 1900

Background imageSatan Collection: Flora and Gill pursued by their enemy Luzbel, Mexico

Flora and Gill pursued by their enemy Luzbel, Mexico -- originally an illustration for a magicians programme. circa 1900

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan and Lucifer

Satan and Lucifer welcome the souls of the damned to the mouth of Hell Date: 1508

Background imageSatan Collection: The Bridge to Hell

The Bridge to Hell
The bridge that leads from Earth to Heaven, constructed by Satan after the Fall

Background imageSatan Collection: Jesus and Satan

Jesus and Satan
Satan offers Jesus all kinds of nice things if he will only renounce his mission : but he refuses

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan & Beelzebub

Satan & Beelzebub
Two eminent devils - SATAN and BEELZEBUB as they are described by Milton in Paradise Lost

Background imageSatan Collection: Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness

Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness - Matthew 4. circa 1688

Background imageSatan Collection: Startling Stories - Speak of the Devil

Startling Stories - Speak of the Devil by Norman A. Daniels. A figure of Satan looms over a man and a woman. The satanic creature possesses the man by holding a device over his head

Background imageSatan Collection: Leviathan. Sea monster referenced in the Tanakh, or the Old

Leviathan. Sea monster referenced in the Tanakh, or the Old Testament. Book Floridus, 15th century. Chateau of Chatilly. France

Background imageSatan Collection: Sabbat Banquet

Sabbat Banquet
Satan banquets with his faithful followers, many of whom have removed their clothes since the meal - strictly non-vegetarian - is rather a messy affair

Background imageSatan Collection: A Son of Satan by Clifford Rean

A Son of Satan by Clifford Rean
Promotional postcard for A Son of Satan by Clifford Rean. First produced at Smethwick 19th February 1902. Date: 1902

Background imageSatan Collection: French Theatre -- La Farce du Munyer

French Theatre -- La Farce du Munyer
La Farce du Munyer [Meunier], a play by Andre de la Vigne, in which the Devil carries off a millers soul to Hell. Showing a delighted Devil in orange costume

Background imageSatan Collection: Mlle Scriwaneck in costume as Satan in Les

Mlle Scriwaneck in costume as Satan in Les
Mlle. Scriwaneck in costume as Satan in Les Enfers de Paris at Theatre des Varietes.. Augustine-Celestine Scriwaneck (1825-1910) had a sharp and wiry voice

Background imageSatan Collection: Poisonous scarlet, Satans mushroom, or Devil s

Poisonous scarlet, Satans mushroom, or Devil s
Poisonous scarlet, Satans mushroom, or Devils bolete mushroom, Boletus satanas.. Chromolithograph from Leon Dufours Atlas des Champignons Comestibles et Veneneux (1891)

Background imageSatan Collection: Robert Montgomery - 3

Robert Montgomery - 3
ROBERT MONTGOMERY Churchman and writer, author of Satan, The Omnipresent, The Messiah etc. Date: 1807 - 1855

Background imageSatan Collection: Robert Montgomery - 1

Robert Montgomery - 1
ROBERT MONTGOMERY Churchman and writer, author of Satan, The Omnipresent, The Messiah etc. Date: 1807 - 1855

Background imageSatan Collection: Robert Montgomery - 2

Robert Montgomery - 2
ROBERT MONTGOMERY Churchman and writer, author of Satan, The Omnipresent, The Messiah etc. Date: 1807 - 1855

Background imageSatan Collection: Joseph Chamberlain as Mephistopheles boiling Radicals

Joseph Chamberlain as Mephistopheles boiling Radicals
The Radical Inferno. Joseph Chamberlain as Mephistopheles boiling his Radical political opponents (who were against his proposals for Tariff Reform) - including Henry Campbell-Bannerman (foreground)

Background imageSatan Collection: Adam and the serpent

Adam and the serpent. circa 18th century

Background imageSatan Collection: A Seat in the Stalls: Faust

A Seat in the Stalls: Faust, based on the opera by Charles Gounod. Faust makes a pact with the devil. From Look and Learn no. 786 (5 February 1977)

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan in Hell

Satan in Hell
Satan, in Hell, addresses his legions - Awake ! Arise ! or be for ever fallen !

Background imageSatan Collection: The sorrows of Satan from the famous novel of Marie Corelli

The sorrows of Satan from the famous novel of Marie Corelli. Date c1898

Background imageSatan Collection: Poster advertising The Sorrows of Satan

Poster advertising The Sorrows of Satan

Background imageSatan Collection: The Rose in The Devils Garden - Gordon Nicoll

The Rose in The Devils Garden - Gordon Nicoll
The Rose in the Devils Garden by Gordon Nicoll Pretty young blonde-haired girl in a large white tutu and red ballet shoes, standing with her back to a stone wall

Background imageSatan Collection: Masks of Lucifer Ballet

Masks of Lucifer Ballet
A striking scene from The Masks of Lucifer, portraying Satan as Intrigue, Hate and Fear, performed by Madame Bosenweisers Ballet, Austria. Date: 1930

Background imageSatan Collection: Abdiel Versus Satan

Abdiel Versus Satan
ABDIEL leads those angels which have remained faithful to God against the rebel angels led by Satan

Background imageSatan Collection: RETURN OF SATAN

RETURN OF SATAN (Robert Moore Williams) Fighting desperately against the super-brain... Date: 1939

Background imageSatan Collection: The Pluralist, aided by his patron

The Pluralist, aided by his patron
A satirical comment on the rise of religious pluralism in the mid 19th century

Background imageSatan Collection: Miracle Play showing Saladin on the way to Hell, 1910

Miracle Play showing Saladin on the way to Hell, 1910
Photograph showing a 13th century miracle play tableau, illustrating Saladin, Sultan of Egypt, heading towards Satan and Hell (bottom left)

Background imageSatan Collection: Jacobins Satirised

Jacobins Satirised
Satan and his spouse give birth to Jacobins - a caricature by someone who didn t like the extremist faction very much

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan and Job

Satan and Job
Satan receives permission from God to try to tempt Job into complaining about his fate

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan Schemes

Satan Schemes
Satan schemes how he may best entrap the innocent couple into losing Gods favour

Background imageSatan Collection: Eve of Day of Doom 1000

Eve of Day of Doom 1000
The panic caused in the Tenth Century by the belief Satan was about to be let loose to work the misery of men, having been bound for a thousand years (Revelation XX, vs 2, 3)

Background imageSatan Collection: Job Afflicted

Job Afflicted
Satan hovers over Job as he sits patiently on his dunghill, uncomplaining despite his afflictions

Background imageSatan Collection: Theosophy Man (Back)

Theosophy Man (Back)
Back view of a man (or woman?), according to theosophical principles

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan Smitten / Dore

Satan Smitten / Dore
Satan, shown as the fallen angel, after having been smitten by Michael

Background imageSatan Collection: Rabelais / Gargantua / Devil

Rabelais / Gargantua / Devil
The Devil carousing. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/Mary Evans Picture Library

Background imageSatan Collection: Revelations Chapter 20

Revelations Chapter 20
Revelations, Chapter XX, Ver.2 Satan is bound for a thousand years

Background imageSatan Collection: The Fall of Adam

The Fall of Adam
Satan, disguised as a serpent, suggests to Eve that she and Adam should eat the Forbidden Fruit. They do so, with fearful consequences

Background imageSatan Collection: Jesus Temptation

Jesus Temptation
Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness

Background imageSatan Collection: Job Loses his Sons

Job Loses his Sons
Jobs sons are slain, to be manifest delight of Satan

Background imageSatan Collection: Satan and Chaos

Satan and Chaos
SATAN at the court of CHAOS

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