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Rule Collection

Background imageRule Collection: UVF - Ulster Volunteer Force Poster

UVF - Ulster Volunteer Force Poster
Notice posted by the Ulster Volunteer Force intending to quell speculation that its founding was a direct violent challenge to those of differing views within Ulster

Background imageRule Collection: Map / Asia / India C1870

Map / Asia / India C1870
India, showing the various Presidencies under British rule

Background imageRule Collection: T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia, 1888-1935), British Army officer best known for his liaison role during the Arab Revolt against Ottoman Turkish rule of 1916-1918

Background imageRule Collection: T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia, 1888-1935), British Army officer best known for his liaison role during the Arab Revolt against Ottoman Turkish rule of 1916-1918

Background imageRule Collection: Anti home Rule Postcard

Anti home Rule Postcard
KING WILLIAM III Propaganda against home rule in Ireland, celebrating William of Orange as " of glorious, pious and immortal memory" and victory at the Battle of the Boyne

Background imageRule Collection: Map / Asia / India C1850

Map / Asia / India C1850
India under British rule, about the time of the Mutiny

Background imageRule Collection: Gladstone / Home Rule Bill

Gladstone / Home Rule Bill
The House of Commons, February 13 1893. William Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister, introduces the Second Home Rule Bill

Background imageRule Collection: British National Anthem - Rule Britannia

British National Anthem - Rule Britannia - a British patriotic song, originating from the poem " Rule, Britannia" by James Thomson and set to music by Thomas Arne in 1740. Date: 1905

Background imageRule Collection: T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) with camels

T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) with camels
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia, 1888-1935), British Army officer best known for his liaison role during the Arab Revolt against Ottoman Turkish rule of 1916-1918

Background imageRule Collection: T E Lawrence, Colonel Dawnay and Commander Hogarth

T E Lawrence, Colonel Dawnay and Commander Hogarth
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia, 1888-1935), British Army officer best known for his liaison role during the Arab Revolt against Ottoman Turkish rule of 1916-1918

Background imageRule Collection: T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia, 1888-1935), British Army officer best known for his liaison role during the Arab Revolt against Ottoman Turkish rule of 1916-1918

Background imageRule Collection: Carson Speaks 1913

Carson Speaks 1913
Edward Carson, leader of the Irish Unionists (1910-21) speaks out against Home Rule at a meeting in Belfast

Background imageRule Collection: Icis Imperial Image

Icis Imperial Image
ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) helps Britannia rule the waves in the great days when the word imperial is one to be proud of !

Background imageRule Collection: T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia, 1888-1935), British Army officer best known for his liaison role during the Arab Revolt against Ottoman Turkish rule of 1916-1918

Background imageRule Collection: Houses of Commons / Lords

Houses of Commons / Lords
Lord Palmerston addressing the House of Commons (top) A debate on the Home Rule Bill in the House of Lords (bottom)

Background imageRule Collection: Revolution of Theriso - The revolutionaries & Venizelos

Revolution of Theriso - The revolutionaries & Venizelos
In 1898, the Great Powers declared Crete as an independent Cretan State, under the rule of the Sultan

Background imageRule Collection: Eagle and American Flag Date: 1915

Eagle and American Flag Date: 1915

Background imageRule Collection: Rule Britannia - Britannia Rules the Waves

Rule Britannia - Britannia Rules the Waves - WW2 era propaganda greetings card Date: circa 1943

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, Jeremiah O Donovan Rossa, Irish Fenian

Cartoon, Jeremiah O Donovan Rossa, Irish Fenian
Cartoon, Jeremiah O Donovan Rossa (1831-1915), Irish Fenian leader - The terrible monster who was frightened by a woman

Background imageRule Collection: Sir Edward Carson signing against Irish Home Rule

Sir Edward Carson signing against Irish Home Rule
Sir Edward Carson signing the Covenant resisting Irish Home Rule. 1912

Background imageRule Collection: Macedonian Rebels

Macedonian Rebels
Macedonian revolutionaries have another go at throwing off Turkish rule : these rebels are breakfasting after a nights raid

Background imageRule Collection: Theodosius I - Bust

Theodosius I - Bust
EMPEROR THEODOSIUS I at first Emperor in the East, later in the West also : the last to rule the entire Roman Empire

Background imageRule Collection: Spain (20th c. ). Catalonia

Spain (20th c. ). Catalonia
Spain. Catalonia. Estatut dAutonomia de Catalunya (Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia). Cover. Basic rule of the Catalan autonomous regime adopted in 1979

Background imageRule Collection: Artificial Respiration being Applied by British Sailors

Artificial Respiration being Applied by British Sailors
A service in which the dictates of humanity over-rule all antagonism towards the rescued enemy: artificial respiration being applied by British soldiers

Background imageRule Collection: Sudan Wars: Tel-El-Kebir

Sudan Wars: Tel-El-Kebir
BATTLE OF TEL-EL-KEBIR Wolseley defeats Arabi Pashas army decisively, quashing the revolt : henceforward Egypt will be under British rule

Background imageRule Collection: Disraeli Speaks / 1875

Disraeli Speaks / 1875
Tory Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli speaks during a debate on Irish Home Rule

Background imageRule Collection: Alexandria Bombarded

Alexandria Bombarded
Alexandria bombarded When Arabi Pasha rebels against the benevolent British rule, the English fleet under Beresford bombard the town for 10 hours before occupying it

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, Gladstone and the Irish Vote

Cartoon, Gladstone and the Irish Vote - Sold to Lord Salisbury. He ll be sorry he bought it at the price! 1885

Background imageRule Collection: Postcard booklet, The Alamo, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Postcard booklet, The Alamo, San Antonio, Texas, USA -- under six flags. 1942

Background imageRule Collection: WILLIAM III / POSTCARD

KING WILLIAM III Propaganda against home rule in Ireland, celebrating William of Orange as of glorious, pious and immortal memory and victory at the Battle of the Boyne. Date: 1650 - 1702

Background imageRule Collection: Gladstone out of a Job

Gladstone out of a Job
Defeated in the July 1886 election because of his backing for Irish Home Rule, Gladstone and his supporters find themselves among the unemployed, eating Irish stew

Background imageRule Collection: Covenanting women: signing the anti-Home-rule pledge

Covenanting women: signing the anti-Home-rule pledge
Women take part in the demonstration by signing the anti-Home-rule declaration at Belfast. 1912

Background imageRule Collection: Charles Parnell, 1880

Charles Parnell, 1880
CHARLES STEWART PARNELL(1846 - 1891) Irish Nationalist politician pictured in 1880. Date: 1880

Background imageRule Collection: Cape Verde (19th c. ). Portuguese rule. Litography

Cape Verde (19th c. ). Portuguese rule. Litography
Cape Verde (19th c.). Portuguese rule. Litography. PORTUGAL. Lisbon. Overseas Historical Archive

Background imageRule Collection: John Redmonds Coffin, Westminster Cathedral, 1918

John Redmonds Coffin, Westminster Cathedral, 1918
Illustration showing the coffin of John Redmond (1856-1918), the Irish lawyer, politician and leader of the Home Rule Party, lying under an Irish flag in Westminster Cathedral, 1918

Background imageRule Collection: Tools of an Architect

Tools of an Architect
A plan for a neo-classical building is rested against the tools of the surveyors architects and builders who will construct this edifice

Background imageRule Collection: John Redmond's Home Rule Speech 1908

John Redmond's Home Rule Speech 1908
John Redmond (1856 - 1918), leader of the Irish party, claiming home bill for Ireland. In the House of Commons, once more giving a speech about the Home Rule motion

Background imageRule Collection: Debate on the second reading of the Home Rule Bill in the House of Lords - the Duke of Devonshire moving the rejection

Debate on the second reading of the Home Rule Bill in the House of Lords - the Duke of Devonshire moving the rejection of the bill. Date: 1893

Background imageRule Collection: Benedict of Nursia (480-547). Italian Christian

Benedict of Nursia (480-547). Italian Christian monk. Founder of the Benedictine Order. Benedict died surrounded by his disciples on 21 March 547, in the abbey of Montecasino

Background imageRule Collection: The French Cistercian monk Saint Bernard (1090-1153)

The French Cistercian monk Saint Bernard (1090-1153) takes possession of the Abbey of Clairvaux, together with the monks of the Abbey of Citeaux, in 1115

Background imageRule Collection: Foundation of the secular abbeys of Mons, Maubeuge

Foundation of the secular abbeys of Mons, Maubeuge and Nivelles. The canonesses gathered in Nivelles, where Walcaud, bishop of Liege (810-832), urges them to adopt a Rule

Background imageRule Collection: Benedict of Nursia (480-547). Italian Christian

Benedict of Nursia (480-547). Italian Christian monk. Founder of the Benedictine Order. Considered the patriarch of Western monasticism. The Heavy Stone. Episode from the life of the saint

Background imageRule Collection: History of Italy. 1400. Queen of Cyprus and ladies

History of Italy. 1400. Queen of Cyprus and ladies of the nobility. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885

Background imageRule Collection: History of Italy. 1400. Queen of Cyprus flanked

History of Italy. 1400. Queen of Cyprus flanked by ladies of the nobility. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885

Background imageRule Collection: Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th

Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th century. Nasrid kings and warrior. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885

Background imageRule Collection: Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th

Iberian Peninsula. Emirate of Granada in the 14th century. Nasrid kings and two warriors. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume VI, 1885

Background imageRule Collection: Right Hon George Wyndham, Edinburgh University, in 1907

Right Hon George Wyndham, Edinburgh University, in 1907 Date: 1907

Background imageRule Collection: Kars. Panoramic view of the city during Russian rule

Kars. Panoramic view of the city during Russian rule. In 1921 Turkey regained sovereignty over the city. Engraving. La Guerra de Oriente (The Russo-Turkish War). Volume I. 1877

Background imageRule Collection: Bulgarian villagers. Engraving by Valnay, 1877

Bulgarian villagers. Engraving by Valnay, 1877
Bulgarian villagers. Engraving by Valnay. La Guerra de Oriente (The Russo-Turkish War). Volume I. 1877

Background imageRule Collection: Landing of Softas in Thessaloniki (during Ottoman)

Landing of Softas in Thessaloniki (during Ottoman)
The Eastern Question. Landing of Softas in Thessaloniki (during Ottoman rule of the city). The Softas were religious students of Islam. Engraving by Meaulle

Background imageRule Collection: The Danube horsemen. Votive tablet. Marble. 2nd-3rd

The Danube horsemen. Votive tablet. Marble. 2nd-3rd
Marble votive tablet depicting the Danube horsemen. 2nd-3rd centuries AD. From Lom (ancient Roman city of Almus), Montana region, Bulgaria. National Archaeological Museum. Sofia. Bulgaria

Background imageRule Collection: Al-Andalus. Period of civil war between the Umayyad

Al-Andalus. Period of civil war between the Umayyad
Iberian Peninsula. Al-Andalus. Sulayman al-Musta'in or Sulayman ibn al-Hakam (d. 1016). Fifth Umayyad caliph of the Caliphate of Cordoba (1009-1010) and (1013-1016)

Background imageRule Collection: Abu Amir al-Mansur (ca. 939-1002). Ruler of

Abu Amir al-Mansur (ca. 939-1002). Ruler of
Abu Amir al-Mansur (ca. 939-1002). Muslim Arab Andalusi military leader and statesman. Ruler of the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba (978-1002). Equestrian portrait. Engraving by Serra Pausas

Background imageRule Collection: Abd al-Rahman III (891-961). Umayyad caliph of

Abd al-Rahman III (891-961). Umayyad caliph of
Abd al-Rahman III (Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad) (891-961). Last Ummayad Emir of Cordoba (912-929) and first Umayyad caliph of Cordoba (929-961). Portrait. Engraving by Serra Pausas

Background imageRule Collection: Umar ibn Hafsun (c. 846-918). Andalusi rebel against

Umar ibn Hafsun (c. 846-918). Andalusi rebel against the Emirate of Cordoba. He led a revolt against the emirate that lasted from 878 to 916, when he surrendered to Abd al-Rahman III

Background imageRule Collection: Interior of a bar or cabaret, Belgium, 15th century

Interior of a bar or cabaret, Belgium, 15th century. Barmaid behind the counter, drinkers on benches, a waiter pouring beer from a barrel

Background imageRule Collection: Georgi Sava Rakovski (1821-1867) - a 19th-century Bulgarian revolutionary, freemason

Georgi Sava Rakovski (1821-1867) - a 19th-century Bulgarian revolutionary, freemason, writer and an important figure of the Bulgarian National Revival and resistance against Ottoman rule

Background imageRule Collection: Horace Mann Date: 1950

Horace Mann Date: 1950

Background imageRule Collection: Home Rule Bill of 1912

Home Rule Bill of 1912
John Redmond (1856 - 1918), leader of the Irish party, claiming home bill for Ireland

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, Mr Parnell, like Oliver Twist, asks for more

Cartoon, Mr Parnell, like Oliver Twist, asks for more. Lord Salisbury plays the part of the Beadle, dishing out thin soup. A comment on Conservative resistance to Irish Home Rule. 1886

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, Parnell with Gladstone and Salisbury

Cartoon, Parnell with Gladstone and Salisbury
Cartoon, Charles Stewart Parnell, Irish Nationalist, with Gladstone and Salisbury as puppets

Background imageRule Collection: Treaty of San Stefano, signing for peace treaty between Turkey and Russia

Treaty of San Stefano, signing for peace treaty between Turkey and Russia, cartoon showing Bismarck

Background imageRule Collection: Ruins of Cathedral & Chapel of St Regulus, St Andrews, Fife

Ruins of Cathedral & Chapel of St Regulus, St Andrews, Fife
Ruins of Cathedral and Chapel of St Regulus (St Rule), St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, viewed from NW Date: 1930s

Background imageRule Collection: Ruined Chapel of St Regulus (St Rule)

Ruined Chapel of St Regulus (St Rule), looking west, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland Date: 1930s

Background imageRule Collection: Cathedral of St Andrew, St Andrews

Cathedral of St Andrew, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, with ruins of Chapel of St Regulus (St Rule), viewed from the east. Date: 1930s

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, The Boat Race, Anti-Parnellites in their new boat

Cartoon, The Boat Race, Anti-Parnellites in their new boat
Political cartoon, The Boat Race, Irish Home Rule - The Anti-Parnellites in their new boat (Irish National Federation) Date: 1891

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, Nearly Out This Time! Irish Home Rule

Cartoon, Nearly Out This Time! Irish Home Rule
Political cartoon, Nearly Out This Time! Gladstone and Harcourt, Irish Home Rule Date: 1891

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, Something Wrong - number of Irish MPs

Cartoon, Something Wrong - number of Irish MPs
Political cartoon, Something Wrong - John Bull considering the number of Irish MPs Date: 1891

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, His Valentine, W E Gladstone at his desk

Cartoon, His Valentine, W E Gladstone at his desk
Political cartoon, His Valentine, William Ewart Gladstone at his desk, holding a portrait of Charles Stewart Parnell, Irish politician Date: 1891

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, Bad Business! Irish Home Rule

Cartoon, Bad Business! Irish Home Rule
Political cartoon, Bad Business! A satirical comment on William Ewart Gladstone and Irish Home Rule, with William Harcourt (R) depicted as an elderly woman Date: 1891

Background imageRule Collection: Music sheet, Rule Britannia, as solo and chorus

Music sheet, Rule Britannia, as solo and chorus
Music sheet, patriotic song Rule Britannia, as solo and chorus, composed by Dr Arne, with musical notation Date: 19th century

Background imageRule Collection: Alexandre Delcommune - Belgian military and explorer

Alexandre Delcommune - Belgian military and explorer
Alexandre Delcommune (1855-1922). Belgian military and explorer, integrated in the Public Force of the Congo Free State. Portrait. Engraving

Background imageRule Collection: Grand Vizier, Kaim-Mekam, Reis Efendi and Khadjedhian

Grand Vizier, Kaim-Mekam, Reis Efendi and Khadjedhian
Turkey. Administration of the Ottoman Empire. From left to right: Grand Vizier, Kaim-Mekam, Reis Efendi and Khadjedhian, member of the Divan. Historia de Turquia, 1840

Background imageRule Collection: Fancy Dress Ball at Dharmsala, Punjab, India

Fancy Dress Ball at Dharmsala, Punjab, India
Various scenes of a fancy dress ball for British elites at Dharmsala, Punjab, India, under British rule. Today known as Dharamshala or Dharamsala, in the Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh

Background imageRule Collection: The Main Guard of the Palace, Valetta, Malta

The Main Guard of the Palace, Valetta, Malta
Various depictions of the main guard at the Palace, Valetta, Malta

Background imageRule Collection: Hemline Regulations

Hemline Regulations
A female swimmer having the hemline of her bathing costume inspected at Palm Beach. Date: circa 1925

Background imageRule Collection: Ottoman Empire. Turkey - Grand Vizier, Kaim-Mekam

Ottoman Empire. Turkey - Grand Vizier, Kaim-Mekam
Turkey. Administration of the Ottoman Empire. From left to right: Grand Vizier, Kaim-Mekam, Reis Efendi and Khadjedhian, member of the Divan. Historia de Turquia, 1840

Background imageRule Collection: John Redmond, Leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party

John Redmond, Leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party
John Redmond (1856-1918), leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party

Background imageRule Collection: Cartoon, John Redmond, Irish Home Rule

Cartoon, John Redmond, Irish Home Rule
Political cartoon, John Redmond, Irish politician, Home Rule and After, by Louis Wain Date: 1914

Background imageRule Collection: Flight in St. Martin's Lane between the police and the contingent from Clerkenwell Green

Flight in St. Martin's Lane between the police and the contingent from Clerkenwell Green

Background imageRule Collection: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Toda la industria

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Toda la industria y el comercio bajo un mando unico (All the industry and trade under an only rule)

Background imageRule Collection: Ian Smith, Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia

Ian Smith, Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia
Ian Douglas Smith (1919-2007), best known as the Prime Minister of the British self-governing colony of Southern Rhodesia

Background imageRule Collection: Makarios III, Archbishop of Cyprus

Makarios III, Archbishop of Cyprus (born Michail Christodolou Mouskos, 1913-1977)

Background imageRule Collection: Makarios Iii Archbishop Cyprus Michail Christodolou

Makarios Iii Archbishop Cyprus Michail Christodolou
makarios, iii, archbishop, cyprus, michail, christodolou, mouskos, 1913, 1977, primate, autocephalous, cypriot, orthodox, church, 1950, first, president, republic, sitting, desk, presidential

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