Dr Harold Roxbee Cox, Royal Aeronautical Society Preside?Dr Harold Roxbee Cox, Royal Aeronautical Society President 1947-1949
The Royal Aeronautical Society held a dinner at No. 4 Ham?The Royal Aeronautical Society held a dinner at No.4 Hamilton Place in 1949 to celebrate the granting of its Royal Charter dated 22 December 1948
Sir B Melvill Jones (left) and Harold Roxbee CoxSir B. Melvill Jones (left) and Harold Roxbee Cox, FRAeS, 1902-1997, RAeS President 1947-1949. Date: 1902
Harold Roxbee Cox FRAeS (1902-1997) - RAeS PresidentFrom left: Harold Roxbee Cox, FRAeS, 1902-1997, RAeS President 1947-1949; Capt J.L. Pritchard, RAeS Secretary 1926-1951 and E.W. Hives. Date: 1902