Cover design, Gordon Bennett Aeronautic CupCover design, Official Program of the Second Competition for the Gordon Bennett Aeronautic Cup, Forest Park, St Louis, USA, October 1907. Showing men flying in balloons. October 1907
Chinese labourers filling sandbags near Arras, France, WW1Chinese labourers filling sandbags near Arras, northern France, during the First World War. Date: 13 June 1918
Trench in Suez Canal defences, Egypt, WW1A trench in the Suez Canal defences, Egypt, during the First World War. It was probably at Muhammadiya, where the Scottish Horse dug a new line of trenches. Date: spring 1916
British trenches after fall of Gaza, Palestine, WW1British trenches on the 75th Division Front after the fall of Gaza, Palestine, during the First World War. Date: 7 November 1917
Allied action at Arsuf, Middle East, WW1Allied action on the Mediterranean coast at Arsuf in the Middle East (now in Israel) during the First World War. Sandbag defences are being held by the 2nd Battalion Black Watch
Trench entrance and sandbags, Northern FranceView of a trench entrance and sandbags on a battlefield in Northern France, during the First World War
Communications trench at Gallipoli WWISandbag wall across gully used as main communication trench at Helles, Gallipoli during World War I
Filling Sandbags - WW2 Home Front (2 / 4)World War Two - British Home Front - London. Men and young boys fill sandbags in the street. The sandbags were piled against buildings
Filling Sandbags - WW2 Home Front (4 / 4)World War Two - British Home Front - London. Young men, boys and women of all ages fill sandbags in the street. The sandbags were piled against buildings
Filling Sandbags - WW2 Home Front (1 / 4)World War Two - British Home Front - London. Men and young boys fill sandbags in the street. The sandbags were piled against buildings
Filling Sandbags - WW2 Home Front (3 / 4)World War Two - British Home Front - London. Men and young boys fill sandbags in the street. The sandbags were piled against buildings
Ridinger Haute Ecole 3Haute Ecole : Training a horse to the Vaulting Trot with a sandbag to simulate weight of rider
Vietnamese SoldierA young, disheartened South Vietnamese soldier rests on a sandbag, contemplating the vast landscape of debris which surrounds him
Sandbags in MoscowSandbag barricades in Smolensk Street, Moscow, anticipating a German attack on the city, which fortunately was prevented
Odessa BarricadesAt Odessa on the Ukraine coast, children help to build sandbag barricades against the advancing Germans