Roman Emperor Augustus and wife Livia DrusillaCaesar Augustus, first Roman emperor, 63 BC-14 AD, and wife Livia Drusilla, Roman empress, 59 BC-29 AD. Augustus et Livia
Plan and section of the dome of the Santa Costanza, RomePlan and section of the dome of the Santa Costanza, the mausoleum to Roman Emperor Constantine I's daughter Constantia, Rome. Erroneously titled Temple of Bacchus, Templum Bachi
Julia, daughter of Roman emperor Augustus, 39 BC- 14 AD. Her scandalous behaviour and adulteries caused her exile in 2 BC. Iulia Augusti Filia
Roman Empress Faustina the Elder, 100-140, wife of Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius
Roman Emperor Trajan in laurel wreath, 53-117. Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus (Caesar), governor of Germany under Nerva. Trajanus
Roman Emperor Hadrian, Caesar Traianus HadrianusHadrian, Caesar Traianus Hadrianus, 76-138, Roman emperor from 117 to 138. Married Trajan's grand-niece Vibia Sabina, and took a male lover Antinous
Philip the Arab, Roman emperorPhilip the Arab or Marcus Julius Philippus Arabs, c. 204-249, Praetorian prefect and later Roman emperor from 244 to 249. Philippus
Helena Augusta or Saint Helena, Roman EmpressHelena, Helena Augusta, or Saint Helena, c. 246/248 - c. 330, Empress of the Roman Empire and mother of Roman emperor Constantine the Great
Julian the Apostate, Roman emperorJulian the Apostate, c. 331-363, Roman emperor from 361 to 363, philosopher and author in Greek. Profile portrait in helmet and armour, with shield and spear
Constantine I, Roman emperorProfile portrait of Constantine I, c. 272-337, or Constantine the Great, Roman emperor from 306 to 337. Constantinus M. Constativusa VC
Claudius I, Roman Emperor, 10BC - 54 AD. Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, fourth Roman Emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, ruled from 41 to his death in 54
Drusus Julius Caesar, son of Emperor TiberiusDrusus Julius Caesar (14 BC - AD 23), son of Emperor Tiberius, heir to the Roman Empire following the death of his brother Germanicus in AD 19. Drusus Minor
Vespasian, Roman emperorVespasian, 9 - 79AD, Roman emperor from 69 to 79AD. The fourth and last in the Year of the Four Emperors, founded the Flavian dynasty that ruled the Empire for 27 years. Titus Flavius Vespasianus
Antoninus Pius, Roman emperorTitus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius, 86-161AD, Roman emperor from 138 to 161AD. One of the Five Good Emperors from the Nerva-Antonine dynasty. Antonius Pius
Servius Galba, Roman emperorServius Galba, 3 BC - 69 AD, Lucius Livius Ocella Sulpicius Galba before taking the throne, Roman emperor who ruled 68-69 AD. Galba
Annia Galeria Faustina the Younger, Roman EmpressAnnia Galeria Faustina the Younger, c. 130 - 175 AD, Roman Empress, wife to Marcus Aurelius, daughter of Antoninus Pius and Faustina the Elder. Faustina Minor
Julia the Elder, wife of Emperor TiberiusJulia the Elder, 39 BC - AD 14, stepsister and second wife of the Emperor Tiberius
Antinous, favourite of Roman emperor HadrianPortrait of Antinous in multicolour sapphire. Bithynian Greek youth and favourite of Roman emperor Hadrian. Antinous in Sapphero versicoloro & dactylotheca
Constantine the Great, Roman emperor, c. 272-337Constantine I, also known as Constantine the Great, Roman emperor, c. 272-337. First to convert to Christianity
Antinous, Greek youth and lover of Emperor HadrianAntinous, also called Antinoos, Greek youth from Bithynia and a favourite and lover of the Roman emperor Hadrian, c. 111-130. From a precious stone. Antinoo
Ulpia Marciana, elder sister of Roman Emperor TrajanUlpia Marciana, 48-112 AD, elder sister of Roman Emperor Trajan and grandmother of empress Vibia Sabina the wife of Hadrian. Upon her death her brother had her deified as Divae Marcianae
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Roman general, statesman and architectMarcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Roman general, statesman, architect and curile aedile to Roman Emperor Augustus, c. 63-12 BC
Equestrian Statue of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, now in the Capitoline Museums, Rome. Bronze statue erected circa 175 AD. Marci Aurelii statua equestris vetus ex aere
Equestrian statue of Roman Emperor Marcus AureliusRear view of an equestrian statue of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, 121-180. From an antique statue in the Capitol at Rome. Now in the Capitoline Museum
Bust of Vibia Sabina, Roman EmpressBust of Vibia Sabina, 83-136 AD, Roman Empress, wife of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. in headdress with garland of roses. In carnelian. Sabina. In corniola
Roman emperor ElagabalusElagabalus, c. 204 - 222, Heliogabalus or Antoninus, Roman emperor from 218 to 222, while he was still a teenager. Bust in profile with laurel wreath. In carnelian. Elagabalo. In corniola
Roman emperor CaracallaMarcus Aurelius Antoninus or Caracalla, 188 - 217, Roman emperor from 198 to 217. Elder son of Emperor Septimius Severus and Empress Julia Domna. In carnelian. Caracalla. In corniola
Bust of Lucius Septimius Severus and Julia DomnaBust of Lucius Septimius Severus, 145 - 211, Roman emperor from 193 to 211. With second wife Julia Domna, married in 193. Settimio et Giulia. In cameo
Bust of Roman emperor SeptimiusBust of Lucius Septimius Severus, 145 - 211, Roman emperor from 193 to 211. In plasma. Settimio. In prasma
Bust of Roman emperor Antoninus PiusBust of Antoninus Pius or Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius, 86 - 161, Roman emperor from 138 to 161. Wearing laurel wreath. In variegated agate. Antonino. In agata varia
Bust of Trajan, Roman EmperorBust of Trajan or Caesar Nerva Traianus, 53 - 117, Roman emperor from 98 to 117. With balance, bushel of grain, ears of wheat or annona. In nicolo. Traiano. In nicholo
Bust of Galba, Roman EmperorBust of Galba, born Servius Sulpicius Galba, 3 BC - AD 69. Sixth Roman emperor, ruling from AD 68 to 69. In sapphire. Calba. In cameo
Bust of Galba, Roman EmperorBust of Galba, born Servius Sulpicius Galba, 3 BC - AD 69. Sixth Roman emperor, ruling from AD 68 to 69. Wearing a laurel wreath. In sapphire. Galba. In Zaffiro
Bust of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus or Britannicus, AD 41- 55. Son of Roman emperor Claudius and Valeria Messalina. Britanico. In cameo
Bust of Emperor Claudius, Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, fourth Roman emperor, ruling from AD 41 to 54. Claudio. In cameo of celestial blue on sardonyx base
Bust of Antinous, Greek youth and favourite of HadrianBust of Antinous or Antinoös, c. 111 - 130, Greek youth from Bithynia and a favourite of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. In carnelian. Antinoo. In corgnola
Bust profile of Augustus in carnelian. In laurel wreath. Caesar Augustus, 63 BC - 14 AD, also known as Octavian, first Roman emperor. Augusto in corniola
Roman Emperor Trajan and wife Pompeia PlotinaRoman Emperor Trajan, 53-117 AD, holding hands with his wife Empress Pompeia Plotina, died c. 121 AD. In heliotrope. Trajano et Plotina. In elitropia
Roman Emperor Vespasian and wife Flavia Domitilla MajorRoman Emperor Vespasian, 9-79 AD, in laurel wreath and wife Flavia Domitilla Major, died before 69 AD. Domitilla dressed as Ceres, holding ears of wheat. In emerald plasma. Vespasiano e Domitilia
Sacrifice by the Roman emperor Caligula. The emperor with laurel wreath, and his sisters Julia Drusilla, Julia Livilla, making an offering to a sacred flame decorated with a phallic emblem
Cuirassed and laureate bust of the Roman emperor CaracallaMedaillon depicting a cuirassed and laureate bust of the Roman emperor Caracalla (188-217). Aboukir Medallions. 3rd-4th centuries. Found in Abukir (Egypt). Greek. Gold. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum
Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD). Emperor from 14 AD to 37 ADTiberius (42 BC-37 AD). Second Roman emperor. Julio-Claudian dynasty. He reigned from 14 AD to 37 AD. Portrait. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852
Augustus (63 BC-14 AD). First Roman Emperor. PortraitAugustus (61 BC-14 AD). First emperor of the Roman Empire. He reigned from 27 BC to 14 AD. Portrait. Engraving. Historia General de Espana by Father Mariana. Madrid, 1852