Rudges Cycles PosterPoster advertising bicycles by Rudge and Whitworth of Nottingham, England showing a young lady from around 1940 perched on one of their models
Poster, Rudge, Britains best bicycle, a product of Raleigh Industries, Nottingham. Date: circa 1950
Poster for 1925 Grand PrixPoster advertising the third 24 hour Le Mans grand prix at the La Sarthe circuit, 20 to 21 June 1925
Poster, Rudge Cycles, made by Raleigh Industries of Nottingham. With a bowing Sir Walter Raleigh, Elizabethan courtier
Poster, I am a Silver Knight. I am a member of the Circle of Silver Knights, open to owners of Raleigh, Rudge and Humber tricycles. Let us show you the latest models
Life of Charles Dickens - Newgate Prison Barnaby Rudge. Part of Box 330 Charles Dickens (Life and Works) slide no. 3 Date: circa 1890s
Barnaby Rudge, theatre production based on the Dickens novel
Advert, Rudge-Whitworth 250 cc Rapid motorcycle Date: 1939
Barnaby Rudge and Grip. Artist: Nellie Joshua. Date: circa 1907
Gabriel Varden, Barnaby RudgeCharles Dickens Characters by Frank Reynolds for Buchanans Whisky - Gabriel Varden, Barnaby Rudge. 1912
Dolly Varden, Barnaby RudgeCharles Dickens Characters by Frank Reynolds for Buchanans Whisky - Dolly Varden, Barnaby Rudge. 1912
Dickens scrap - Gabriel Varden and Sim TappertitCharles Dickens scrap - Gabriel Varden and Sim Tappertit in the novel Barnaby Rudge, Chapter 4. 19th century
Advert for Rudge Whitworth Cycles 1895Advertisement of Rudge Whitworth Cycles, manufacture of bicycle for leisure, race and business. 1895
Poster, Rudge, Britains Best Bicycle, a product of Raleigh Industries Ltd, Nottingham. circa 1950
Gentleman & lady on 1920 Rudge Multi motorcycle & sidecarGentleman & lady on a 1920 Rudge Multi 500cc Single motorcycle & sidecar combination on a cobbled street circa 1920
Lady biker on a 1929 / 31 Rudge Whitworth motorcycleYoung lady biker suitably attired in riding outfit on a 1929/31 Rudge Whitworth 500cc motorcycle next to an outbuilding circa 1930s
Couple on their 1919 Rudge motorcycleCouple posed on their 1919 Rudge Multi 500 single motorcycle in the 1920s
Gentleman on a 1918 / 20 Rudge Multi motorcycleGentleman on a 1918/20 Rudge Multi 500cc motorcycle in the street circa 1920s
Family on 1920 Rudge Multi motorcycle & sidecar combination on the beach at the seaside in the 1920s
Family on a 1909 / 10 Rudge motorcycle & sidecarFamily of three on a 1909/10 Rudge Multi 500cc side valve motorcycle & sidecar circa 1910
Three ladies on a 1923 Rudge Multi motorcycle & sidecarThree ladies at the seaside sitting on a 1923 Rudge Multi 500cc side valve motorcycle & sidecar circa 1920s
Dolly Varden, character in Barnaby RudgeDolly Varden, a character in Barnaby Rudge, a novel by Charles Dickens. 1883
A Rudge-Whitworth Sociable Bicycle, 1896Photograph of a Rudge-Whitworth Sociable Bicycle, capable of carrying two people side-by-side. It would appear that this machine best suited couples of comparable weight
Advertisement for a Rudge Coventry Rotary Tandem Tricycle, 1Advertisement showing the Coventry Rotary Tandem, built by D. Rudge & Co. of Coventry, 1885
Rudge Whitworth BicyclesA brightly coloured advertising card for Rudge-Whitworth bicycle company based in Coventry
Letty Lind (Letitia Elizabeth Rudge) (1861 1923), English actress, singer, dancer and acrobat
Four men on a 1923 Rudge motorcycleFour men on a 1923 Rudge 500cc ohv motorcycle in unmade road in the 1920s
Lady on 1918 Rudge Multi motorcycleLady on her 1918 Rudge Multi motorcycle the seafront circa 1920
Two men on Rudge SpecialTwo men on 1938 Rudge 500cc Special in the 1940s
Biker on his 1929 / 30 Rudge motorcycleBiker on his 1929/30 Rudge 250cc fully radial motorcycle in the 1930s
Cover design, Master Humphreys Clock, a weekly periodical edited and written by Charles Dickens, published from 4 April 1840 to 4 December 1841
Letty Lind - English actress, dancer, singer and acrobatLetitia " Letty Lind" Elizabeth Rudge (1862-1923), English actress, dancer, singer and acrobat, best known for her work in burlesque at the Gaiety Theatre
Poster, Rudge, Britains best bicycle since 1869, showing people playing tennis. Date: circa 1939
Poster, Rudge bicycles, showing people on a golf course. Date: circa 1950
Barnaby Rudge
KINGs HEAD, CHIGWELLThe Kings Head inn, Chigwell, Essex, made famous by Charles Dickens, as the Maypole in his novel Barnaby Rudge (1841). Date: 17th century
Rudges cyclesAdvertisement for cycles and tricycles by D. Rudge & Co
Swanson House, Broadstairs, Kent, England. One of the many residences of Charles Dickens and where he wrote " Barnaby Rudge"
Bransby Williams / RudgeBRANSBY WILLIAMS English stage actor, also in early films, seen here in the role of Barnaby Rudge
Dickens / Barnaby RudgeThe coquettish Dolly Varden
Aftermath of the RiotsThe aftermath of the Gordon Riots
Hugh Surprises DollyWalking home one evening, Dolly Varden is surprised by Hugh of the Maypole who emerges on to the path in front of her
The Vardens at BreakfastSimon Tappertit (left) joins Gabriel and Dolly Varden at the breakfast table
Emma Reads the LetterEmma Haredale reads the letter given to her by Dolly Varden
Joe and Dolly in LoveJoe Willet and Dolly Varden declare their love for each other in front of Joes astonished father Mr John Willet
Joe Willet LeavesJoe Willet bids farewell to Dolly Varden in the workshop of the Golden Key, watched in secret by Simon Tappertit
Dolly Ties SashDolly Varden stoops to tie her fathers sash, watched by her mother Martha on the right and Mrs Miggs who holds out his sword
Gordon RiotsThe anti-Catholic Gordon Riots in London