Heath Robinson automated Dining Room without servants 1 of 4Heath Robinson Does Away with Servants - Patent Applied for by " The Sketch" in the Dining-Room
Playtime at Wimbledon. by William Heath RobinsonThe new craze of Jazz Tennis caught in full swing by our extra special artist. A humorous illustration of tennis players dancing the foxtrot on a tennis court
A Complete Wash-out, by William Heath RobinsonThe trials of spring-cleaning as endured on the ark. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans
An Ideal Home No. I by William Heath RobinsonThe first in the series of the Ideal Home designs by W. Heath Robinson. The illustrations from The Sketch depict ingenious space creating ideas for the spatially challenged home
The Sketch Ideal Home No. VI. Sports Without Broad Acres byThe difficult problem of how to enjoy games and field sports when you live in a block of flats has triumphantly solved. The sixth in the series of Ideal Home designs by W. Heath Robinson
The Kinecar by William Heath RobinsonDouble page illustration by William Heath Robinson (1872-1944) showing a well-equipped omnibus transporting passengers while they watch a film
Pea Apparatus by William Heath RobinsonAn interesting and elegant apparatus designed to overcome once for all the difficulties of conveying green peas to the mouth
Heath Robinson Kitchen 3 of 4Heath Robinson Does Away with Servants - Patent Applied for by " The Sketch" in the Kitchen
W. Heath RobinsonCartoon, Wild and Woolly. A few trot-skis in Switzerland. Variations on Skiing such as the tri-ski and twin-ski
Hows That? By William Heath RobinsonClock cricket- A new and exciting summer game for the seaside. Illustration showing a unique game of cricket
Ultra-Marine by William Heath RobinsonOne of Margates new " Neversink" pleasure boats for keeping an even keel inthe roughest seas
A Heath Robinson drawingCartoon, A Heath Robinson drawing of Heath Robinson drawing a Heath Robinson drawing. Drawing a piece of string from life
Bound to Draw by William Heath RobinsonAnother well-thought-out experiment in dentistry from Heath Robinson, the Gadget King and mastermind behind endless convoluted contraptions and silly ideas. Date: 1927
A Garden Guide - Extracting a Weed from a LawnIllustration by William Heath Robinson (1872-1944) showing a typically convoluted method of weeding a garden lawn
Heath Robinson Drawing Room 2 of 4Heath Robinson Does Away with Servants - Patent Applied for by " The Sketch" in the Drawing-Room
Sixth Column StrategyStout patriots dislodge an enemy machine gun post from the dome of St
Another Wash-out by W. Heath RobinsonTraining at home for the cross Channel swim with a man swimming suspended from a window with watering cans
Rejected by the inventions board
A Swimming Stroke of GeniusA simple device by which a cross channel swim may be rendered both easy and pleasant- not to mention luxurious
W. Heath RobinsonCartoon, Safety First. A Cricket forecast for 1922 showing the new safety equipment for playing cricket, which is health and safety gone mad
Illustration, Railway Ribaldry by W Heath Robinson -- The building of Saltash Bridge. Date: 1935
Consequences, illustration by William Heath RobinsonConsequences -- How the thoughtlessness of a butterfly seriously affected a bishops corn, illustration by William Heath Robinson. Credit must appear as: Courtesy of Mrs J. C
A cunning stroke by William Heath RobinsonA clever but unsportsmanlike contrivance to increase buoyance and prevent fatigue among Channel swimmers
The Toast by William Heath RobinsonA charming and detailed scene showing a large extended family, or possibly group of villagers drinking a toast around a large table groaning with delicious fruit pies, turkey, jelly, soup
The Right Spirit by William Heath RobinsonChristmas is sure to be a success if one keeps smiling on all occasions. The right and seasonable way of behaving in an unexpected encounter
Wherefore Art Thou, Radio? By William Heath RobinsonIt has been suggested that during the Spring, 2 L O should devote one night a week to amatory music for those under the subtle influence of the vernal season
Riviera holiday makers on the pisteIllustration by William Heath Robinson showing skiiers intrigued by the appearance of glamorous Howard. K. Elcock characters
The Sites of London, by William Heath RobinsonHumorous designs for London fancy dress parties by William Heath Robinson. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans
Mixing treated asbestos fibre, Heath Robinson machineEfficient plant for the successful mixing of treated asbestos fibre with cement
Patent double action grinder for asbestos by Heath RobinsonA patent double-action grinder for mashing asbestos fibre - a drawing done for Turners Asbestos Cement Co by William Heath Robinson, renowned for his machines and convoluted contraptions. Date: c.1925
The Subzeppmarinellin by Heath Robinson, WW1 cartoonThe subzeppmarinellin for making sure of your enemy. All bases covered with this combined submarine and zeppelin from the imagination of William Heath Robinson during the First World War. Date: c.1916
Self-Help in War Time by Heath Robinson Building a BungalowNo III - Building a bungalow: Now, having made a good start with your music-room, place your piano in position
Rejected by the inventions board" Rejected by the inventions board
Ending in Smoke by Heath RobinsonAn ingenious smoke screen spreader for preventing embarrassing situations when the bathroom lock is out of order
Overtime at a Christmas cracker factory by William Heath RobColour illustration by William Heath Robinson depicting one of his usual contraptions designed to solve the increase in demand for Christmas crackers during the forthcoming festive season
Starlight bent by the Suns Attraction: The Einstein TheoryThis diagram drawn by W. B. Robinson illustrates Professor Einsteins Theory that light is subject to gravitation
More Golfing Notes, by William Heath RobinsonSome suggestions for the novice. Illustrations showing various devices to assist golfing skills
Wedding Feast by William Heath RobinsonFinely detailed colour illustration by William Heath Robinson (1872-1944) showing a wedding feast amid a rural setting
Heath Robinson - Lancing-WheelRECOMMENDED TO THE WAR OFFICE (REPLY AWAITED) Patent Applied For: The New Lancing-Wheel for Teaching Young Lancers to Lance. A typically convoluted contraption created by William Heath Robinson
Peace, Perfect Peace by Heath Robinson. Being the Morning after the Night Before
More Golfing Notes by William Heath RobinsonSome suggestions for the novice golfer on ways to improve their game from a Club Guider for hitting the ball on the exact spot and a Stymie Bridge for overcoming obstacles
Gardens at Gravetye Manor, near East Grinstead, SussexView of the gardens at Gravetye Manor, near East Grinstead, West Sussex, showing daffodils growing in the foreground, and the Elizabethan manor house in the background
Quiet music practice / W H RobinsonWhen practicing ones musical instrument, there is only one person who wants to hear it - the aspiring performer
Central heating for cars / W H RobinsonThe Autofooetjoye central heating device, consisting of a small zinc water tank glued to the back of the car
Long Drawn Out! by William Heath RobinsonA simple home cure for warts. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans
Testing a new type of steering gear / W Heath RobinsonIllustration by William Heath Robinson. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/Mary Evans Picture Library
Bedroom boat-race practiceAn enthusiastic " Blue" leaves nothing to chance and recreates rowing conditions with the help of three tin baths, some wheels and a pair of oars in his bedroom
A simple device for removing a wartContrary to the title of this picture, a complicated and convoluted machine to help a sufferer remove a wart from his head
If Unhealthy, be healthy: If Healthy by HealthierAn energetic man starts the day in his dressing gown by diving off the mantelpiece of his living room
The Railway Junction. A signal changing from stop to go. This is a classic British semaphore stop signal (lower quadrant type)
Skiiers out of place in the RivieraA humorous illustration showing out of place William Heath Robinson characters receiving curious glances from glamorous holiday makers in a Howard. K. Elcock illustration
W. Heath RobinsonCartoon, Heath Robinsons Broadcast Drawing. My Wireless Set showing an old radio. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evan"
More Rugger TrialsCartoon, More Rugger Trials. Good head and tail work and clever footwork in the scrum. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evan"
W. Heath RobinsonCartoon, To the Last Drop. A justly incensed spouse shouts, Good Heavens, hes got the thermos as her husband falls over a cliff
Some Cricket NoveltiesTo be introduced next season, official. For the assistance of fielders and batsman. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evan"
Cumbria RamblersThree ramblers stop to admire the view of the Newlands Valley, Cumbria, England, with the peaks of Hindscarth and Robinson Fell towering impressively above the valley. Date: 1930s
The Fishmongers Shop
Heath Robinson Bedroom 4 of 4Heath Robinson Does Away with Servants - Patent Applied for by " The Sketch" in the Bedroom
Fishy! by W. Heath RobinsonThe Poacher. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans
The Butchers Shop. A young girl in red dress and bonnet looks at the variety of cuts of meat available at the Butchers Shop
Drawing the cork, illustration by William Heath RobinsonHow to draw the cork when you can t find the corkscrew, illustration by William Heath Robinson. Credit must appear as: Courtesy of Mrs J. C
W Heath Robinson - At the At Home
WW2 defence, illustration by William Heath RobinsonDefence during WW2 -- Stout members of the sixth column dislodge an enemy machine gun post on the dome of St Paul s, illustration by William Heath Robinson. Credit must appear as: Courtesy of Mrs J
O wilt thou be my Valentine? by W. Heath RobinsonTableau staged by a member of the Stock Exchange as a pleasant surprise on Valentines Day
Crusoe on his RaftCrusoe on his raft, salvages as much as he can from the wrecked ship
Chung Ling Soo (real name William Robinson). The other side of the previously shown circular flyer showing a portrait of Soo in the centre of a Willow Pattern Plate
Stockport County FC football team 1935. Back row: Robinson, Jones, Scott, McDonough, Jenkinson, Still, Titterington. Front row: Foulkes, Hill, McNaughton, Brennan, Tidman, Westgarth (Manager)
Illustration, A Song of the English, LighthouseIllustration to A Song of the English, a patriotic set of poems by Rudyard Kipling (first published in the English Illustrated Magazine)
Teasing Tirpitz, or luring a U boat to Dover, Heath RobinsonA battered British plane suspends a tiny toy boat on a string, fooling a German U boat into pursuing it all the way to Dover. Another mischievous war tactic dreamed up by William Heath Robinson
When Germany Surrenders her U-Boats by Heath Robinson, WW1Why not use the enemy craft for peaceful sport? Ramming rabbits in the Balearic Islands
The Ironstein Theory of Golf, by William Heath RobinsonA prospective competitor in our 500 golf contest makes one of those fance drives that are so bewildering to the ordinary member of a local golf club
What every golfer wants by William Heath Robinson. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans Date: 1921
Members of Cuddington Golf Club, Surrey, 1933. Date: 1933
The Fall of the German airship L-21 by Fortunino Matania, WW1The destruction of the German Zeppelin L-21 over Cuffley, Hertfordshire after being shot down by Lieut. William Leefe Robinson on the night of 2nd/3rd September 1916
Meteor fireball engravingContemporary engraving by Harry Robinson of a meteor seen near Newark-upon-Trent on 18 August 1783. A single fireball that quickly broke up into many small ones was seen
Exeter Change by Charles RobinsonA visit to the menagerie at Exeter Change, one of the many picturesque buildings in the Strand destroyed by road widening in 1830. Built on the site of St
Rising floor for Bridge players / W H RobinsonA rising floor in the cars cabin which seconds as a Bridge table can allow those who are keen on both card games and motoring to engage in both pastimes simultaneously
An Attractive Idea for Gents WearDo you realise that the equinoctial gales will soon be blowing in upon us? If so, do not forget to buy one of the new patent adjustable, magnetic hat guards, for use with any style and size of hat
Lessons by Post by William Heath RobinsonThe new Heath Robinson Swimming Post, which is acquiring such popularity at our most fashionable resorts
SuperstitionsAn interesting instance of the popular aversion to walking under a ladder
Cold Comfort by W. Heath RobinsonAn elegant device now in use in many seaside boarding houses to obviate the rather indelicate act of blowing on ones food to cool it
Oh, Cheese it! by W. Heath RobinsonA remarkable case of absence of mind in a Dutch restaurant. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the Estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans
New Banting Bed for Reducing the FigureThe New Banting Bed for Reducing the Figure. Cartoon by William Heath Robinson
The Autograph Album, by William Heath RobinsonA Souperscription. Illustration showing a missionary signing a little boys book whilst being boiled alive