Ballet / Firebird 1914An elaborately dressed woman with a firebird on her hand: a design influenced by the recent Diaghilev ballet, with music by Stravinsky
LA Peri / Ballet RussesLA PERI Costume design for Mademoiselle N. Trouhanowa Date: 1911
Pavlova, Anna (1882-1931). Russian classical dancer. Poster of the Russian Ballets
Les Sylphides SceneLES SYLPHIDES The view from the wings
Cuadro Flamenco - Diaghilev Ballets Russes - PicassoTwo of the Andalusian dancers (Rojas and El Tejero) performing the Cuadro Flamenco - during the Ballet Russes performabce by Diaghilev at the Princes Theatre
Poster of Ballets Russes in a scene of Claude" Poster of " Ballets Russes" in a scene of Claude Debussys " Jeux". It shows the dancers: Ludmilla Schollar, Vaslav Nijinsky and Tamara Karsavina. FRANCE. Paris
Vaslav Nijinsky / Jeux 3VASLAV NIJINSKY Russian ballet dancer and choreographer with Schollar and Karsavina in Debussys Jeux during the 8th season of the Ballets Russes Date: 1890 - 1950
Ballet Russses / CoverCover programme design for Col de. Basils Ballet Russes, at the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden, for June-September 1936
Vaslav Nijinsky / Blue GodVASLAV NIJINSKY Russian ballet dancer and choreographer in a Bakst costume for the Ballets Russes production of Le Dieu Bleu
Nijinsky, by OraziThe star of stars of Les Ballets Russes
Ballet Russes / La ConcuraLA CONCURRENCE Curtain design by Andre Derain
Woman in white wool dress with pink trim losing her hatWoman in white wool dress with pink trim, belt of crocheted roses, losing her hat in the wind. Robe de drap blanc borde d un ourlet couleur de rose, ceinture des roses en crochet
Woman in ball gown of coral taffeta with silk ruffles. Robe de bal en taffetas corail a volants de gaze de soie. Handcoloured pochoir (stencil) etching after an illustration by H
Fashionable couples dancing energetically at a ball, 1914Fashionable couples dancing energetically at a ball, observed by an older woman with lorgnette. La Folie du Jour. Handcoloured pochoir (stencil) etching by H
Tatler cover - Tamara KarsavinaTamara Karsavina (1885 - 1978), Russian ballet dancer, who, in 1919, at the time of this photograph, had been performing with the Russian Ballet at the Alhambra Theatre in London. Date: 1919
Nijinsky / Le Dieu BleuLE DIEU BLEU Costume design for Nijinsky in the role of Le Dieu Bleu
Scheherazade / Bal. RussesSCHEHERAZADE Set design by Leon Bakst
Midnight Sun / Ballet RussMIDNIGHT SUN Set design, showing dancers on stage and large sun-faces over-head
Diaghilev Photo SachaSERGEY PAVLOVICH DIAGHILEV Russian Art critic and impresario. A key figure in producing the Ballet Russes
La Rubia de Jerez, Mate y Maria de Albaicin and Mate El Sin Pies performing the Cuadro Flamenco
The Russian Mountains, Les Montagnes Russes, Paris, 1812Fashionable couple at the Russian Mountains rollercoaster, Les Montagnes Russes a Belleville, built in 1812. (The first switchback, Year VII, 1799). Handcoloured lithograph by R.V
Woman in dress of polka-dot crepon, and girl with dogWoman in dress of polka-dot crepon, and girl in cherry and green check dress with dog. Robe de crepon blanc a pois jaune, robe de fillette en ecossais cerise et vert
Man in new blue suit, pearl vest and white shirt, 1913Man in new blue suit, pearl vest and white shirt, designed by Kriegck, with red-lined cape. Habit nouveau par Kriegck
Womens hat designs by milliner Marcelle Demay, 1913Womens hat designs by milliner Marcelle Demay. Modeles de Marcelle Demay. Handcoloured pochoir (stencil) etching after an illustration by B
Jewelry by Veyer. Earrings, necklace and dragonfly bracelet in enamel and diamonds. Bijoux par Veyer. Pendants de cou joaillerie et emaux translucide, bracelet libellules emaux et diamants
Young man in fashionable outfit with top hat and cane, 1912. Mise d un jeune homme
Woman reading a letter wearing a velvet dress and toqueWoman reading a letter wearing a dress and toque hat of sea-green silk velvet edged with ermine. Ermine shawl and muff. Robe et toque de velours de soie vert de mer bordees d hermine
Grand evening dress in silver brocade, blue wig and feathers, Grande robe du soir en brocart d argent, Perruque bleue, aigrettes
Woman in harlequin costume and mask for a fancy dress ball. Arlequine
A suite of Andalusian dances - Cuadro Flamenco performed during the Interlude of the performance of Diaghilevs Ballet Russes at the Princes Theatre, London
Fashionable woman with speculators or agioteurs, ParisFashionable woman with a group of speculators or agioteurs, Paris. A one-legged Revolutionary soldier stands guard. Stock jobbing at the Palais Royal, Year VII, 1799. Handcoloured lithograph by R.V
Woman in linen dress looking at herself in the mirror. Robe de linon de fil
Woman in outfit for the racetrack in winning colours, 1913Woman in outfit for the racetrack in winning colours of poppy red, blue and white. Toilette aux couleurs gagnantes
Man in dressing gown over yellow trousers and green waistcoat. Robe de chambre
Woman in striped linen dress and vest in soft ribbed silk or faille, hat with cockade. She writes love with her cane in the sand. Robe de linon raye avec petite veste de faille souple
Bride in embroidered sheath wedding dress with laceBride in embroidered sheath wedding dress with long lace veil with tassels. Une mariee
Woman in grey taffeta dress with linen collar and cuffs, satin gilet with enamel buttons, under a willow tree. Robe de taffetas gris a col et manchettes de linon, et gilet de satin a boutons d email
Woman in black and white dress with matching bonnet, 1913Woman in black and white dress with matching hat and parasol. Robe a combinaison de noir et blanc
Womens gloves in suede and kid skin, 1913Womens gloves in suede and kid skin. Gants de suede et de chevreau glace
New umbrella and parasol designs for 1912. Ombrelles nouveau
Woman in floral taffeta dress, silk ottoman, and tulle hat with cockatoo. Robe de taffetas a fleurs et ottoman de soie, chapeau de tulle
Woman in garden party outfit of skirt, blouse and jacket, playing a game with sticks and a ring. Toilette de garden party
Butterfly brooches mounted in diamonds designed by Morgan. Papillons naturels montes en diamants par Morgan
Woman in luxurious evening gown of tulle and satin, 1913Woman in luxurious evening gown of tulle and satin, green velvet sash with pearl tassel. Grande robe du soir en tulle et satin, echarpe de velours at glands de perles
Woman in outfit for tennis, 1913Woman in outfit for tennis. Scarlet jacket, white skirt, green cloche hat. Costume de tennis
Woman in pearl-grey suit and black straw hat. Tailleur de satin gris de perle, chapeau de paille noir
Girl skipping rope at the beach in white dress and bonnet decorated with flowers. Costume d une damoiselle de 6 a 8 ans
Woman in evening gown for dinner at Bois. Robe pour diner au Bois
Woman in walking dress with children in a parkWoman in matching cape and hat over long skirt with children in a park. Toilettes de promenade
Woman in dress of black charmeuse satin, 1913Woman in dress of black charmeuse satin with corsage and panier of an embroidered and draped obi. Robe de charmeuse noire avec corsage et panier formes d un obi drape
Woman in crepe-de-chine gown with cupid, 1913Woman in crepe-de-chine gown with belt and bag embroidered with pearls. A cupid aims a love dart at her head. Robe de crepe de chine, sac et ceinture brodes de perles
Young women in blue toile garden dresses with blackYoung women in garden dresses of blue toile, black velvet belt, matching hat, with dove and flowers in a bower. Robe de jardin en toile bleu vif, ceinture de velours noir, chapeau toile et velours
Jewelry cockade and flexible rings designed by Morgan. Aigrette et bagues souples par Morgan
Fashionable man walking past bouquinistes on the Seine, 1913Man in suit, bowler hat and cane walking past bouquinistes on the Seine. Tenue du matin
Woman in marine blue chiffon skirt and turquoise vest, 1913Woman in skirt of marine blue chiffon, vest of turquoise crepe de chine, seated on a chaise longue
Porcelain designs for tableware, 1913Porcelain designs for tableware from Saxe, Mennecy, Nymphenbourg and Wedgwood, 1913
Woman in grey wool suit and yellow straw hatWoman in grey wool suit, Baptiste shirt, straw hat, and beige wool gaiters
Woman in cloche hat, sheath dress and satin top, 1913Woman in cloche hat, crepe de chine sheath dress and embroidered satin top. Fourreau de crepe de chine, veste de satin brodee a chale de linon
Woman in white crepon dress with taffeta jacket and hatWoman in white crepon dress with yellow taffeta jacket and hat. Robe de crepon blanc, casaque de taffetas soufre, bonnet de taffetas pekine
Woman in short-sleeved top and white skirt, 1913Woman in short-sleeved top with embroidered trim and white skirt and stole holding two birds aloft. Robe d interieur
Woman in embroidered satn blouse and draped skirt, 1913Woman in white embroidered satin blouse and silk cashmere draped skirt at the racetrack. Blouse de satin blanc brodee, jupe drapee de cachemire de soie
Woman in dress of hand-painted old-blue veil looking at cherry blossom out of a window. Robe de voile bleu ancien peint a la main
Woman in tunic dress of gold-eye embroidered chiffon and leopard-skin cape. Tunique de mousseline oieil or brodee, manchon de leopard
Woman in house gown of coral-print silk over a linen petticoat. Aquarium with coral and goldfish. Robe d interieur en soie brochee, ouverte sur un dessous de linon
Woman in tweed coat, check skirt and high laced booties. Golf bag and weekend bag behind her. Petit loden tailleur en laine d Ecosse, grosses bottines lacees
Woman in panier dress in coffee-coloured satin with pet dog. Robe a panier en satin cafe
Young woman in dress of white crepe de chine, 1913Young woman in dress of white crepe de chine decorated with black velvet in garden with roses on lattice. Robe de jeune fille en crepe de chine blanc et garnie de velours noirs
Woman in green wool suit with pet dogs, 1913Woman in green wool suit with collar, belt and cuffs in yellow and grey taffeta check, walking with two dogs
Woman in silk cashmere dress and velvet jacket with doWoman in dress of silk cashmere and jacket of wool velvet lined with yellow satin. Pet dog with collar
Young womens dresses, 1913Young womens dresses: one in white crepon and orange taffeta, the other in embroidered white fabric. Robes de jeunes filles: l une en crepon blanc et taffetas orange, l autre en drap blanc brode
Fancy dress costumes by Longhi, 1913Fancy dress costumes by Longhi. Woman in damask dress trimmed with white, cape of black taffeta and lace
Woman in elegant finery of low-cut, gold sheath gown with cape holding a fan. Grande parure
Woman in evening gown of polka-dot linen decorated with lace and roses. Toilette de nuit en linon a pois garnie de dentelle et de petites roses
Woman in afternoon outfit of sheath dress with sash beltWoman in afternoon outfit of long green sheath dress with purple sash belt. Toilette d apres midi
Woman in outfit for St. Moritz in embroidered white friezeWoman in outfit for St. Moritz in white frieze with skunk trim and wool embroidery. Pour St. Maritz ratine blanche garnie de skunks et brodee de laine
Woman in coat of lemon crushed velvet, with white fox and velvet collar and cuffs. Manteau de velours frappe citron, col velours blanc et renard blanc
Woman in linen dress with pearl English lace, black and white slippers. Robe de linon a haut volant de Broderie anglaise perle, souliers noir et blanc
Woman in afternoon dress of black velvet and green satin, with fur stole and muff. Robe d apres-midi en velours noir et satin vert. Handcoloured pochoir (stencil) etching after an illustration by H
Woman in charmeuse gown, violet tunic and capeWoman in white charmeuse satin gown with violet chiffon tunic trimmed with skunk fur, cape of Etruscan velvet
Woman in velvet coursing outfit trimmed with opossumWoman in coursing outfit in plum velvet trimmed with opossum fur, hunting shoes with white gaiters, dog in green coat
Woman in evening gown of black satin and tulle, edged with brillants. Robe de soir satin noir et tulle, bordee de brillants
Woman in morning outfit trimmed with skunk fur, 1912Woman in morning outfit of wool velvet trimmed with skunk fur with pet dog Tailleur du matin en velours de laine orne de skungs
Woman in morning outfit of skirt, blouse and bonnetWoman in morning outfit of striped skirt, laced blouse and bonnet opening the curtains. Deshabille de matin
The difficult choiceFashionable woman choosing a new outfit in a salon. The difficult choice. Le choix difficile