Stephen Wards sketches of celebrities, 1960Through a doctors eyes: a page of celebrities drawn by osteopath and gifted amateur artist Doctor Stephen Ward(1912-1963), as featured in The Illustrated London News in 1960
Who will buy my sweet blooming lavender?Old Street Cries -- Who will buy my sweet blooming lavender? 20th century
Edwin Sandys, ArchbishopEDWIN SANDYS Archbishop of York Date: 1516 - 1588
Somerset Village, Sandys Parish, Bermuda, West Indies Date: 1930s
Mrs Lionel Crane and her son Tony. She is the wife of Lieutenant Lionel F. Crane, eldest son of the artist Walter Crane. She is also the daughter of an artist, Frederick Sandys. Date: 1917
Sandys - Lord Sandys
Funeral of the 3rd Marquess of Downshire at HillsboroughFuneral of Arthur Blundell Sandys Trumbull Hill, 3rd Marquess of Downshire at Hillsborough. Date: 1845
Winston Churchill with grandson Julian SandysWinston Churchill greeting his grandson Julian Sandys (son of Diana Churchill). circa 1940s
Tunku Abdul Rahman, Harold Macmillan, Duncan Sandys and LeePhotograph showing (left to right): Tunku Abdul Rahman, Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya; Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Duncan Sandys
A True Prospect of the Giants Causeway (1696). Sandys, Edwin d.1708. Date: 1696
Matthew Arnold by Anthony Frederick Augustus SandysMatthew Arnold (1822-1888) by Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys (1829-1904), engraved by Octave Lacour (1855-1921). Date: 1884
Victorian girl waiting by a loom / Frederick SandysThe Waiting Time by Frederick Sandys in the Churchmans Magazine, 1863, depicting a Victorian girl waiting by a loom Date: 1925
If by Frederick SandysPicture of a distraught Victorian damsel against a backdrop of white cliffs, entitled " If", by Frederick Sandys to illustrate Christina Rossettis poem The Argosy 1866 Date: 1925
George Sandys - 1GEORGE SANDYS poet and traveler, son of Edwin archbishop of York. Date: 1578 - 1644
George Sandys - 2GEORGE SANDYS poet and traveler, son of Edwin archbishop of York. Date: 1578 - 1644
Study of a Head (1890). Sandys, Frederick 1829-1904. Date: 1890
Cassandra (c. 1863-64). Sandys, Frederick 1829-1904. Date: 1863-64 (circa)
From left: Duncan Sandys, Minister of Aviation, and Pete?From left: Duncan Sandys, Minister of Aviation, and Peter Masefield, RAeS President 1959-1960
Duncan Sandys, Minister of Aviation delivers his speech ?Duncan Sandys, Minister of Aviation delivers his speech at the 94th Anniversary Luncheon at the Dorchester Hotel, London, on 12 January 1960
Bermuda Railway -The first coach to SomersetA gasoline-powered passenger coach of Bermuda Railway - The first coach to Somerset, running at full speed
Lord Nelson Duncan Sandys MPFrom left: Lord Nelson, Duncan Sandys, MP, Prince Bernhard, Roland Beamont and Frederick Page
A visit by Duncan Sandys to Boscombe Down. 2 July 1954. Date: 1954
Knives and Scissors to Grind OhOld Street Cries -- Knives and Scissors to Grind Oh!! 20th century
Muffins and CrumpetsOld Street Cries -- Muffins and Crumpets. 20th century
Will you buy any milk today?Old Street Cries -- Will you buy any milk today? 20th century
Sweep! SweepOld Street Cries -- Sweep! Sweep!! 20th century
V1 bomb counter measures committee, 1944The chairmen of the war cabinet committee on operational counter measures against the " flying bomb" or V1: Mr. Duncan Sandys, M.P(centre), with leaders who directed the battle
Tito opens an RAF Duxford Air DisplayMarshal Tito firing the Verey starting pistol to begin the RAF Air display at Duxford
Duncan Sandys(1908-1987)Duncan Sandys pictured here in 1951 when the Minister of Supply
Duncan Sandys(1908-1987) in helicopterLeaving Kuala Lumpar by helicopter to see operations in the Malayan Jungle: Mr Duncan Sandys, Minister of Supply