The Great SanhedrinThe Great SANHEDRIN, high court of the Jews of Jerusalem : it was before this court that Jesus was arraigned (from Pere Lamis description)
JESUS AND THE PRIESTSHe is taken before the court of the Sanhedrin, presided over by the High Priest Caiaphas Date: circa 30
Judas Iscariot. One of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. Betrayal of Jesus to the hands of the chief Sanhedrin priests in exchange for a payment of thirty silver coins. Engraving by Bong
Nicodemus wise, Jew and Pharisee, visits to Jesus. Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy
After the Sanhedrin, Jesus is handed over to Pilate. Codex of Predis (1476). Royal Library. Turin. Italy