Margot Fonteyn and Rudolph NureyevDame Margot Fonteyn de Arias (1919-1991) British ballerina with Rudolph Nureyev (1938-1993) Russian ballet dancer in 1962 with Sir Frederick Ashton (1904-1988) British choreographer
Oxton House, Devon, seat of Rev. John Beaumont Swete. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Rudolph Ackermanns Repository of Arts, London, 1827
Rudolph SteinerRUDOLPH STEINER Austrian philosopher, in the 1920s
Rudolph Valentino / MailRUDOLPH VALENTINO Italian-American romantic film idol with his fan mail Date: 1895 - 1926
Pynes House, Exeter, Devon, 1825Pynes House, Exeter, Devon, the seat of Sir Stafford Henry Northcote 1792-1850. Queen Anne style red brick house with slate roof and four brick chimney stacks built by architect Inigo Jones
Rudolph Valentino / SketchRudolph Valentino arrives in England with his wife Natacha Rambova, after crossing the Atlantic on board the Aquitania
Rudolph SteinerRUDOLPH STEINER Austrian philosopher, as a young man
Rudolph Valentino in the role of a faun for a film version of L Apres-midi d un Faune which - alas ! - was never made 1923
Banquet scene in the Egyptian Hall at Mansion House in London, 1808. Engraving by Augustus Pugin and Thomas Rowlandson for The Microcosm of London published by Rudolph Ackermann (1808-1810). Engraving
Gloria Swanson / ValentinoGLORIA SWANSON American film actress with Rudolph Valentino
English gentleman on trial in France, 18th centuryEnglish gentleman on trial in France, accused by an old hag and her virtuous niece Clara, 18th century. Before the tribunal at Avignon
Design for a Regency park entrance with neoclassical walls and wrought iron gates. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Rudolph Ackermanns Repository of Arts, London, 1816
Costume design by Georges Barbier for the Valentino film Monsieur Beaucaire, 1925 Date: 1925
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). General von Budritzki (1812-1876) leading the Prussian army in the attack on Le Bourget, October 1870. Engraving
Holy Roman Empire, 1000-1100. From left to right, 10-11: princes, 12: bishop of the 12th century, 13: Rudolph (102-1080), antiking of Germany. Chromolithography. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu
Skeleton of Death in a quack doctor's apothecary shop, wearing an apron mixing poison in a mortar and pestle. The workshop decorated with jars, phials, sieve, surgical saw and syringe
A rich widow besieged by suitorsA rich beauty besieged by suitors after the death of her husband, Sir John Denyers of Beechwood Hall. The bachelors include soldiers, lawyers, fops and antiquarians. A Siege
Antique sofa and table, 1813.. Made of satin, coromandel, rosewood, ebony or mahogany, decorated with bronze, ormolu or carvings in contrasting woods. Table with folding leaves
Frogmore House, Windsor, bequeathed by Queen Charlotte to Princess Augusta
Music cover, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, by Johnny Marks. 1949
The film star Rudolph Valentino, with Helen D AlgyThe film star Rudolph Valentino (previously a famed cabaret dancer in New York), with Helen D Algy in the Paramount film A Sainted Devil doing a tango, 1924 Date: 1924
English gentleman held captive by two Papal guards in uniform in a room in Avignon. A prisoner at Avignon
Nutwell Court, Exeter, seen from the River Exe, seat of Sir Thomas Trayton Fuller-Eliott-Drake. Georgian neo-classical manor house with portico entrance
New Lodge or White Lodge, Richmond Park, seat of Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth. Hunting lodge designed by the Earl of Pembroke for King George I
The Rookery, Westcott, Surrey, seat of banker Richard Fuller. Built and landscaped by Daniel Malthus, father of economist and scholar Thomas Robert Malthus
Enmore Castle, Somerset, seat of the Earl of Egmont. Home to John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester in the 17th century
Plan and elevation of a Regency Era, Gothic style cottage. Floorplan shows dining parlor, library, parlor, kitchen, scullery, hall and lobby
South Hill House, Cranmore, Somerset, seat of Thomas Chatham Strode. 18th century manor house. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Rudolph Ackermanns Repository of Arts, London, 1827
Imperial sledge or sleigh used at a party in Vienna, 1815Imperial sledge or sleigh used by the Emperors of Austria and Russia at a sledge party in Vienna, January 1815. Phaeton carriage with elaborate gilt work upholstered in gold and green velvet
Plan and elevation for a Park Lodge and Entrance Floorplan shows kitchen and living room and separate poultry shed
Southill Park, the seat of William Henry WhitbreadSouthill Park, Bedfordshire, the seat of William Henry Whitbread, of the brewing family. Georgian house with gardens landscaped by Capability Brown
St. Pierre manor house, Monmouthshire, Wales, seat of Charles Lewis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by F.W.L
Belvoir Castle, seat of John Manners, 5th Duke ofBelvoir Castle, Leicestershire, seat of John Manners, 5th Duke of Rutland. Built in the romantic Gothic Revival style to designs by the architect James Wyatt and restored by Sir James Thornton
Konrad von Seinsheim, 14th century armourKonrad von Seinsheim, Conrad von Sauwensheim d. 1369. In suit of armour with great helm, sword and dagger hanging from chains on breastplate. From his grave effigy in St. Johns church, Schweinfurt
Lotze Manuscript (Fragment)Two manuscript leaves from Rudolph Hermann Lotze's Metaphysik, written and corrected in the same hand. Corrections are made in ink and red pencil. On paper
Rudolph Valentino and Vilma Banky in the film Son of the Shiek, 1926 Date: 1926
Gentleman giving out medicines to beggars, 18th centuryEnglish gentleman dispensing his medicine cabinet to beggars at Ivry-sur Seine, 18th century
Hotel guest beset by salespeople in the parlour of the Hotel des Quatre Nations, Paris, 18th century
English gentleman consulting a somniloquist, 18th centuryEnglish gentleman consulting a somniloquist in his chambers, 18th century. The sleeping fortune teller lies in a bed in a room decorated with crocodile skin, Egyptian figures and incense burners
Customs inspectors opening luggage at the border, 18th century. Searched by the Douaniers at the French frontiers
Travellers dining at a restaurant in a French inn, 18thCTravellers dining at a restaurant in a French inn, late 18th century. Table d hote
English gentleman and sleeping woman in a hotel roomEnglish gentleman with candlesticks in both hands tries to remove a bell rope from the bosom of a sleeping woman. The inn at Marseilles
English gentleman on trial in a religious tribunal in Avignon. He takes out a page with the legend of St. Clara of Falkenstein to the astonishment of an old hag and chaste Clara
A theatre company is disbanded after a charge of blasphemy. Actors, actresses and stage painters react in shock to the news. A tragic story at Avignon
English gentleman and bookseller staring at a young beautyAn English gentleman at a booksellers in Avignon, catching his first glimpse of the beauty Clara with her old aunt. First sight of Clara at Avignon
English gentleman at the tomb of Petrarchs muse, Laura de Sade, Laure des Noves, in the Chapelle des Sade, convent of the Cordeliers, Avignon. At the tomb of Laura
A gentleman and woman kiss on a bench near a town gate as a two-horse phaeton with leering man drives by. The Embrace
Woman about to fall over with her shoes caught in the mud during a walk after the rain. Miseries of the Country
Young English gentleman arriving at a French posthouse on the Grand Tour. Stepping down from a carriage to be met by maids and staff
Young gentleman in his rooms at university being berated by his tutor. A servant brings in a basket of wine bottles, and a woman hides behind a screen
Young English gentleman leaving his family to go on the Grand Tour. About to get into a horse-drawn carriage to go to Europe
Young student graduating from a boys school. A tutor reading lessons from a lectern to boys on benches in a large hall
Young boy at lessons with a tutor and his grandmotherYoung boy at lessons in a parlour with a tutor in wig and his grandmother. A footman brings refreshment and a maid watches
Nurse showing a baby to an old man and womanNurse showing a baby to old man and woman seated in front of a fireplace in a parlour, while the young mother and her daughters enter
English gentleman marrying his bride in a stately home before family and staff
English gentleman carried in a sedan chair for an electionEnglish gentleman carried in a sedan chair through the rotten borough of Grapple Town during an election for parliament
English gentleman arguing with his wife over money in the dining room. She throws a cup of coffee at him and dashes a tray of crockery to the floor
Young English gentleman gambling at Newmarket racetrackYoung English gentleman placing a bet at a betting post at Newmarket racetrack
Young English gentlemen playing a game of billiardsYoung English gentleman playing a game of billiards with a soldier in uniform in a club, watched by a large group of men
Revellers in costume at a masked ball in a large theater. Partygoers dressed as a monk, Falstaff, harlequin, Turk, violinist, etc
Title page with calligraphic title and vignette of woman dancing with children
Young English gentlemen racing four-horse carriages on a road
Young English gentleman constructing a stately homeYoung English gentleman with architect looking at plans while builders construct a stately home in the classical style
Young English gentleman arriving back home after the Grand Tour. He rides a four-horse carriage and is welcomed by his family
Young English gentleman riding with hounds in a stag hunt. A woman rider thrown from a horse
English gentleman, wife and children relaxing in the parlourEnglish gentleman, wife and children relaxing on a sofa in the parlour. Manservant bringing a tray of beverages
Sunday service in an country church, Regency EraSunday service in an country church with lord of the manor in front pew, preacher in the pulpit, and band in the balcony
English gentleman in his study hearing a case of poachingEnglish gentleman in his study with his wife hearing a case of poaching on his estate. A gamekeeper holds up a hare while the alleged poachers family plead for his life
English gentleman receiving a letter from his familyEnglish gentleman in nightgown and cap receiving a letter from his family. Servant and maid tending the fireplace
English gentleman and ladies listening to a harpist at a ball in a stately home. Two lovers flirt in a corner, and four people play cards in another room
English gentleman writing a begging letter in a decrepit parlour with lawyer and loanshark looking
Father Time showing men and women scenes from lifeAllegorical illustration of Father Time with scythe, globe and hourglass showing men and women scenes from life
Regency gentleman riding a horse down hill, while a couple fall off a horse in the background. How to Ride Genteel and Agreable Down Hill
The Royal Observatory or Flamsteed House, Greenwich Park. Designed by Sir Christopher Wren and Robert Hooke
Mrs. Palmers Villa or Asgill House, Richmond, view from the River Thames. Palladian villa in the Tuscan style by Sir Robert Taylor for Lord Mayor of London Charles Asgill
Stoke House, Windsor, seat of Egyptologist Richard William Howard Vyse, built by architect James Wyatt with gardens landscaped by Capability Brown
Richings House, Iver, Buckinghamshire, seat of member of parliament John Sullivan
Herd of deer in front of Trentham Hall, seat of Granville Leveson-Gower, Marquis of Stafford. House and gardens designed by architect Henry Holland
Neoclassical mausoleum at Trentham Hall, seat of Granville Leveson-Gower, Marquis of Stafford. Designed by architect Charles Heathcote Tatham
Deepdene, Surrey, the seat of banker Thomas HopeDeepdene, Surrey, the seat of banker and author Thomas Hope. House and gardens remodeled by Regency architect William Atkinson
Park entrance to Sion House or Syon House, Isleworth, seat of the Duke of Northumberland, with gardens designed by Capability Brown
John Blades upper showroom of ornamental glass and chandeliers, Ludgate Hill, London. Crystal and cut glass manufacturer
Sion House or Syon House, Isleworth, seat of the Duke of Northumberland, in gardens designed by Capability Brown
Chiswick House, 1823Chiswick House, Palladian villa designed by architect William Kent and built by Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington. Garden front