Illustration of the old and new terminology of bird anatomy, caput head, rostrum beak, collum neck, dorsum back, corpus body, ala wing, cauda tail, crus leg
Ancient Roman naval decorationsAncient Roman naval ram or Rostrum with swords and animal heads from a basrelief representing a maritime trophy found in Pantanello, Tivoli 1
Julian Clifford conducting at the Royal Hall, HarrogateSilhouette of Julian Seymour Clifford (1877-1921), English conductor, composer and pianist, conducting an 8pm concert at the Royal Hall (or Kursaal), Harrogate, Yorkshire. 1919
Nikisch ConductingARTHUR NIKISCH Hungarian musician and conductor in action Date: 1855 - 1922
Marat on RostrumJEAN-PAUL MARAT French revolutionary statesman declaiming at the rostrum Date: 1743-1793
Weevil specimensSpecimen drawer of weevils held at the Natural History Museum, London. Weevil beetles are characterised by their long snouts or rostrums
Phaodropus candidus, South American weevilA South American weevil. Weevils are long-snouted beetles and form the largest family in the animal world
China (18th c. ). Hitsiu. Etching. FRANCE. ParisChina (18th c.). Hitsiu. Etching. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
Cycling Winners RostrumTwo happy cyclists waving from the Winners Rostrum of the Nations Cup, Scotland. Date: 1980
French parliamentThe opening of the parliamentary session. M. le Duc de Broglie reads a message from the president of the Republic at the rostrum of the National Meeting
Henry Wood / Valkyrie 1908SIR HENRY JOSEPH WOOD English musician conducting Wagners Ride of the Valkyries in 1908
Lloyds Rostrum, BellThe Rostrum, and the Great Bell