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Roman Empire Collection

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Portrait of Saint John of Matha, founder of the Order of the Mos

Portrait of Saint John of Matha, founder of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity, with halo, in Crusader robes, holding shackles of freed Christians

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Helena Augusta or Saint Helena, Roman Empress

Helena Augusta or Saint Helena, Roman Empress
Helena, Helena Augusta, or Saint Helena, c. 246/248 - c. 330, Empress of the Roman Empire and mother of Roman emperor Constantine the Great

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Drusus Julius Caesar, son of Emperor Tiberius

Drusus Julius Caesar, son of Emperor Tiberius
Drusus Julius Caesar (14 BC - AD 23), son of Emperor Tiberius, heir to the Roman Empire following the death of his brother Germanicus in AD 19. Drusus Minor

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Fetial priest or fetialis, ancient Rome

Fetial priest or fetialis, ancient Rome. In laurel wreath, toga, and cloak, holding a spear. A statue on a column and aqueduct in the background. Pretre Feciale chez les Romains

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Flamen priest performing a ritual in ancient Rome

Flamen priest performing a ritual in ancient Rome. He wears a crimson cloak or laena over a toga, and holds a bowl over a sacrificial altar. Children with sacred box and tibia or aulos

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Haruspex reading the entrails of a sacrificed sheep, ancient Rom

Haruspex reading the entrails of a sacrificed sheep, ancient Rome. In crimson mantle over blue toga, using a knife to disembowl a sheep on a sacrifical altar. Auspice chez les Romains

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Augur performing ex tripudiis ritual, ancient Rome

Augur performing ex tripudiis ritual, ancient Rome
Augur, priest and official of ancient Rome. Performing an ex tripudiis ritual with Mars sacred chickens

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: A battle between gladiators, ancient Rome

A battle between gladiators, ancient Rome
A battle between gladiators in the circus, ancient Rome. A retiarius with net and trident fights a secutor armed with cudgel and shield. Both wear skirts and short trousers or sagulum gregale

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Regina sacrorum, high priestess of ancient Rome

Regina sacrorum, high priestess of ancient Rome. Wife of the Rex sacrorum. In gold crown, crimson palla and stola, making a sacrfice to Juno at an altar in a temple. Reine des Sacrifices

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Boxers fighting in a ring, ancient Rome

Boxers fighting in a ring, ancient Rome. The pugilists wear cesti or battle gloves and short tunics. Gladiateurs: Pugilats chez les Romains. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by L

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Charioteer racing at the circus, ancient Rome

Charioteer racing at the circus, ancient Rome. In helmet, tunic, and sagulum gregale or short trousers, riding a four-horse chariot or quadriga. Course du Cirque chez les Romains

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Lictor with fasces, ancient Rome

Lictor with fasces, ancient Rome. In tunic, sagulum gregale or short trounsers, sandals, in front of an acqueduct and ruined arch. Licteur. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by L

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Lictor riding in front of consuls, ancient Rome

Lictor riding in front of consuls, ancient Rome. In galea helmet, tunic, sagulum gregale or short trousers, sandals, with fasces and scutum shield. Licteur a Cheval allant devant les Consuls

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Hornplayer in the Roman army, ancient Rome

Hornplayer in the Roman army, ancient Rome
Buccinator or hornplayer in the Roman army, ancient Rome. He wears a lion-skin headdress, tunic, sagulum gregale or short trousers and sandals

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Costume of a standard bearer, ancient Rome

Costume of a standard bearer, ancient Rome. The aquilifer wears a leopard skin tied around his torso, animal-skin boots with lion heads

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Slinger in the Roman army, ancient Rome

Slinger in the Roman army, ancient Rome
Funditor or slinger in the Roman army, ancient Rome. In galea helmet, cape, tunic, sagulum gregale or short trousers, caligae hobnail sandals, armed with slingshot and stone. Frondeur Romain

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Praetorian Guards, ancient Rome

Praetorian Guards, ancient Rome. in galea helmet, lorica segmentata breastplate, tunic, sagulum gregale or short trousers, caligae hobnail sandals, armed with gladius sword and oval shield

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman archer and spearman, ancient Rome

Roman archer and spearman, ancient Rome
Roman archer sagittarius and spearman hastatus, ancient Rome

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman legionary and skirmisher, ancient Rome

Roman legionary and skirmisher, ancient Rome
Roman legionary and veles, ancient Rome. The soldier in galea helmet, tunic, caligae hobnail sandals, armed with pilum or javelin and oval shield

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Rex sacrificulus or king of sacrifices, ancient Rome

Rex sacrificulus or king of sacrifices, ancient Rome
Rex sacrificulus or king of sacrifices, highest ranking priest in ancient Rome. In crown, crimson mantle, white toga, seated on a throne in front of burnt offerings on an altar in a temple

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman soldier with scutum and gladius, ancient Rome

Roman soldier with scutum and gladius, ancient Rome. He wears a galea helmet, leather breastplate or lorica, tunic, sagulum gregale short trousers and caligae hobnail sandals. Soldat Romain

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Costume of a mounted archer, ancient Rome

Costume of a mounted archer, ancient Rome. In galea or helmet, tunic, short trousers or sagulum gregale, sandals, armed with bow, arrows and quiver. Cavalier-Archer chez les Romains

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Costume of a mounted lancer, ancient Rome

Costume of a mounted lancer, ancient Rome
Roman hastatus or mounted lancer, ancient Rome. Mounted on a horse, wearing galea helmet, tunic, baldric belt, sagulum gregale or short trousers. Armed with shield and spear

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman tribune in military uniform, ancient Rome

Roman tribune in military uniform, ancient Rome. Wearing a lorica musculata or breastplate, paludamentum cloak, tunic, short trousers or sagulum gregale, and caligae hobnail sandals

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman knight or princeps iuventutis, ancient Rome

Roman knight or princeps iuventutis, ancient Rome. Wearing a paludamentum cloak, tunic, short trousers or sagulum gregale, and sandals

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Emperor in military uniform, ancient Rome

Emperor in military uniform, ancient Rome. Wearing laurel wreath, ornate breastplate, paludamentum cloak, tunic, short trousers or sagulum gregale, and caligae hobnail boots holding a sword

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Dictator in military uniform, ancient Rome

Dictator in military uniform, ancient Rome. Wearing galea or helmet, breastplate, paludamentum cloak, tunic, short trousers or sagulum gregale, and caligae hobnail boots

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Triumphator receiving a triumph in ancient Rome

Triumphator receiving a triumph in ancient Rome. A military commander in armour and paludamentum rides a four-horse chariot or quadriga under an arch in front of legionaries with signifers

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Aedile in toga, tunic and sandals, ancient Rome

Aedile in toga, tunic and sandals, ancient Rome. In front of various buildings and edifices including a bridge, obelisk, temple, etc. Edile. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by L

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Costume of a quaestor or treasury official, ancient Rome

Costume of a quaestor or treasury official, ancient Rome. In toga, tunic and sandals, in a room with military shield or ancilia, signum, aquila or eagle standard, and other treasures. Questeur

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Ponitifex maximus or chief high priest, ancient Rome

Ponitifex maximus or chief high priest, ancient Rome
Ponitifex maximus or chief high priest of the College of Pontiffs, Rome. In crimson-edged toga praetexta in front of burnt offerings on a sacrificial altar in a temple. Grand Pontife Romain

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Costume of a praetor or magistrate, ancient Rome

Costume of a praetor or magistrate, ancient Rome. In toga, tunic and sandals, seated on a chair in a room decorated with screen, spear, sword, carved table. Preteur

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Costume of a Tribunus plebis, ancient Rome

Costume of a Tribunus plebis, ancient Rome. Tribune of the people wearing a crimson toga, tunic and sandals. Temple, column and statues in the background. Tribun du Peuple

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman consul in military uniform, ancient Rome

Roman consul in military uniform, ancient Rome

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Two Roman consuls seated on thrones in ancient Rome

Two Roman consuls seated on thrones in ancient Rome. They wear purple-bordered toga praetexta and are attended by lictors with fasces. Consuls Romains

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman senator seated on a chair, ancient Rome

Roman senator seated on a chair, ancient Rome. In white toga with maroon sandals in the Curia Julia or senate house. Senateur Romain. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by L

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Censor conducting a census at the Villa Publica, ancient Rome

Censor conducting a census at the Villa Publica, ancient Rome. He sits on a throne in toga and red pallium while the populace gathers outside the Forum. Censeur Romain

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: An orator speaking to a crowd in a forum, ancient Rome

An orator speaking to a crowd in a forum, ancient Rome. The speaker is attended by a clerk accensus or scribe librarius. L'Orateur Romain. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by L

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: A wedding ceremony in ancient Rome

A wedding ceremony in ancient Rome. The bride wears a yellow flammeum bridal veil, the groom a short tunic, cape and yellow sandals

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Allegorical figure of Rome instructed by Time and Minerva

Allegorical figure of Rome instructed by Time and Minerva
Allegorical figure of Rome in palla and stola instructed by Time and the goddess Minerva on the history of Rome. Minerva with helmet, armour and shield, accompanied by an owl

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman woman from a Patrician family, ancient Rome

Roman woman from a Patrician family, ancient Rome. With diadem of Juno in her hair, stola (robe) with gold hem, palla (cloak). In front of a temple, obelisk and broken columns

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Woman citizen of Rome in palla and stola, ancient Rome

Woman citizen of Rome in palla and stola, ancient Rome
Woman citizen of Rome in palla (cloak) and stola (robe), her hair in a mitra (headband). In front of a column, obelisk and colonnade. Citoyenne de Rome

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Young man from a Patrician family, ancient Rome

Young man from a Patrician family, ancient Rome. In a robe called a toga virilis or libera, with gold bulla hanging around his neck, yellow and red sandals. In front of an arch, aqueduct and obelisk

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman citizen applying for a job, ancient Rome

Roman citizen applying for a job, ancient Rome
Roman citizen applying for a job in toga and sandals, ancient Rome. The tunic worn falling over the heels was the sign of pretension. In a square with arch, obelisk, statues

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: A wealthy Roman citizen in palla, toga, and sandals

A wealthy Roman citizen in palla, toga, and sandals
A wealthy Roman citizen in cloak or palla with embroidered hem, white toga, yellow and red sandals. Seated on a stool with footrest in front of a colonnade with statues. Citoyen Romain

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Victimarius, an assistant at a ritual sacrifice, ancient Rome

Victimarius, an assistant at a ritual sacrifice, ancient Rome. He carries an axe, wears an apron or limus, and leads a bull by a rope. A musician plays the tibia or aulos. Victimaire

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Vestal Virgin, priestess ofthe goddess Vesta, ancient Rome

Vestal Virgin, priestess ofthe goddess Vesta, ancient Rome
Vestal Virgin, priestess of Vesta, goddess of the hearh, ancient Rome. She wears a stola and palla or shawl, stands before the sacred hearth with water pitcher and patera. Vestale Romaine

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Sibyl, an oracle or prophetess, ancient Rome

Sibyl, an oracle or prophetess, ancient Rome. In palla or shawl and stola. holding a book like the Tiburtine Sibyl or Albunae. Sybille chez les Romains

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Salii priest in costume of an archaic warrior, ancient Rome

Salii priest in costume of an archaic warrior, ancient Rome
One of the 12 Salii, or leaping priests, in costume of an archaic warrior, ancient Rome

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Calligraphic title page with bas-relief of Roman history

Calligraphic title page with bas-relief of Roman history
Calligraphic title page with bas-relief of scenes from Roman history showing Romulus and Remus with a wolf and the kidnap of the Sabine women. Premier Frontispiece

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Queen Boudica at the Battle of Watling Street, 60AD

Queen Boudica at the Battle of Watling Street, 60AD
Queen Boudica leading the Britons against the Roman Empire at the Battle of Watling Street, 60AD. On a war chariot, Boudica speaks in front of the Celtic Iceni and Trinovantes tribes

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Antique wall painting in the Tiberine Museum, Rome

Antique wall painting in the Tiberine Museum, Rome. Now the National Roman Museum, Museo Nazionale Romano. Museo Antike Wandmaleeri, Museo Tiberino, Rom. Chromolithograph by G

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Flavia Julia Helena Augusta, mother of Constantine the Great, c

Flavia Julia Helena Augusta, mother of Constantine the Great, c
Flavia Julia Helena Augusta, Saint Helena or Helena of Constantinople, c. 246-330, Empress of the Roman Empire, wife of Constantius, mother of Emperor Constantine the Great

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Bust of Nero Claudius Drusus, Roman emperor

Bust of Nero Claudius Drusus, Roman emperor
Bust of Drusus Julius Caesar, or Nero Claudius Drusus, 14 BC - 23 AD. Son of Emperor Tiberius, heir to the Roman Empire following the death of his adoptive brother Germanicus. Neron Claudio Druso

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Bust of Bacchus. Sculpture by Jan van Logteren (1709-1745)

Bust of Bacchus. Sculpture by Jan van Logteren (1709-1745)
Jan van Logteren (1709-1745). Netherlandish artist. Bust of Bacchus. Amsterdam, 18th century. White marble. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Satyr's head. Mid-2nd century AD. Roman Empire. Marble

Satyr's head. Mid-2nd century AD. Roman Empire. Marble. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman glasses

Roman glasses. Left: 1st century. Central and right: 3rd-4th centuries. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Cuirassed and laureate bust of the Roman emperor Caracalla

Cuirassed and laureate bust of the Roman emperor Caracalla
Medaillon depicting a cuirassed and laureate bust of the Roman emperor Caracalla (188-217). Aboukir Medallions. 3rd-4th centuries. Found in Abukir (Egypt). Greek. Gold. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Coin with depiction of a quadriga driven by a charioteer

Coin with depiction of a quadriga driven by a charioteer. Dated ca. 425-400 BC. Agrigentum. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Lisbon, Portugalon, Portugal

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Roman legions in testudo or tortoise formation

Roman legions in testudo or tortoise formation
Roman Empire. Roman legions in the testudo or tortoise formation. Engraving by Capuz. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Spain. Extremadura. Alcantara Bridge over the Tagus River

Spain. Extremadura. Alcantara Bridge over the Tagus River
Spain. Extremadura. Caceres province. Alcantara Bridge over the Tagus River. Built by the Romans between 103-104. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Siete tower or breaching tower. Siege engine

Siete tower or breaching tower. Siege engine
Siege tower or breaching tower. Siege engine. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Spain. Segovia. Roman aqueduct. Engraving, 1852

Spain. Segovia. Roman aqueduct. Engraving, 1852
Spain, Segovia. Roman aqueduct. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Spain, Catalonia. Aqueduct of Tarragona

Spain, Catalonia. Aqueduct of Tarragona, also known as the Bridge of Ferreres or Pont del Diable

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD). Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD

Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD). Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD
Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD). Second Roman emperor. Julio-Claudian dynasty. He reigned from 14 AD to 37 AD. Portrait. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Augustus (63 BC-14 AD). First Roman Emperor. Portrait

Augustus (63 BC-14 AD). First Roman Emperor. Portrait
Augustus (61 BC-14 AD). First emperor of the Roman Empire. He reigned from 27 BC to 14 AD. Portrait. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Ballista or bolt thrower. Ancient missile weapon

Ballista or bolt thrower. Ancient missile weapon
Ancient times. The ballista or bolt thrower. Ancient siege weapon that threw arrows, darts and javelins to distant targets. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Ancient history. Battering ram. Siege weapon

Ancient history. Battering ram. Siege weapon used to break open the masonry walls of fortifications or splinter their wooden gates. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Carthaginian warrior. Engraving, 19th century

Carthaginian warrior. Engraving, 19th century
Carthaginian warrior. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Archaeological ruins

Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Archaeological ruins
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Archaeological ruins

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Archaeological ruins

Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Archaeological ruins
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Archaeological ruins

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Archaeological ruins

Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Archaeological ruins
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Archaeological ruins

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Ruins of the amphitheater, built in the second half of the 2nd century AD

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Ruins of the amphitheater, built in the second half of the 2nd century AD

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Ruins of the amphitheater, built in the second half of the 2nd century AD

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Ruins of the amphitheater, built in the second half of the 2nd century AD

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Ruins of the amphitheater, built in the second half of the 2nd century AD

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. The amphitheatre ruins
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Ruins of the amphitheater, built in the second half of the 2nd century AD

Background imageRoman Empire Collection: Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre

Croatia, Solin. City of Salona. Ruins of the amphitheatre
Croatia, Solin. Ancient city of Salona. Colonia Martia Ivlia Valeria. It was the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Ruins of the amphitheater, built in the second half of the 2nd century AD

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