Bayeux Tapestry. 1066-1077. Scene of the Battle of Hastings. Detail of the battle between the soldiers of William I of England and the Anglo-Saxons. Romanesque art. Decorative Arts; Tapestry. FRANCE
Bayeux Tapestry. 1066-1077. Battle of Hastings (1066). Detail. Romanesque art. Tapestry. FRANCE. Bayeux. Archaeological Museum
Romanesque altar from Sagas. The Visitation, Nativity and AdSpain. Romanesque art. 12th century. Altar from Sagas. The Visitation, Nativity and Adoration of the Magi. Diocesan and regional Museum of Solsona. Catalonia
Bayeux Tapestry. 1066-1077. Making a boat. Romanesque art. Tapestry. FRANCE. Bayeux. Archaeological Museum
Crusades. Knight of the Templar Chapel. Romanesque art. Fresco. FRANCE. Paris. National Museum of French Monuments. Proc: FRANCE. Cressac-Saint-Genis
Budapest, Hungary - Fishermans BastionThe Halaszbastya or Fishermans Bastion. A terrace in neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque style on the Buda bank of the Danube (on the Castle hill), Budapest, around Matthias Church
Caen, France - Saint Etienne Church and Abbey (Abbaye aux Hommes), semi-circular apse and high school. Date: circa 1910s
The Pope Urban II consecrates the altar of the church of the Cluny abbey (1085). Miniature of 12th c. Romanesque art. Miniature Painting. FRANCE. Paris. National Library
SPAIN. Cangas de OnMedieval bridge of CangasSPAIN. Cangas de On Medieval bridge of Cangas (14th c.), also known as the Roman Bridge. Gothic art.; Romanesque art
Romanesque Art. 11th century. Tapestry of Creation or Girona Tapestry. Creation of birds and fish. Museum of the Cathedral of Girona. Catalonia. Spain
Malvern Girls College, Great Malvern, WorcestershireMalvern Girls College (now Malvern St James Girls School), Great Malvern, Worcestershire. Date: circa 1930s
Romanesque Art. France. 12th century. Moissac Abbey. Tympanum of the south-west portico. Tetramorph and Pantocrator
Tapestry of Creation. 1st half 12th c. Central detail. Creation of the heaven, earth and animal and vegetal life. Romanesque art. Tapestry. SPAIN. CATALONIA. Gerona
Missal Vetus Oxemense. Drop cap depicting The Pentecost. 12tCodex Missal Vetus Oxemense. Anonimous. 12th-13th centuries. Parchment. Drop cap depicting The Pentecost. Spain
Tapestry of Creation. 1st half 12th c. Romanesque
Armenian Gospel. The Adoration of the shepherds. 12th-13th c. Romanesque art. Miniature Painting. IRAN. Esfahan. Armenian Museum
Catalan school. Painting on wood. Romanesque art. Painting. SPAIN. Vic. Vic Episcopal Museum
Cathedral of the Assumption, Porto, northern PortugalCathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady, Porto, northern Portugal, dating back many centuries, but not completed until the 18th century. Date: 1930s
Italy. Cremona Cathedral. Main facadeCremona Cathedral. 12th - 15th centuries. Main facade
Church of San Salvador de ValdediSPAIN. ASTURIASChurch of San Salvador de Valdedi SPAIN. ASTURIAS. Villaviciosa. Asturian Pre-Romanesque art. Architecture
France. Facade of the church of St Mary Magdalene in Vezelay, from which Bernard of Clairvaux preached for the Second Crusade (1147-1149) during Holy Week 1146
Monumental chuch complex of St. Pere. Terrassa, CataloniaMonumental chuch complex of St. Pere. Terrassa, province of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Church of Sant Pere. It dates from the late medieval and Romanesque period (12th century)
Spain. Tarragona. The Church of Our Lady of the MiracleSpain, Catalonia, Tarragona. The Church of Our Lady of the Miracle. Located at the centre of the Roman amphitheatre
France. Occitanie Region. The Abbey of Saint-Michel de CuxaFrance. Pyrenees-Orientales departament. Occitanie Region. The Abbey of Saint-Michel de Cuxa. Benedictine abbey, consecrated in 974
Santillana del Mar. Collegiate Church of Santa JulianaSpain, Santillana del Mar. Collegiate Church of Santa Juliana. Romanesque style, 12th century. Illustration by Letre. Engraving by Sierra
Spain. Collegiate Church of San Pedro de Cervatos. Romanesque style. Illustration by Fernando Miranda. Engraving by Sierra
Spain, Soria. Cloister of San Juan de DueroSpain, Soria. Romanesque architecture. San Juan de Duero. Cloister. 13th century. It contains elements of Romanesque, Gothic, Mudejar style and oriental influences
Portugal. Lisbon. Cathedral and Alfama neighborhoodPortugal, Lisbon. View of the two towers flanking the facade of the cathedral, built shortly after Alfonso I conquered the city from the Muslims in 1147. Alfama district
Portugal, Lisbon. Cathedral of Saint Mary Major. View of one of the two towers flanking the facade
Portugal, Sintra. Pena Palace complex. Triton GatePortugal, Sintra. Pena Palace complex. Conceived as a summer residence for the royal family. Built in 19th century by Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege (1777-1855). Triton Gate, architectural detail
Portugal, Santarem. Sao Joao de Alporao Church. 12th-13th centuries. Romanesque and Gothic styles. General view of the temple, converted into Archaeological Museum
Portugal, Santarem. Sao Joao de Alporao Church. 12th-13th centuries. Romanesque and Gothic styles
Spain, Navarre, Monastery of Leyre. Former doorway to the monastery. Church of San Salvador, 12th century
Spain, Catalonia, Girona. Church or chapel of Sant Nicolau. Dating back to the 12th century, it was built on the site of the monastery of Sant Pere de Galligants cemetery. Romanesque style
Spain, Aragon, Huesca. Abbey of San Pedro el Viejo. Tombs in one of the cloister's galleries
Jaca Cathedral (Cathedral of St Peter the Apostle). Romanesque temple from the 11th century. Capital sculpted by the Master of Jaca
Extremadura, Alcantara. Church of Santa Maria de AlmocovarSpain, Extremadura, Caceres province, Alcantara
Arenas de San Juan - Church of Our Lady of SorrowsSpain, Castile-La Mancha, Ciudad Real province, Arenas de San Juan. Church of Our Lady of Sorrows (Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de las Angustias)
Spain, Castile-La Mancha, Arenas de San JuanSpain, Castile-La Mancha, Ciudad Real province, Arenas de San Juan. Church of Our Lady of Sorrows (Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de las Angustias)
Spain, Cantabria. Collegiate Church of San Pedro de CervatosSpain, Cantabria, Cervatos. Collegiate Church of San Pedro de Cervatos. Built in 1129 on the site of an old monastery, in Cantabrian Romanesque style. The tower was built in 1199
Spain, Aragon. Castle of LoarreSpain, Aragon, Huesca province, Loarre. View of the castle, founded by King Sancho III the Great
Architectural details of St. Marks Basilica Venice, 1823. Section through the church, plan, carved capitals, columns, etc. Spaccato della Chiesa di S. Marco in Venezia. Facade of St
View of the Basilica of San Michele Maggiore, Pavia, 1800s. Chiesa di S. Michele in Pavia
Turkey. Constantinople. Galata TowerOttoman Empire. Turkey. Constantinople (today Istanbul). Galata Tower or Tower of Christ. It was buit in 1348 during an expansion of the Genoese colony in Constantinople
Floods in Forum, RomeThe forum in Rome under 6ft of water. Rome was inundated by severe flooding in 1900, the king himself nearly drowned. The cloisters here are seen mostly underwater. Date: 1900
St. Albans Abbey, Restored, InteriorAn interior view of the newly restored St. Albans Abbey, 1885. We see a service being given in the restored Nave
St. Albans Abbey, Restored, ExteriorAn exterior view of the newly restored St. Albans Abbey, 1885. This followed revelations earlier in the century that the Cathedral was in dire need of urgent and extensive repairs. Date: 1885
Spain, Galicia, Cambre. Church of Santa MariaSpain, Galicia, La Coruna province, Cambre. Church of Santa Maria. Built in the 12th century in Romanesque style. Detail of two capitals on the main facade. Date: 2021
Spain, Galicia, Cambre. Romanesque Church of Santa MariaSpain, Galicia, La Coruna province, Cambre. Church of Santa Maria. Built in the 12th century in Romanesque style. View of the main facade. Date: 2021
Spain, Galicia, CambreSpain, Galicia, La Coruna province, Cambre. Church of Santa Maria. Built in the 12th century in Romanesque style. General view. Date: 2021
Spain, Aragon. Castle of Loarre. EngravingSpain, Aragon, Huesca province. Castle of Loarre. It was built during the 11th and 12th centuries. Engraving. Museo Militar, 1883. Later colouration. Date: 2019
Altar depicting scenes from the life of St Martin of ToursAltar frontal depicting scenes from the life of Saint Martin of Tours. Romanesque style. Lleida workshop. Polychromed board. Santa Maria de Palau de Rialb (Lleida province, Catalonia, Spain)
Spain, Zamora. Cathedral. Illustration by LetreSpain, Zamora. Cathedral. It was founded by King Alfonso VII and consecrated in 1175. Illustration by Letre. Engraving by Sierra, 19th century
Spain, Zamora province, Toro. Collegiate of Santa Maria la Mayor. Illustration by Letre. Engraving by Sierra, 19th century
Spain, Leon. The Basilica of San Isidoro - Romanesque churchSpain, Leon. The Basilica of San Isidoro. Romanesque church built between the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Illustration by Letre. Engraving by Sierra, 19th century
Paul the Apostle (c. 5-c. 64 or 67). Romanesque styleHight relief of Paul the Apostle (c.5-c.64 or 67). Romanesque style, 12th century. Work of Ramon de Bianya. Church of St. Paul of Narbonne (late 16th century)
Christchurch Cathedral, OxfordAn Etching of Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford, displaying Romanesque and English Gothic styles of architecture. Date: circa 1929
The Descent from the Cross from Erill la Vall. 12th centuryRomanesque art. Spain. The Descent from the Cross. Detail. Face. 12th century. Poplar and walnut wood with traces of polychromy. From the church of Santa Eulalia in Erill la Vall
Blanche of Navarre (1137-1156). Sepulcher of Queen Blanche dBlanche of Navarre (1137-1156). Queen Consort, wife of Sancho III, king of Castile. Sepulcher of Queen Blanche depicting her death giving birth to her son, the future King Alfonso VIII of Castile
Monastery of San Juan de la Pena. Pantheon of the Nobles. Detail of an relief depicting two angels raising the soul of the deceased in mandorla. At the bottom, Epiphany. Aragon. Spain
Blanche of Navarre (1137-1156). Death of the Queen giving biBlanche of Navarre (1137-1156). Queen Consort, wife of Sancho III, king of Castile. Death of the Queen giving birth to her son, the future King Alfonso VIII of Castile. Relief
Romanesque Art. Spain. Crucifixion'. Mural Painting. SaintRomanesque Art. Spain. Crucifixion. Mural painting of the Church of Sanint Eulalia from Estaon (Pallars Sobira). XII century. Diocesan Museum of La Seu d'Urgell. Lleida province. Alt Urgell
Torre dei Lamberti, Piazza delle Erbe, Verona, Italy. Date: circa 1950s
Church at Assisi, Italy Date: circa 1950s
The new rooms in the National GalleryVisitors admiring the new rooms in the National Gallery. Date: 1876
WW1 - Attack on London - St. Batholomew the Greatcirca 1910s
Crowns and jeweled crosses from Monza CathedralMedieval gold crowns and jeweled crosses from Monza Cathedral. Corone o donari della reale Basilica di Monza
Railway station at Margate, Kent 1864Railway station at Margate, Kent, on the East Kent (London, Chatham and Dover) Railway route. Date: 1864
St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, Scotland, dating back to the 12th century. Date: circa 1845
St Marys Church, Iffley, Oxfordshire - the FontSt Marys Church, Iffley, Oxfordshire, dating back to the 12th century - the Font, made of Tournai marble from Flanders. Date: circa 1845
View inside St Marys Church, Iffley, Oxfordshire, dating back to the 12th century. Date: circa 1845
Parish church at Wilton, near Salisbury, WiltshireParish church of St Mary and St Nicholas, near Salisbury, Wiltshire, recently built in the Romanesque style with a 105 foot campanile at the time of this illustration. Date: circa 1842
City and County Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, USAThe City and County Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Date: circa 1900s
Masonic Temple, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA. circa 1908
Church of St Mark in Zagreb, CroatiaChurch of St Mark in St Marks Square, Zagreb, Croatia. Date: circa 1930
King Edward VII Memorial, Karachi, British IndiaKing Edward VII Memorial, in front of Frere Hall, Karachi, British India. Date: circa 1920
The Chapel, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY State, USAThe Chapel, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York State, USA. Date: circa 1915
Principal entrance to the Zoological Museum, London 1880Principal entrance to the Zoological Museum (now the Natural History Museum), South Kensington, London. Date: 1880
Galilee Chapel, Durham Cathedral, DurhamView of the Galilee Chapel, at the west end of Durham Cathedral, Durham, dating back to the 11th century. Date: circa 1900s
View of the nave, Durham Cathedral, DurhamView of the nave (looking east), Durham Cathedral, Durham, dating back to the 11th century. Date: circa 1900s
Norman doorway, Ullard Church, County Kilkenny, IrelandNorman-Romanesque doorway, Ullard Church, County Kilkenny, Ireland, dating back to the 12th century. Date: circa 1900s
Old Cathedral, Coimbra, central Portugal, dating back to the 12th century. Date: circa 1908